Exiled Family/Widfara/Meeting Tor

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Roleplay from Widfara
Message sent to everyone in this region (5 recipients)
Widfara wandered through Gwohadda, not going anywhere in particlar, while his men dutifully followed. Not going anywhere in particular or looking ot for anything special, he was suddenly surprised when he saw a grwoing cloud of dust in frontof him. Cautiously he approached.

His men muttered and as Widfara stared into the heart of the dust cloud, a deep voice that he instantly recognisedsas Tor's spoke... and it said...

"YOU MORON! R1 MI SUCK!" Widfara looked back in confusion at his men, who were still infantry, and then feeling rather odd, adressed the dust cloud.

"Uh... have you got the wrong Person?"

"WHY?!?" Demanded Tor.

"Because I only have Infantry?" Widfara relpied, tryingto keep the sarcasm from his voice.

"Oh. Uh... Right. I see now. Sorry about that mix up, I don't get much reliable intel these days. Keep up the good work. Do you know if anyone else in this region has those pathetic MI?"

Widfara thinks for a moment.

"Well, there is Kyeren, his unit kinda sucks. You gonna yell at him?"

"You got it. Nice chattin to ya Widfara."

The dust cloud that is the avatar of Tor floats off, and Widfara shakes his head in confusion.

"Crazy Gods."

Widfara (Knight of Toren Stronghold)