New Westmoor

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 Fighting in Kazan 28 September 1013

A series of battles between the Obsidian Islands and Nivemus have erupted in Kazan over the last few days. Nivemus never dropped it's war status with the islanders after the islanders role in the previous war involving at one time in the north Perdan, Westmoor, Armonia, OI, Nivemus and Sirion on opposing sides of the largest battle the continent has ever seen. After Westmoor's defeat when Perdan and Armonia withdrew from fighting in the north peace was given to Westmoor only by Nivemus and war status remained. The first three battles have been won by Nivemus although forces on both sides have been whittled down so that it is expected both of them will have to soon refit.

The political intensity of course is not just felt in those two realms. Sirion has mobilized in Oligarch and Perdan has also mobilized in Westmoor city. It's quite possible that at any time this could break out into a larger scale war (although it could be the opposite as well so hold onto your courtier quivers). More news when we get some.

Armonia's Queen abdicates

Susanne von Lucker has abdicated from the throne of Armonia due to increasing concerns about her health. Susanne was the third monarch on the throne of Armonia and oversaw the treaty terms between Perdan and itself after Armonia's defeat. It will be interesting to see who replaces her as the south is in a very interesting time in it's history. There have been some tensions between Fallangard and Armonia. Fallangard is the realm that was ceded out of Caligus and went some way as the blow that began Caligus' surrender to Perdan. There is also the new realm which we can confirm will be called Perleone which is being organized out of Eponllyn former regions with cities Al Arab and Ibladesh part of the geography. Eponllyn is also an uncertain factor in the equation. The question on everyone's mind is of course if war breaks out in the north will it also break out in the south?




Regional News
28 September 1013

Undead! Panic is spreading in Bruck after peasants spread rumours of an undead horde. The peasants are living in fear and barely dare to leave their homes.

Monster Activity Monsters are rampaging in Morshes: Rampaging monsters cause damage to various buildings and production drops 4 %. 6 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters.

New Westmoor would like to apologize for the lack of news over the last two months. Unfortunately there wasn't any and although we didn't cover it we hope you understand. It would have gone something like this: ~-~-~-~-~-~-~Tumbleweed