Dwilight Daily

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Dwilight Daily

Man tames the West April 24, 2008
We wander the lands in these uncharted regions, and one cannot do otherwise than think about the stories of old, the discovery of the other lands before this one, and the stories of their colonizations that serves as a lesson to us all. I have personally been on these islands, infact, I have personally served on Atamara, the South-East Island, Beluaterra, the Colonies, and back to the war islands before ending up here in Dwilight. One can think of the colonies a bit, with all these unknown lands, mysterious associations of nobles, and the rudimentary state of some things. Indeed, when I was in Springdale in it's early days, and the Caerwyn of Eildulb and our arrival in Golden Farrow, long and absurd travel times, rarity of the ressources, the overall brutality of the nobles as their ambitions clash. However, the strong do not long remain like this, and with dedication and hard work, our realms grow in ways to challenge the kingdoms of Beluaterra. Springdale did this, in a way, though a little disturbed by poor leadership and seditious factions. Caerwyn exceeded expectations, already, we are a force to rival established powers on this continent, many large recruitment centers, magnificant palaces, our capital shines of the gold that cover it's roofs and other precious metals that compose the palace. And we think of the monsters here... A savage part to these lands, rather comparable to Beluaterra... "Me just hurt you a little bit" were the words of Big Fangs to me, as I struck down one of his critters. Monsters appear everywhere, and the weak succumb, but the strong fight back and will mold the lands as they see fit. Only time stands between the worthy of now and the mighty empires of tomorrow, empires to inspire the awe of the lands of old.
Comment on this story. by Lyse Chénier, Minister of Caerwyn's Treasury 
Madina Colony (Avenel) Destroyed April 18, 2008
Unable to fight back the horde of monsters besieging it, the latest Madina Colony has lost control of their capital city. Chateau Saffalore declared itself independent of the young realm's control, and returned to it's rogue status. Word has reached us that the refugees from the failed colony are attempting to feel to Pian en Luries. They hope to regroup and try again. This incident is a clear warning to all nobles that the wildlands of Dwilight are a dangerous place, and not to be taken lightly
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
Avenel Independence! April 16, 2008
Yet another realm has been born from Madina. The Monarchy Avenel is a peaceful realm located in the untamed west of Dwilight, with the capital of Chateau Saffalore. Avenel promises to be the rock of the West and there High King Sir Rev is calling all brave knights to come and fight for them. They currently are under siege by Undead swarms and Monster attacks, and though Avenel is young and is still trying to gain a firm grasp in the world they promise to rid the West of these foul beasts. Avenel looks like it will be a hot spot for young adventures with plenty of monster killing to go around and plenty of demon ridden badlands west to be explored.
Comment on this story. by Kezia Steel 
Port Nebel Secedes from Pian en Luries April 16, 2008
Yet another secession on Dwilight. This time the Duke Edelstein seceded the city of Port Nebel from the monarchy of Pian en Luries. He has declared himself the Dictator of the new tyranny of Shadovar.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
Beasts Of The West Anger Nobles April 14, 2008
Nobles in the newly formed Madina Colony have been fighting an uphill battle against the raging beasts of the West. Rumors of monsters having the strength of over 10 000 and Undead swarms consisting of over 300 creatures has spread to the cities. Peasants tell tales of even stronger creatures the farther West you travel. Clearly, the new Madina Colony is going to be founded on blood, both human and beast.
Comment on this story. by Kezia Steel 
Another Madina Colony is Formed April 14, 2008
The realm of Madina has created another new colony in the city of Chateau Saffalore. This young republic is the second colony, and fourth new realm overall, created by the seagoing republic of Madina.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
Paisly Breaks from Madina April 7, 2008
Duke Albert, Duke of Paisly, has broken away from Madina to form the Tyranny known as Melodia. No regions followed the city in secession but it is assumed that the region of Paisland will soon join the self-proclaimed "...land of bards and merchants".
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
Madina Colony Chooses a Name April 7, 2008
The colony situated in Golden Farrow by nobles frim Madina in Golden Farrow has chosen to be known by the name of Caerwyn. Lady Delia has been elected as the first Prime Minister of the young Republic.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
Banners, Flags, and Coats of Arms April 7, 2008
During my travels recently, I encountered a most interesting advertisement for the services of noble who offers teh creation of personal and national crests and banners. I reproduce it here on the hopes that some of you may find it of some use.

Sir Milmice Vecchioratto, traveler, swordsman and painter offers his service as Coat of Arms, Banner and Flag Painter. Proof of his ability is the Coat of Arms of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. Many styles and many crest known. Please try to contact Sir Milmice through the Grand Duchy of Fissoa or Madina.

Sir Milmice Vecchioratto

Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
Madina Colony to Relocate April 2, 2008
Following threats from Everguard, the Madina Colony formed in the city of Eidulb has agreed to relocate to the city of Golden Farrow. Rather than face war, Lady Delia Sosiskiy, a noble of the Madina Colony stated that the colonists will immediately set out for Golden Farrow.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
Rising Tensions in the North April 2, 2008
Word has reached Morek of rising tensions between the young but growing monarchy of Everguard and the newly formed, but also expanding, Madina Colony. In apparent rejection of King Fisc Arylon's demands that the Madina Colony relocate to Golden Farrow, the nobles of the new colony have taken the townsland of Eidulb Outskirts. Many nobles feel that the results are almost certain to be war between the two. As events develop, it has also become known that the colony is not an official joint effort between Springdale and Madina at all. While the nobles that formed the colony have come from those two realms, King Neel Arya of Springdale has denied knowledge of the intent to form the colony. Grand Doge Abbot Nosferatus of Madina has also denied any official knowledge of or support from Madina for the colony. Grand Doge Nosferatus has, however, offered to assist in brokering peace between the colony and Everguard. With the denial of the rulers of both Springdale and Madina, it can only be assumed that Lady Lyse Chenier, who was herself banned from Springdale, either misspoke or was deliberately misleading in her statement that " The Eidulb Colony was a joint operation by the glorious and mighty realms of Madina and Springdale..."
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
Madina Forms a Colony March 31, 2008
Nobles of Dwilight received some rather unexpected news yesterday: Madina has formed a colony in the city of Eidulb. The long journey from the city of Paisly must have passed through the rogue cities of Port Raviel and Golden Farrow. Why nobles form Madina would travel so far to establish a colony is still unknown. Many nobles feel that this maneuver is intended to occupy territory in the north to prevent the expansion of northern realms and colonies. Fisc Arylon, High King of Everguard, was seen to have commented: "It must be removed", as the realm is an incursion into territory claimed by other realms. The nobles of the colony claim that the expedition was a joint venture between Springdale and Madina. The colony is expected to Federate with Madina, and ally with Springdale. It is not yet known what stance they will take toward Morek or Everguard, but tensions with Everguard are expected to be high.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
Morek Rebellion Defeated March 31, 2008
After three days, the rebellion in Morek has been officially defeated. Several of the rebel nobles had already defected fro the cause, either swearing allegiance to other realms, or fleeing the continent altogether. High Inquisitor Aram Stien has officially banned all nobles who had declared themselves supporters of the rebellion.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
Rebellion in Morek!March 29, 2008
Yesterday, immediately before sunrise, Zul'Jin Stormreaver, a knight of Donghaiwei, gathered a few supporters and called for a rebellio amongst the nobility of Morek. Sir Stormreaver's major complaint was the apparent lack of organizations amongst the leadership of Morek. As evidence of his claims he refers to the lack of appointment of a Coffermaster and Ordermaster of Morek for the past two and a half weeks. Grandmaster Deverka Cryfdwr responded to this by citing problems in the administrative paperwork that preventing the appointments form being realized. (ooc: game bugs prevented appointments of council members for almost three weeks.) The rebels also cited the lack of organization and planning in Morek. Loyalists were quick to point out the complete lack of organization to the rebellion, including the rebels self-professed calling of the rebellion too early, lack of supporters, lack of troops, and some rebels not even being in the capital when the rebellion was called.The rebels were quickly outnumbered by the loyalists. While they were able to win the initial surprise battle at the capital city of Donghaiwei with the help of some confused militia units, the army immediately returned to the capital and crushed the rebel troops in a sunset battle. As of this moment 39 nobles have declared support for the loyalists, and only 9 for the rebels. Investigation into the background of the rebels reveals that many of them had immigrated together from the realm of Ikalak, and some had hailed from other realms on what are known as the recently sunk "War Islands". It is not yet known if these nobles all came to Morek with a plan to take over a realm and make it their own, or if they merely took advantage of an opportunity. In either case, it is almost certain that the rebellion has utterly failed. The rebel forces are vastly outnumbered and more loyalist troops are on their way to the capital. As of now, Rebel Leader Zul'Jinn II along with a few of his cohorts are retreating to Bohai after being mauled in Donghaiwei and Donghai, possibly hoping to defect to Springdale.
Comment on this story.by Brance Indirik 
Grand Duchy of Fissoa Declares Independence From Madina March 28, 2008
Claiming the title of Grand Duke of Grand Duchy of Fissoa, Leon Agenor did secede today from the realm of Madina and form his own realm. In a statement to the other rulers of the world, Grand Duke Leon indicated that although Fissoa will be a separate realm from Madina, they will hold close and friendly bonds with each other. Sources within the royal courts of the nations of the world say that Grand Duke Leon plans come forth with an official statement concerning continental politics in the near future.
Comment on this story. by Fisc Arylon 
Everguard takes Ygg d'Razhuul March 26, 2008
Everguard has added a third region to its sphere of influence today - taking formal command of the region of Ygg d'Razhuul from the anarchist peasants, and installing the Royal Command of Count Astoc Burgundy to control the region.
Comment on this story. by Fisc Arylon 
Last chance for a name change... March 20, 2008
TThe following message was delivered to all characters on Dwilight:

Renaming - Last Chance

Renaming has been opened again.

This is your last and final chance if your current name is not fit for Dwilight. Anyone with an inacceptable name after this change will be deleted or deported.


You can find the name change option under your Politics menu. This is only available for characters on Dwilight, and not any other island.
Comment on this story. by Indirik 
Everguard takes Yggdramir March 19, 2008
The initial expansion of Everguard has commenced, with the infant realm formally taking control of Yggdramir and installing Count Vesna Valentine as its ruling lord. The challenges of increased region responsibility will be great, but are necessary for Dwilight's newest realm to survive.
Comment on this story. by Fisc Arylon 
A Plague of Monsters March 17, 2008
A plague of monsters has descended upon the lands of Morek. Sweeping out of the Mimer peninsula, groups of unspeakable horrors numbering from 5 to 50 each, the beasts are causing great destruction in their wake. Several regions have had their entire government destroyed, and have lost their allegiance to Morek.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
Ruler Elected in Everguard March 16, 2008
The realm of Springdale Colony (later to be known as Everguard) has elected its first sovereign ruler. Fisc Arylon was elected with 76% of the vote from the young realm's subjects, and immediately formed the government into a Kingdom, claiming the title "High King of Everguard".
Comment on this story. by Fisc Arylon 
A New Queen for Pian en Luries March 11, 2008
The Kingdom of Pian en Luries has selected Alanna Anaris to ascend to the throne. The selection was made after a prolonged election process that took five days to complete. Queen Anaris has begun the attempt to pull the fractured realm back together into a united group once more.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
Morek Conquers Unterstrom March 11, 2008
After a long and hard campaign battling wandering bands of rogue monsters, Zul'Jin II Stormreaver, Viscount of Cailyn began the friendly conquest of Unterstrom. After only two days the city agreed that its future would be brighter under the guidance of the Blood Stars, and joined forces with Morek.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
Giask Revolts! March 10, 2008
Following on the heels of the abdication of King Kaennji Shenron of Pian en Luries, the city of Giask has revolted from the control of the kingdom of Pian en Luries. It is believed that a combination of several factors contributed to this problem. First, several nobles of Pian en Luries were seen looting the city of Giask prior to its being brought under Lurian control. This must have angered the commoners of Giask, and caused resentment among the local authorities. Second, the abdication of King Shenron no doubt caused the commoners of Giask to lose faith in the ability of the Lurians to maintain control of the city. The King's failure to appoint a Duke prior to his abdication crippled the Lurian's ability to establish their own loyal local officials. Third, the rumoured colony expedition from Pian en Luries to Part Raviel would have reduced the ability of the Lurians to maintain their authority over the city, due to the lack of nobles to actively police the city. In any case, the loss of this exceptionally large and rich city will be a big setback for the Lurians.
Comment on this story. by Barnce Indirik 
Springdale forms a Colony March 10, 2008
Word has reached Morek that the kingdom of Springdale has successfully established the first independent colony on Dwilight. The new realm, as yet unnamed, was formed in the stronghold of Valkyrja, far to the west of Springdale, by Jord Jorvik. This small island stronghold is situated on an island between the eastern and western subcontinents. No word has reached us of the form of government that will be used for the colony, or even the name under which it will be known. The new realm has attracted many nobles, with 12 having already joined in less than 2 days.
Comment on this story. by Barnce Indirik 
Resignation March 6, 2008
Ruler stepped down

Kaennji has stepped down from his position as ruler of Pian en Luries. He has given the following reason: I have gotten a terrible illness and may indeed be dying. I do not want to take the risk of the realms leadership being idol. I step back now and resign, to let a healthier fulfill my role.(OOC:Will have very limited connection for the next few weeks)

King Kaennji has stepped down. Now the question is, who will replace him?
Comment on this story. by Hericus Le-Fay 

Death of a Hero March 5, 2008
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the death of a Hero of Morek: Sir Armand Vici, Knight of Donghai. Sir Vici was killed during a battle in the region of Weinschenk while helping to clear the region from an infestation of monsters. May the Blood Stars guide him to his final resting place.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik 
April 25, 2008
Tournament Announced
Blank.png Kaennji Shenron, Duke of Poryatown has announced a tournament of Swordfighting to be held in Poryatown.
April 18, 2008
Realm Destroyed
Blank.png The Madina Colony in the city of Chateau Saffalore, which was to be known as Avenel, has been destroyed by monsters.
April 16, 2008
New Realm Formed
Blank.png Duke Edelstein seceded the city of Port Nebel from the monarchy of Pian en Luries to form the dictatorship of Shadovar.
April 14, 2008
New Realm Formed
Madina has formed a new colony in the city of Chateau Saffalore.
April 7, 2008
New Realm Formed
Blank.png Duke Albert, Duke of Paisly, has seceded from Madina to form the Tyranny known as Melodia.
March 31, 2008
Rebellion in Morek!
DDWar.png Zul'Jin II is calling for an uprising against the current government! The rebellion is defeated three days later.
March 31, 2008
New Realm Formed
Colonists from Madina and Springdale have formed a new colony, to be named Caerwyn, in the city of Eidulb.
March 28, 2008
New Realm Formed
Blank.png Sir Leon, Duke of the city of Fissoa, has declared his duchy and all it's regions as independent from the realm of Madina. Sir Leon is now the Grand Duke of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa.
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