Qubel/Duel and Festival After Next

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The Festival at the Dark Count's Estate

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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The nobles arrived at the Count's estate and took their seats as he suggested. He then sat at the head table and made his short commencement speech.

"Nobles, welcome to my estate and to this great dining hall which was recently rebuilt. It has been christened Sharbus. Today we witnessed a noble duel between two formidable men of this realm. This feast before you is to celebrate them. Eat and enjoy!"

He raised his glass in toast and drank to the duellists! And gave a nod to Dame Sorsha who sat to his right, at the same table as the honoured guests, the duellists.

Bowie Ironsides

Count of Qubel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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After Bowie made his speech, Sorsha raised her own glass in a toast joining in. When the toast was done, she took a small drink. “Wonderful Count Bowie,” she encouraged and smiled, trying her best to appear at ease.

Then facing the duelists she looked into first dark eyes and then blue. “I pray you have both regained your honor,” she said softly, hoping to drive a point home but without aggravating them further. She did not say anything more and looked to the plate before her.

“Have you arranged for entertainment to follow?” she asked the Count with an expectant smile that transformed in a lopsided grin. “More singing or Dancing perhaps?”

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Kratos Wolff

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Kratos was amazed at how quickly the dog jumped out to greet Sir Lycan, who quickly recognized it as a Wolf.

"The pleasure is mine Sir Lycan, I am Kratos Wolff, besides my family name, I didn't know much about wolves, and it's mostly because I had never seen one, until now."

Kratos thought about a name for the wolf.. and after a short time thinking. He decided he would name it Fang.

"The only thing I saw different on him than other dogs is the huge fangs, they are way too long on a puppy. So I guess Fang would be a good name for it, quick and easy." He held the dog up, so that it would be looking at Kratos and said to it. "From now on your name is Fang, got it?"

Fang didnt seem to care, instead it kept looking to the right, snifing the air, and then he started to shake around a bit as if wanted to be let go of. A small while later the smell got to Kratos, it was the food they were serving, so the feast was about to start.

He turned back to Lycan and said, "I'm going to get some food for me and Fang, then go eat outside, since nobody wants a dog running around the table."

Kratos Wolff (Knight of Qubel)

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

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Rathan gazed over at Sorsha, a loving look in his eyes. The close observer would note that at some point during the day he had gained a second eye tattoo upon his forehead. Rathan hoisted his cup and stood for a moment.

"And before we get to the singing and dancing, a toast shall be had! To the expansion, and continued well being of D'hara, and a new era of economic prosperity!"

Sir Rathan Himoura

Royal Fiduciary of D'Hara, Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

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Lycan watched as Sir Kratos admired his new pup upon finding out it was a wolf. He smiled when he named him Fang. It was fitting. Fang's nose wasn't the only one up in the air when the sweet aroma of food became present. "Yes, Sir Kratos. GREAT idea! I'm starving!"

"Follow me. I know where there's plenty of food and we'll get to be the first served." he gave him a sly smile. Sir Kratos followed him and they ended up near the kitchen's back door. "See? Only servants here preparing the food to be sent to the main salon where the guests are. Let's say we're the official tasters." he laughed. They each took a plate and filled it with a bit of everything that was available. Then they went outside where they sat in a bench just outside the kitchen's back entrance.

They started eating has Fang enjoyed any bit they both spared him. They laughed at the little devil's astucity to beg for food.

"Sir Kratos, respect that little devil and you will have a loyal partner for as long as it lives. They are great creatures. If you earn their trust they will give their lives protecting you if necessary." he smiled.

Lycan Moreira (Knight of Raviel)

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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The food had been served and enjoyed by all of the guests present. Sorsha absently focused on trailing her fork between seasoned vegetables making a trail of butter in the form of a figure eight lying on its side. She did not say much, as a matter of fact there had not been much said at all she noted. What little food she did eat was delicious but she was more interested in the wine before her. The one the servants kept refilling whenever they noticed it was beginning to empty. At one point, musicians entered the grand hall and began to fill the background with soft music.

When everyone was done with their meals the crowd dispersed and the music picked up with a quicker tempo. Laughter and excitement was heard as talk of the day’s event was being discussed. Others were simply glad for a form of entertainment, and the people of Qubel were just content of the Count’s invitation to the feast.

The long tables were pushed back further into the walls. A multitude of deserts were placed on the now empty tables, and the center of the hall was now cleared for dancing.

Sorsha had followed Bowie throughout the evening, but he did have other matters to attend to. It wasn’t long that he disappeared to make sure everything would run smoothly and that his guests were properly entertained.

Looking around the room, Sorsha noticed Lycan was nowhere in sight and wondered where he had gone off to. She would have cornered him if only to speak and look preoccupied. Only now she did not have that excuse and stood, drinking her wine, praying Bowie would return quickly.

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

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Rathan made his way to Sorsha, and stood next to her for a moment, unnoticed, before clearing his throat nervously and giving her a slight bow, taking her hand and laying a light kiss on it.

"If the Lady is willing, I should like a dance."

Sir Rathan Himoura

Royal Fiduciary of D'Hara, Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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Sorsha gave a small smile as Rathan kissed her hand, a light pink creeping into her cheeks. She couldn’t refuse him, she had no reason to deny him and awkwardly set the glass on the near table. Her blue eyes looked into his and she nodded slighly.

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

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Rathan smiled, and felt the apprehension melt away as he guided her onto the dance floor, taking one of her hands in his, and wrapping his other arm around her waist. He took her around the floor, he was rather good, having been taught well by his father in his youth, and having practiced many hours. The couple soon gathered the attention of all present, as Rathan and Sorsha waltzed about the floor. Rathan whispered to her

"It wasn't easy surrendering like that, but I knew it would get out of hand if I continued, and I figured you'd prefer if no one was hurt."

Sir Rathan Himoura

Royal Fiduciary of D'Hara, Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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Sorsha was swept expertly onto the dance floor and smiled, despite her feelings she did begin to enjoy herself. She had taught her brother to dance and to sweep the ladies off their feet and knew Rathan had been taught well.

Upon his words, she leaned in as he whispered in her ear and after a moment replied, “that is very considerate of you M’lord.” She then noticed a slight change to his person and noted it, filing it to the back of her mind, for once actually managing to keep her candor at bay and not ask any uncomfortable questions about the change.

“What made you change your mind and to take up the sword yourself?” she asked curiously. “The real reason,” she added astutely, whispering for his ears alone.

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

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Rathan leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"I saw you watching with Count Bowie. I knew I had to fight... And prevent anyone from dying inadvertently. I chose Sir Alden as my champion with good reason. He is a family friend, and an expert with the blade."

Sir Rathan Himoura

Royal Fiduciary of D'Hara, Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

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Entering the banquet hall just as Rathan gave his toast to expansion and economic prosperity, Hexic grumbled and murmured to himself "At least we agree on something."

He was hungry and thirsty, he had marched straight from Port Raviel. Hexic made his way to a vacant seat near the Dark Count, and without noticing, bumped into one of the serving girls. Her pitcher of wine fell and spilled all over his boots. Still upset over the last day's events, Hexic kicked the now empty pitcher and yelled "Watch where you walk or it won't be the pitcher I kick!". This had attracted the attention of many, but the musicians played on. He took his seat and began loading his plate. Hesitant, another serving girl walked fourth and poured him some wine. "Ah, some competent help, my thanks." Hexic said softly, as the guests returned to their previous activities.

Not desiring to dance, and still thirsty for wine, Hexic had a small table set up in the corner where he enjoyed a wheel of fine cheese and a pitcher of wine. Noticing this, Bowie joined him. As he did, Hexic peered over his shoulder and saw Lady Sorsha standing next to the Royal Fiduciary. As Bowie sat, Hexic said "You know my good friend, Lady Sorsha has been eyeing you all evening....".

Hexic Jeckyl

Duke of Qubel Lighthouse, Marshal of the D'Haran Guard

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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At that Sorsha laughed softly. “You do know Duels do not impress me m’lord but your dancing may,” she added trying to change the subject having gotten her answer.

“I am actually surprised that you are here, I had the impression that you would be too preoccupied for such events.” Maybe she was dancing around the actual subject but she was trying her best not to leave a moment of silence between them, that would only allow too much time for her to go back to the kiss they had shared. Sadly even that did not manage to take her attention as well as she’d hoped.

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

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Rathan smiled at her, his eyes twinkling.

"And miss a chance to spend a fine evening with you? Never."

Rathan noted Duke Hexic coming in and made an effort to steer past him, and couldn't help but hear,

"You know my good friend, Lady Sorsha has been eyeing you all evening..."

Rathan started to scowl, but caught himself, and gazed once more into Sorsha's eyes.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Royal Fiduciary of D'Hara, Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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“You flatter me too much,” she said softly.

There was a quick moment where he scowled and she paused mid-step wondering if she had said something out of sorts or what may be affecting him but he led her away avoiding getting too close to any of the other nobles dancing “Are you well?” she asked him timidly.

She then noticed him looking again and looked over her shoulder to see what he was watching. Duke Hexic in the company of Count Bowie, both watching them dance. Suddenly she felt incredibly aware, and shied away by lowering her head.

“Oh,” she said simply, not knowing what else to say. At least it wasn’t Mathias’ glower she had to deal with. Come to think of it, she had not seen him on the dance floor yet. She then wondered where he could be, and chased the thought away painfully.

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

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"No flattery is too much for you m'lady. Surely no fairer a lady can be found in all of D'hara, nay, all of Dwilight."

Rathan pulled her closer, and felt his heart begin to race. He looked into her eyes, and couldn't help but smile at her.

"Be at ease m'lady. Tonight is a night of celebration."

Sir Rathan Himoura

Royal Fiduciary of D'Hara, Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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His words only managed to make her blush further, as well as his bringing her closer. “Now you’re lying,” she laughed. “For there could be no one plainer in all of Dwilight,” she said truthfully, seeing nothing extraordinary about herself.

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Kratos Wolff

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After being led to the kitchen by Lycan, Kratos followed his lead by grabbing a bit of everything, he only hoped none of the kitchen workers would be upset, or hindered by them.

Both Lycan and Kratos admired the young wolf, it was smart at begging for food, and as Kratos had seen, very strong and fast. He was a very healthy pupm, despite not being on his natural habitat.

"I wonder how he got here in the first place, you didn't know, but I found him here in Quebel, close to my estate... were he tried stealing some bread from me." Kratos thought about it for a little bit...

"He must have been very hungry to try eating bread, when wolves are know to be active hunters.. from what I've read, they would only eat meat."

..Kratos looked at Lycan, who was still wondering how the animal got here. The question was too hard for us to answer, we could only guess, so Kratos added..

"That doesn't matter much, what does is that I have been honored with the opportunity to raise such a loyal creature as my companion.. he will be of much help."

Kratos Wolff (Knight of Qubel)

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

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Mathias arrived at the banquet hall with the feast already in full swing. Walking through the front door he tried to spot Lady Sorsha who he had requested to show. After a short search he saw her...with RATHAN. he then attempted to calm himself. "Was his outburst against him earlier this week but an attempt to impress the lady that Mathias offended? No no one is that underhanded. Either way I must stop this right now."

Mathias slowly approached the Lady purposefully not making a straight run on her. He would stop and mingle with the lesser nobles as he moved closer and closer. He then finally reached her.

"My Lady. Nothing I can say or do would ever make up for what I did to you earlier, and I do not expect you to ever forgive me. But my lady I can not live without you, and I would do whatever I could to at least begin to make it up to you. What do you say? What can I do? Or would you just prefer me to leave?"

Sir Mathias Ridder

Duke of Port Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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Sorsha stopped dancing with Rathan to look to Mathias. He looked so genuine in his attempt, and his words sounded so heartfelt. Her hand faltered and she looked back to Rathan. “Please excuse me,” she apologized as she moved away. “Thank you for the dance,” she slightly bowed, “but the Duke and I have a few matters to discuss. Perhaps we shall dance again this night.” She smiled apologetically.

Without waiting she slipped into Mathias’ arms and forced him to dance with her whether he wanted to or not. “I don’t know what will happen Mathias,” she started softly hoping to avoid a scene if at all possible. She hoped neither of them would lose their calm. “I have no yet made any decisions as to what I want for the moment. All I can say is my faith in you has been terribly shaken… and I don’t want to be hurt anymore.”

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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As the dance carried on, the Dark Count was accompanied by Duke Hexic who made an observation, Bowie replied thus:

"If she has her eyes on me, then there will be at least two pairs of hands on my throat. She's a fine woman without questions, but I am a bastard. She has Dukes and Marquis to choose from, and surely they will not be too keen with another competitor. My lot is destined for an early grave."

He smiled devilishly at Duke Hexic, the very one that characterizes his discreet, mysterious but not antagonizing personality. Or at least the one he presented...

He watched as Duke Mathias entered and joined in dance with Lady Sorsha, and saw Marquis Rathan step aside. To Duke Hexic he said,

"Say, we may have another duel on our hands. I suspect there was more in the fight today than just a quarrel. Care for another drink? It's show time."

Bowie Ironsides

Count of Qubel

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

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Rathan stepped aside, reluctantly, staring daggers at Mathias, his eyes cold. Rathan moved to the side and grabbed a goblet and drank the wine down in a single gulp, making no effort to hide his displeasure, staring Mathias down. If looks could kill, Mathias would be naught but a pile of ash. Rathan kept a hand on the blade of his sword, and considered returning to his old profession...

Sir Rathan Himoura

Royal Fiduciary of D'Hara, Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

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After they were done eating and they heard the music starting Lycan looked at Sir Kratos "Looks like the dance has started. Shall we go inside and see if there are any ladies available to entertain us throughout the night?" he winked and then added "Unless you prefer to stay here with Fang." his eyebrow rose waiting for a reply.

At that Sir Kratos gave him a sly smile and asked one of the servant's son to watch the little wolf until he came back. At least, the wolf would be in good hands playing with the boy.

They went inside, Lycan grabbed a glass of ale and leaned against one of the walls watching everyone dancing and laughing enjoying the party. He was trying to find a lady that would catch his eye and could become the center of his attention at least for that evening. His green eyes searched the room but his gaze fell on Lady Sorsha just as her dance with Sir Rathan was being interrupted by Sir Mathias. Lycan aware of the situation that could derived from it, shared the Ladie's uncomfort. He waited to see what would happen. Perhaps she would need his assistance.

She seemed to be handling it well though. None of the gentlemen were misbehaving though the fury in Sir Rathan's eyes could not go unnoticed. Lycan watched from a distance glancing at Lady Sorsha just to make sure she was alright and kept looking around to the other ladies trying to find the lucky one for that evening.

Lycan Moreira (Knight of Raviel)

Roleplay from Selena D'Aermon

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Selena stood in a corner sipping her wine, watching the other guests as they mingled. She was still a stranger here, knowing nobody at the party except for Count Bowie who was quite busy socializing and maintaining appearances.

She watched out the window for a short while, observing as one of the children laughed and played with a wolf. That was something she never saw back home. This place was quite strange to her, so filled with new things.

She allowed a servant to refill her wine before walking outside for some fresh air. She hitched up her skirts and sat under a tall tree, staring up into the sky at unfamiliar stars. Unlady-like perhaps but back home she had never worried about such things. Growing up on the ranch and raising horses left her without many of the habits most noblewomen seemed to carry.

The sounds of the music floated out to her and she closed her eyes for a moment. It was nice to be able to relax and enjoy herself again. She had been far too highstrung of late.

Selena D'Aermon (Dame of Qubel)

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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Mathias did not say much as she spoke and nodded. She did not want to carry the conversation as she always did and held her peace. He had gone silent, possibly thinking what to say to her, to prevent her from leaving again. He swept her away in a different direction. When they turned Sorsha caught the look on Rathan’s face, then noticing the caress of his hand to his blade made her swallow and she couldn’t help feeling guilty once again.

Bowie looked at her smiling and she returned it, drawing comfort from his gaze and her shoulders relaxed a little. Despite his demons he was the only one to allow her the chance to escape without pressure and some time to think. She knew he was aware how distraught she was but he always tried to either keep her smiling or laughing. She was really starting to enjoy being in his presence.

She needed more time, she wasn’t ready to make decisions. She seemed to have gotten to the point where she was now running from the very chaos she had inadvertently created without a clue as to what she would do next. It was too fast. Before it got out of hand and she would be powerless to do anything she had to do something but what?

While she watched Mathias’ blue eyes, she gave thought to the small estate she’d had built in Nebel for a means of escape from the everyday stress of the realm. She knew it now belonged to the Marquis and that would not do. She couldn’t very well go home to Port Nebel, Mathias was too near. She half gave a thought of returning home but that would not be her answer. Everything happens for a reason, she thought, but a part of her was dying to know why she had to go through this pain, what was the purpose of it all?

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Continued: The Festival Concludes