Qubel/Duel and Festival Next After Next

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The Qubel Feast Concludes

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

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The pair continued to dance for what seemed like hours when Mathias finally said, "My Lady you do me too much honor by allowing me this dance. I have hurt you and in doing so gravely hurt myself. I cannot bare to see you in pain ever again. Please my lady if anything can be done please let me know. I shall do whatever you ask of me, your wish is my command."

Sir Mathias Ridder

Duke of Port Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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“You have already told me that you would not change, what more is there to say?” she told him sadly. “I should not have to tell you how to love me Mathias. You should be able to extent me some tenderness, express yourself with a loving touch, letters, dinners, dancing, any kind of attention, plain ro...” she had been about to say romance and stopped what she had been telling him and sighed.

“Perhaps you will never do these things of your own accord and I was wrong to think I could possibly change you. It would be akin to me demanding you remove your beard and shorten your hair. Clearly you would not do it for they are Mathias, not even for me. It is who you are and you have made it clear if I could not accept it then I should move on.” Her hand tightened around his and she lowered her eyes, “I need time to clear my head and my heart and it is clouded with pain.”

She leaned into him, making sure he could no longer see her eyes. “I can’t breathe…” she said in a broken voice.

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder Message sent to everyone in your realm (19 recipients)

As they continued to dance Mathias thought on what the lady said to him. "She wants me to cut my hair?" He then released the Lady and went for the short sword he carried on his boot. "My Lady I would do anything for you. Anything!" Mathias then grabbing his hair cut off a good foot of it then threw it to the ground. Then taking the blade to his face began to shave off his beard. The pain as both hair and skin came off the dukes face could easily be seen from his expression, but he was resolved. If need be he would change in whatever sort of way is desired of him.

Sir Mathias Ridder

Duke of Port Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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Sorsha’s face paled and her hand quickly covered the shocked gasped that escaped her lips. “No…” she cried out shaking her head, “that’s not what…” it was too late he had already removed some of his beard and the hair slipped to the ground landing soundlessly at her feet. She looked down to the ground and back up at him seeing the obvious pain in his eyes unable to say more.

Ever other sound in the room was drowned out by the pounding of blood in her ears. She could practically feel every eye in the room on them, worse her. They must think her a monster, now they probably thought she had demanded some type of ill sacrifice on his part out of spite because he had hurt her or… she did not even know what could be going on behind all the silent gazes.

Her eyes filled with tears and her cheeks reddened, mortified she turned away walking in the other direction avoiding everyone’s gaze, seeking refuge.

Breathing erratically, she escaped the ball room and tried to remember her way through Bowie’s estate, when she finally returned in his galleria, she found the cushioned chair and burst into uncontrollable sobs.

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

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Mathias then noticing that Sorsha was running away he dropped his blade and chased after only half done with his shave. He had in fact left his chin still fully covered in what had once been his beard. Finally finding her in the galleria Mathias knelt next to her and said, "My Lady what troubles you? Did I upset you?" Minutes passed with him standing there waiting for an answer yet Sorsha just continued to cry. "Were you upset by the pain I was in? Believe if that was the case. The pain you saw me there was nothing like the pain I felt when I saw you hurt by my actions."

Sir Mathias Ridder

Duke of Port Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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She wanted to say something but she couldn’t stop crying. Her voice just kept choking up and she refused to look up to allow him to see how uncontrolled she was. Was she losing her mind? It seemed there was just so much pressure on her.

She was embarrassed, it was plain and simple. She was extremely shy to begin with and with that much attention in her direction had been mortifying, worse she didn’t want them to think atrocious things of her now. He had made a large sacrifice to prove to her that he was willing to change for her and a part of her was glad, but not like this… This made her feel like an overbearing woman making demands.

She was about to tell him so through the small sobs and when she looked up to see the state his beard and hair was in, her shoulders started to shake and she shook her head. He most likely expected a sob to burst forth but instead she started to giggle. He looked… pitiful and in love.

She was embarrassed by a few sets of eyes, she could only imagine how he felt, but it didn’t bother him in the least. She never told him what she wanted because her giggles turned into laughter mixed in with a residual sob. “No…” she touched his beard or what was left of it lightly, “I’m…. I don’t know Mathias, I just don’t know. But you look like you lost a duel with your blade, and all for me…” she trailed off.

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Message sent to everyone in your realm (19 recipients) Mathias grabbed at his face only being able to feel the way his face must look he began to laugh. "Heh, I must look pretty silly right now, but is just it. I will do anything for you, even if it means I make a fool of myself. I shall do it...Sorsha I love you and there is nothing that can be done to stop that feeling. Now what do you say shall we return to the dance hall?"

Sir Mathias Ridder

Duke of Port Nebel''

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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Wiping what was left of her tears she gave a small nod and sniffed lightly. “Yes…” she answered him, “but first…” she walked around the galleria hoping to find what she was looking for. She did find an adjacent room filled with tapestries, paints, easels and finally what she wanted. Returning back to Mathias she held up a pair of scissors. “Let’s make you a bit more presentable,” she gave him a lopsided grin and cocked her head. “Do you trust me?”

He nodded, taking care with the carpet and chair she used some of the paper she had found and she trimmed his beard to a much shorter length giving him a more distinguished look rather than the wild look he had beforehand. Next she cut his hair to her liking. When she was done, she presented him with a mirror she found hung on the wall only a short distance away.

“Well?” she asked as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. "It's not perfect but it will at least get you through the evening with pride."

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

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Lycan kept sipping his ale and admiring the ladies around the room. He watched silently as Lady Sorsha and Duke Mathias danced and talked and he was really surprised when suddenly he took out a blade and started cutting his hair in beard right there and then. Then Sorsha ran out the room and Mathias followed. Looked like they had some personal matters to solve and he wouldn't interfere.

He chuckled at the image of the Duke cutting his hair and beard took another drink. The room was filled with laughter and music but every lady in it seemed to be accompanied. He kept looking and then he saw a young lady about his age doing the exact same thing as he was. Just watching everyone and drinking. She looked beautiful yet uncomfortable. She walked outside and Lycan decided to follow. He watched from a distance and saw her sitting under a tree with her skirt in a not very lady-like manner. He smiled watching her and decided to approach her.

"Milady may I have the honor of sitting beside you?" he asked expectantly with a smile.

Lycan Moreira (Knight of Raviel)

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

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Rathan walked to the middle of the dance floor and picked up the short sword, holding it aloft.

"What a lunatic!"

Rathan mocks Mathias, and pretends to chop off his hair, to the amusement of the crowd. Rathan motioned for a serving woman to cleanup the hair that had fallen on the floor. Rathan embedded the sword in a table and quietly left the festivities, heading in the direction Sorsha had gone, to make sure she was alright.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Royal Fiduciary of D'Hara, Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Kratos Wolff

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Kratos walked around looking for something to do. Parties like these werent his type of thing. Usually chilling outdoors, reading, traveling, or training.. but he never took the time to attend such events. It was a crazy night, many found it funny, but the events that had unfolded were pretty serious. Mathias pulling his hair out like that, he looked like a mad man.

Kratos continued to walk around, wondering why people never calm down for a bit. Everywere you go there is some kind of dramatic scene... He cleared his mind, for he was getting bored and needed something to do. He scouted the room for familiar faces. Duke Mathias and Lady Sorsha were seen leave the room, Sir Lycan walked outside, and could be seen sitting with a pretty lady, under a tree. Later he saw Count Bowie and Duke Hexic chatting. Rathan, who he knew from the coments people passed amongst themselves after the duel, he had seen going the same way Duke Mathias and Lady Sorsha went.

When he thought about it, many people were missing. He didn't see Priestess Kisharianda anywere, or King Cenarious. Those two reminded him of the others like Conrac and Katayanna.

Kratos found a chair, and sat there waiting until the party ended, or until the next big event occured.

Kratos Wolff (Knight of Qubel)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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The Dark Count watched as the night carried on and was pleased it was a success, for the most part.

He had one more drink before he announced the food had all been eaten, and the band was asking for more gold if they were to stay another hour.

"Fair Ladies and Lords, the night must come to an end. This estate has been given the privilege of hosting you all and I personally have you all to thank for making the night one to remember. I must now begin the post-festivities process. I hope that you have all enjoyed yourselves and will set aside the time to come back again. You are all always welcome."

He turned to his servants and signalled for them to start cleaning up, especially the hair on the floor.

Looking around he did not see Dame Sorsha. Before she left he had hoped she would say farewell. Maybe she left in a hurry for a good reason, that was the best he could hope for.

The Dark Count,

Bowie Ironsides

Count of Qubel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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Mathias was a bit surprised at his reflection but after a minute he smiled. She was glad he liked it. She returned the mirror in its place and he walked away to return to the dance hall. Following him, he did not say much and neither did but before they walked into the hall she stopped him and made him look at her. “Mathias, what I said before about not being sure about anything… I meant it.” At this his face saddened and then he frowned.

“Matters between us will not be settled this easily I’m afraid. I have decided that I wish to spend some time alone…” he was about to interrupt her and she shook her head. “No Mathias. Alone and without distractions, without pressure from anyone to try and sway me, to make me feel guilt, I need to do some searching within myself,” she tapped her heart and took his hand in hers. “You told me you would do anything for me. Right now what I want is time.”

An awkward silence settled between them and she lowered his hand. “When I am ready, I will let you know what I decide,” she added softly and after a minute he nodded his head. “Goodbye Mathias,” she said and walked away, she could feel his gaze on her back and forced herself to look ahead.

When she entered the hall, Sorsha noticed the servants beginning to gather up the empty platters of food and begin to sweep the floors. She had hoped to spend more time with other nobles and sighed, but that had been taken away now. Rathan and her would not get to dance another dance this night. After everything that took place and the decision she made, maybe it was better that way.

Looking around, she then noticed Count Bowie and approached him. He looked busy giving orders and she approached him from behind. She hoped her eyes weren’t too red from her crying and she still looked somewhat presentable. She tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to face her.

“Milord, I’m glad I found you. About what occurred earlier... I know I left quite abruptly and I apologize. I did want to thank you for your kind invitation, for the feast and for your constant comfort, you have said it of me but in reality it is you who is the true gem.” There she had told him.

Lowering her eyes she then added, “It’s too bad the festivities are ending, for I had hoped to at least share a dance with you. Maybe... some other time.”

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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The Dark Count took Dame Sorsha's hand and said,

"I too would have enjoyed a dance with you, but life teaches us all a hard earned lesson: happiness has an expiration date. May I ask, do you have arrangements to exit this evening, or would you prefer to rest your weary body and take up one of my guest rooms? Tomorrow you can take flight if you must. The comfort is yours if you wish it."

Bowie Ironsides

Count of Qubel

Roleplay from Selena D'Aermon

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As the guests began to disperse and find their way back to their homes, Selena was suddenly overcome by a feeling of dissappointment. True, she had not been the life of the party by any means, nor really socialized for that matter. But she had enjoyed the festivities none the less. It had been good to do something other than wallow in her own despair for a change. She had wallowed far too much since leaving her home.

She made a conscious decision as she waved politely to Count Bowie in farewell; she decided that she would leave her past where it belonged and commit herself to this new life here in D'hara. As strange as it all was still, the country was quite beautiful and she found its people quite fascinating.

Now all she needed was something to occupy herself with. A hobby one might say, or even a true purpose.

Selena D'Aermon (Dame of Qubel)

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

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Lycan saw the other guests starting to leave and realized the evening was over. He turned to the lady sitting beside him and wished her well. Hopefully he would have another chance to speak with her.

He walked inside to say his goodbyes and thank yous and to check up on Lady Sorsha. She seemed to have had a troubled night. He found Sir Kratos with Fang getting ready to leave and said goodbye to both hoping they would not be strangers from then on. The same courtesy was extended to Sir Rathan who left still frustrated and Duke Mathias who was leaving with a very sad look on his face. Lycan knew it had something to do with his friend Sorsha but that was their business alone. Then he approached the host and thanked him for his invitation and great evening. They would surely have to meet again.

Lycan searched for his friend just trying to make sure she was alright. He found her not long after he saw Duke Mathias leave. He walked up to her and saw the same look on her face. One of sadness and worry. It made him sad seeing her like that so he had an idea.

"Hello Sorsha. Sorry I didn't spend much time with you tonight. I really wanted to but you seemed...preoccupied." Knowing it was something she most likely wouldn't want to talk about he changed the subject. Maybe she needed fresh air and a change of scenery. "I would like to invite you to visit my estate in Raviel. Whenever possible. You don't even have to announce your visit, just show up." he smiled waiting for her reply.

Lycan Moreira (Knight of Raviel)

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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Sorsha turned from speaking with Count Bowie to face Sir Lycan. “I apologize… I had wanted to speak with you but I’m afraid the night did not go by as expected and rather quickly,” she said as she avoided looking directly at him for fear that he would get the underlying meaning to her words.

“I thank you for the invitation,” she bowed her head ever so slightly and then looked in Count Bowie’s direction. “I have decided to remain here for the evening as The Count has so graciously offered me one of his guest rooms. As soon as I am in Raviel, I will make sure to visit. It will be nice to share a luncheon and we will be able to catch up.”

Lycan bowed before leaving and gave her a large smile. She truly was sorry to see him go before she had a chance to sit with him and really talk, she had wanted to share a dance with him as well.

Alone again, Sorsha spoke lightly to avoid any eavesdroppers. This had been her decision, one she hoped would help. “I have decided to remain in Qubel for the time being. I feel I am drawn here and I do not wish to return to Port Nebel so quickly. I have not decided where I am to stay yet or how long, but I am hoping to find a quiet place to allow me some time to think and search my soul for the answers I seek.”

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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The Dark Count escorted Dame Sorsha to her guest room on the second floor of his estate.

"I had these rooms prepared in case some of the nobles overdid it during the festivities, and one even set up in case one of the combatants were injured. This one is yours, it is the biggest..."

Before he wished her a good night,

"You say that I am a gem, but do you know that a gem is only found after years of sweeping away the faults of the rock. Deep beneath the rock's hard surface a craftsman seeks the gem. Perhaps in this instance you are experiencing the reverse so fast. A gem with a rock core. Please sleep well."

Bowie Ironsides

Count of Qubel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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Sorsha watched the Count leave, his words driving her to silence. Softly closing the door behind her, she took a look at the room and sat on the large bed, sinking into it lightly.

Sighing, she started to remove the large pins in her hair setting them on a nearby table. Next she removed the satin slippers off her feet and crawled up to the center of the bed. Taking one large cushion she hugged it, curling into a ball. Trying to make herself as small as possible, she then let go of the emotions within and cried softly.

What was she going to do now?

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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Sorsha had gotten up early that morning and walked through Count Bowie’s halls as quietly as she could. She didn’t like leaving without at least speaking with him, but she felt like maybe she had already asked too much of him already.

Maybe it was just the way she felt lately As if she wanted to be everywhere and no where at once, it was the strangest feeling.

Lorlan met her as requested and handed her stallion’s reins when she approached. “Oh Gaoth, I’ve missed you,” she whispered rubbing his nose and he quietly nickered at her touch, nudging her hand with his nose and she hugged him. “When did he arrive?” she asked Lorlan and he smiled seeing his lady smile. “Just the day before last,” he informed her. “With him, came a letter,” he handed it to her and she looked to her family crest with homesickness and slipped it into a saddlebag. “Thank you.” She turned to Gaoth, expertly adjusting the saddle for her height. “This came as well,” she eyed the seal recognizing it as Marquis Rathan’s and slipped it with the other.

“Please deliver this to the Count,” she asked and handed him a personally written letter. Then she started giving him directives to take care of her estate in her absence and he bowed.

Noticing her now sad appearance, he wished to make her smile again. “Word has reached me that Sir Conrac Amcastra has returned,” he smiled and her hand then paused on the leather forgetting everything else. She turned to see him smiling but didn’t say anything.

Figuring he had not heard her properly he added. “It seems he only arrived yesterday, I’m unsure where from, but it was whispered by the servants which undoubtedly reached me rather quickly. Would you like me to at least send a welcoming word in your stead?”

Managing to find her voice, she whispered, “no…” At that he frowned and she shook her head, closing her eyes tightly. “It’s complicated,” her knuckles had turned white and she realized just how hard she was gripping the leather from the pain in her fingers and let go.

Conrac… the first man she had cared for. She had not seen him since the chaos of the rebellion. Had it driven him from her? He had seen her reaction to Mathias’ exile firsthand and had most likely carried that with him this entire time. She had disappeared and then he had left. She hoped she had not driven him away… but now he had returned. She wondered how his reaction would be if she were to stand before him again.

The Duke she had sworn to protect and fight for and had inevitably fallen in love with.

Lorlan stood motionless, waiting. “Are you alright milady?” he asked now concerned his news had an adverse effect.

“No,” her voice broke, “Thank you for the news Lorlan, you may carry on.” With those words she climbed atop her charger and dug her heels into his flank with “Rith álainn, rith! Recognizing the order, Gaoth did run, and her thoughts raced along with him.

Just when she had asked Mathias for time to think with no distraction… Conrac returned. How fate must be laughing at her.

No, he had left, and she had probably remained a glimmer in his daily thoughts. Worse… she had failed him, why would he ever want to see her again?

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)