Le Craint Family/Emyhr le Craint

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Status: Alive
Continent: Dwilight
Realm: Tol Goldora
Class: Warrior/Hero
Age: 26
Honour: 142
Prestige: 30
Title: Lord of Demyansk
Marshal of the Golden Host of Tol Goldora
Height: 6'2"
Eyes: Silver
Weapon: Morning star
Unit: The Soulless Marauders
Army: Golden Host of Tol Goldora
Religion: None
Guilds: Grand Pantry of Luria
The Great Halls of Luria
Gylded Bank
Ordo Leonis
Royal Rangers
Unique Items: None
Realms Served: ¤
Lordships Held: ¤
Armies Served: ¤
  • Vice-Marshal of Luria's Wrath
  • Marshal of The Golden Host

Emyhr le Craint is the current head of the le Craint Family. He grew up around his families home in Poryatu under the tutelage of his Grandfather Malcom le Craint and his father, Rawlin. He is the elder brother of Mariana le Craint, who became his main rival during his youth, the two of them fighting often and challenging each other to competitions of strength and intellect. Emyhr was the pride of the family, taking after his father and grandfather in almost every way, it was only natural that he would be the one that would secede his father and take over the mercenary company that the le Craint family operated. This came with the ire of his sister who promptly challenged him to a duel over who would become the head of the family. This resulted in Marianas loss but major injuries on both sides. Emyhr partially lost his eyesight in his right eye while Mariana's leg was left weakened.

Soon after Emyhr took over the mercenary company, the families power became known and was knighted within the realm of Luria Nova for his families service. He served under the banner of Luria Nova for 3 years, during which he was appointed Earl of Nid Tek and Vice-Marshal of Luria's Wrath. This all came to an end however after tragedy struck. During one of the later attacks on Luria Nova, Emyhr's home and family were killed by monsters using Nid Tek as both a target of slaughter and a movement point for further attacks. After these events, Emyhr moved away from Luria Nova in search of a new purpose. With the guidance and companionship of another knight Solomon Greybrook the two of them headed north. Their first and only stop north was in Sol. The two of them joined up with other like minded nobles and set out east to establish a presence within the lost western lands.

Following a brief time under the banners of Sol, the group of nobles set off towards Golden Farrow in hopes of establishing a new home.

Description of Emyhr le Craint

Short silver hair, as was common in the Le Craint Family. Emyhr stands at 6ft 2in, His facial hair has started to decline in care, whereas before he was take effort in taking care for his looks, that is not the case any more. His goatee has grown out into a full thick beard, his previously cleanly cut hair now beginning to grow out long down behind his head.

The recent times have not been fair to his health. His face now more scared than before, his right arm now covered in cuts, bites and scratches. Most notably now, he has a large scar stretching from shoulder to lower back. Since the loss of his remaining family at the hands of the monster hordes, he had adopted a rather saddened demeanour. What was once a cheerful man has now been taken by grief. His black armour, rather than being a symbol of refinement and glory, becomes a reflection of the grief he has experienced. His fights became filled with greater ferocity than before, the power of grief and disregard for his own personal safety is proving to be a greater source of power than that of glory and honour.

Historical Record Of Emyhr's Life

Overview on Emyhr's Noble Life

Roleplay Archive

The Beginnings of Tol Goldora

The Chronicles of Amira Martelli and Emyhr le Craint