Exiled Family

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The Exiled family is a fairly young family compared to some of the more well established ones, having only entered the politics of the world stage in recent months. They are responsible for the running and funding of the Itorunt Informer, the only Itorunt Newspaper for the realm. The family is originally from Ejarr Puutl, and both Alex and Widfara have sworn fealty to the lord of the region, Girate. However, Alex recently moved the family home to Semall, where a great man, Ryndhal, is lord. While staying there one time Widfara discovered the guild of the Order of the Doughnuts. He was so intrigued he joined, and is now a full member. Alex has similarly joined some guilds, but has not had the success in the hierarchy that Widfara had.


The eldest of the family, Alex is out to seek his fortune in the campaigns of Itorunt and Ibladesh against Perdan. After running into financial difficulties however, he took the path of the hero and is determined to strike at Perdan while they are vulnerable, though he may die in the attempt. He still fights with the army, and currently is leading Cavalry by preference and Archers by neccessity as in the most recent tournament he was shown to have a certain talent for Jousting. He also is the main editor of the Itorunt Informer.

Alex is the second in command of the first division of the Itorunt army, having been chosen for this position by Ichigo Kurosaki, the main commnder. Recently, Alex has been taking an active role in the discussions and been giving orders in place of Ichigo, but with the return of Ichigo to active duty, this could soon change.

Exiled Family/Alex/Singing lessons
Exiled Family/Alex/Tales of Perdan


Widfara has been cast out of the family and his homeland after his recent attempts to overthrow Ibladesh, and has vowed to show his true loyalty to Itorunt. Alex has condemned him, and he is apparently heading north. His last act of defiance was to loot Az Zarqua in complainace with his last orders, but this act was not seen as an act of repentance, rather one of arrogance. He then went to Ubent.He was rapidly asked to leave. He then went to Perdan, but his publishing history had gained him many enemies, and Perdan banned him. He was then responsible for being in the most lopsided batle ever fought, at least too that day, attacking the Fontanese TO forces and Sirionite forces in Westmoor, Oligarch. He was then moments later assassinated by a infiltrator, but a likely suspect was caught later that day. He has now joined Oligarch.

After the fall of Oligarch, when he fought in the battle, he left to head to Light of Fountain. He has made a friend in Lady Malice Marouz's Curse who was similarly travelling to Light of Fountain, who he now often engages in friendly duels with. He has a tendency to look back in regret at his past.

He is now an elder member of the Order of the Doughnuts, a Holder of the Book of Recipes, and writer of the guild chronicles (along with his former co-editor from his day's helping write the II, Aurum). It is one of his last remaining ties with his homeland.

He emigrated to Toren on the SEI, purpose unknown. It is thought he will return someday, but few know when, where or why he intends too, although possibly he misses the doughnuts?

Widfara will not be returning any more... in an ill-fated duel to the death he suffered a lethal blow at the hands of Glorawarthien Urominiel.

Bans: Itorunt, Perdan, Ubent (?), Oligarch (?).

Exiled Family/Widfara/Meeting Tor


Gorch is the youngest of the three siblings, cautious by nature and always looking to be better with his gold. Thus, it was no suprise when he started his career on Atamara serving briefly in the army of Falasan. He now performs his duties to his realm by bringing in food from Eston, while keeping his options open with routes to ASI and Norland. He knows that the fortune of the family relies on his economic success, and he is determined not to fail. He is one of the few traders left in Falasan, alongside the banker Tokanan Salad'ilm, for whom he has great respect. Recently with the war in Falasan, he has been forced to work even harder. For further reference on the troubles of Falasan and Gorch's role in feeding the realm see Falasan.

Gorch recently vanished in suspicious circumstances. It is said by some that he made some bad business choices, and whispered by others that he made the very best and was envied for it. Nonetheless it is known that he became dissillusioned with the amount of fire that traders began to draw in these wars and that he intended to do something about it...


San is something of an enigma. Born in suspicious circumstances, he is supposedly illegitimate son, and lived in seclusion. From this though, he developed a keen interest in the ways of the sword, and is reputed for the way he and his men wield their dual swords. As a swordfighter San holds some repute, and within a week of joining his chosen realm, the Grand Lodge of Lunaria in the Far east he had proven himself in the preliminary rounds of a tourney, earning him some small repute. However, this made him realise that he still has much to learn in the ways of warfare and is now vowing to train in the academy until his skills improve. Now that he has spent months in training, he is a mighty swordsman, though he prefers not to announce that, preferring to be kept in relative anonymityto give the more arrogant but less skilled nobles a surprise. He is good friends with the brothers Tiernan and Brian Fionn of the GLoL, and he has sworn to help his friends against the evil and arrogance of Valion Hendrix, who he met at his first tournament with Tiernan.

He is also a friend of Anya Merry, a newer noble of the Grand Lodge, now married to his friend Tiernan. His role in Masahakon has been appreciated by both.

San has recently been appointed as Marshal of the Army of Ortedail, the capital of GLoL, and given a commemorative blade for the event as well by Excalibur, Duke of Ortedail and Paladin Primus of the Grand Lodge. His twin blades, Malakar and Darksteel, are still his weapons of choice, but he had to have new blades remade for his role as a Destroyer of Chaos in the Guardians of Twilight, though he kept them the same style and named them the same names, they are forged better and blessed by Luna, so that San is now even more confident of his abilities.

Due to a very surprising turn of events, San was made rich and famous in another tournament where he was paid and became better known not to take part in not only the swordfighting, but also the jousting!

San has now won a tournament in Masahakon, defeating many skilled blademasters to come top, even defeating the narcisstic Renquest!

Merry-Fionn Wedding Roleplay
Exiled Family/San/The nights at the tournament