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Region Details
Region Type
Geographic Area
Population 522
Local Lord Hackem de Struct

[[Category:{{{continent}}} Regions]] Valkyrja is a coastal region of the realm of Everguard on the continent of Dwilight. It has a rich and noble history and has been part of Everguard for several generations. The land is home to a harsh climate, producing rough men who are battle hardened simply by the nature of surviving life in Valkyrja. Though life there can be difficult, it also has considerable natural resources, and pockets of truly beautiful land, especially on the coast.


The barren tundra of Valkyrja.

Valkyrja is a vast area of stark landscape, which is frozen for much of the year. The soil there is frozen from 10-35 inches down, making it impossible for trees to grow. Instead, bare and sometimes rocky land can only support low growing plants such as dwarf shrubs, sedges and grasses, mosses, and lichens. There are two main seasons in Valkyrja - winter and summer. During the winter it is very cold and dark, and during the summer temperatures rise and the top layer of the permafrost melts, leaving the ground very soggy. The land is covered in marshes, lakes, bogs and streams. This has hindered more than one marching army marching on this region.

Valkyrja is a very windy area however, in terms of precipitation, it is desert-like. During the summer the permafrost thaws just enough to let plants grow and reproduce, but because the ground below this is frozen, the water cannot sink any lower, and so the water forms the lakes and marshes found during the summer months.

The more fertile area of Valkyrja can be found on the coast. This is where the greatest proportion of the the human population of the region lives, being the most fertile and usable farmland. The coast sees warmer temperatures, increased rainfall, and by and large mimics the temperate zones of inland regions on Dwilight.

Native Plants and Animals

One of the many red foxes that frequent the tundra region of Valkyrja.

The biodiversity of the tundra region of Valkyrja is low, with only 1,700 species of vascular plants and only 40 land mammals able to be found, although thousands of insects and birds migrate there each year for the marshes. There are a few species that do live in the tundra region that thrive and have large populations. Notable animals in this area of Valkyrja include caribou, hares, foxes, snowy owl, lemmings, and bears.

There are however areas on the coast which are home to many other plants and animals. Especially notable are the great varieties of fish that can be found in the coastal ocean waters. Many other species of animal can be found here as well, all flocking to the more temperate and resource rich coastal lands.


Estate of Hackem de Struct, overlooking the vast ocean.

The people of Valkyrja are historically very loyal to Everguard. This is rooted in the fact that the region was the original plot of land captured by the Founders of Everguard who led the delegation to create the realm. Valkyrja was then, and continues to be the capital city of the realm, making her peasants proud and patriotic.

Given the strength of the nation to which they belong, they are comfortable and secure in their homes, maximizing their production potential and keeping them in good spirits. They are totally devoted to Everguard, and are kept well in line by their Dukal lord. It remains one of the core regions of Everguard to this day.

The Duke of Valkyrja is Hackem de Struct. He maintains his estate on a sprawling parcel of land overlooking the ocean on the coast just outside the city limits. He has become well known amongst the peasantry of the region as a fair minded, just lord who cares about his people.

When Everguard is required to make war, the armies of the realm are able to draw upon renowned infantry and archers from Valkyrja. Time and time again in battle, these soldiers of Valkyrja have proved to be essential to the armies of Everguard, helping turn the tide in battle repeatedly. There are plans by Duke Hackem to begin construction on new recruitment and training centers to possibly draft recruits and train them as mounted soldiers or even deadly special forces, though no official announcement has been made.

The Lost Kingdom of Everguard
Historical Realm Information

Everguard | Royal Line | Founders of Everguard | Peoples of Everguard | Wars of Everguard | Torenism | The Everguard Visionary