Arcaea/Dining Hall/What you always wanted to know, but were too afraid to ask, about women

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After stalking through the corridors for some time in complete silence, Jenred reached his private sitting room, and detailed his men to stand guard at the door and to admit no one, not even Edara.

He walked forward, found his favourite chair, and sat with an escaping sigh.

"Goffrey...At this rate we're not going to have a Baron of Sasat. If your father doesn't kill you during one of your near-suicidal attempts to handle him yourself, Harmony will kill you. And, for the love of all the gods I wouldn't have expected you to make a comment that poorly thought through."

Goffrey opened his mouth, and Jenred just stared. After a long moment, Goffrey closed his mouth again, looking even more miserable. Jenred sighed again.

"Goffrey...I'm trying to do what I can to help you. I gave you a few tips on how to deal with Harmony, but, through no fault of your own it didn't work out because she's not interested in what you wanted from her. I just..."

Jenred blinked.

"Hm. That might work...I fail to see how it can hurt the situation, any...Goffrey, follow me. We are going to head out of the castle and I am going to show you how to handle a woman. I'm not an expert, but I managed well enough, and I'll show you a few things I picked up, alright?"

Jenred hoped that Goffrey would pick up a girl of his own before the night was out, and bed her too. Hm...He might have to give him tips on that too...Maybe a courtesan for that, she'd be able to help him and would understand Jenred sticking around to ease Goffrey into it...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Goffrey nodded his acknowledgment and fallowed Jenred out of the room, partially out of curiosity, and partially out of desperation. Goffrey had thought a lot over what Harmony had told him when he had declared his love for her in frenzied moment of passion, and he had been planning on talking to her about it when he next saw her.

But of course, fate had seen fit to 'bless' him with the inability to think before opening his own damnable mouth. Goffrey sighed heavily as the growing hopelessness regarding his relationship with Harmony weighed heavily on his soul. He wanted her desperately to love her, and he felt that he did. Goffrey had always thought that love was supposed to be a simple thing, but the last few months had nearly destroyed that idea of his.

He broke temporarily from his musing to notice that they had left the castle in their wake long ago heading for a section of the city Goffrey had never seen before. Suspicion settled into the pit of Goffrey's stomache like a lead weight, and a sense of being lead to an unavoidable doom filled him. "Um, Jenred," said Goffrey in a cautious yet curious tone, "Where exactly are we going?"

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Jenred sighed again, but kept his eyes searching while he explained to Goffrey, again, what his plan was.

"Goffrey, I'm going to demonstrate a few things for you. Talking to women, chatting them up, etc. Beyond that, we'll have to see how things go...Ah, here we go, now just stay here and pretend to look at that shop while you watch and listen, hm?"

Jenred had spotted a likely girl, seventeen or eighteen at a guess, minor country noble. Probably the daughter of a steward or castellan off to buy a new dress...She had a couple of house retainers, but they were sufficiently overawed (or perhaps calculating enough to realize that the interest of such a high-ranking noble might be useful) to not hinder his approach. Jenred smiled as the girl turned, and he bowed deeply.

"Good evening, my lady! Perhaps I could trouble you for a moment of your time? I have a small problem, you see, I need some help choosing a gift for a cousin of mine, about your age. I wanted to get her a new gown, but I just have no idea what she might like or look good in. Could you assist me, fair lady?"

The girl, taken aback at the Imperial Magistrate asking her for help, was momentarily speechless, but managed a quick nod. Jenred's smile grew, and he offered his arm, gesturing toward a nearby storefront. It took a while to get through her shyness, but with a couple of suitably "confused pleading male" leading questions, he got her talking about different styles and colours, and it was time for the next move...He sighed again, almost despairingly.

"I just have no head for this...Could you, perhaps...Model a few of them for me? I just can't imagine what they'd look like on her. I'd be happy to purchase one for you, of course, for your time and troubles dealing with a bothersome man such as myself."

He smiled hopefully, and...Yes, she agreed, and whether it was desire to help, curry favour, the offer of a dress, or a combination of the above, he didn't know, and he didn't care. All of those factors would work for Goffrey as well.

He'd have to purchase one of the dresses to keep up the pretense, of course, but the girl almost looked like a younger version of Edara anyway. Not nearly as beautiful, of course, but no one was. Wouldn't she be surprised! Helping out Goffrey and getting her a new dress at the same time...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Goffrey stood in front of the store window, not so subtly watching and listening to what Jenred was doing with the young girl. At first, he was slightly confused as to why Jenred was buying his cousin a present at a time like this. It eventually it dawned on him, that Jenred was lying to the girl before him to caox her into talking to him.

'So the secret to talking to women is to lie shamelessly?' thought Goffrey in a confused inner voice.

He scratched his head and continued to watch and listen to Jenred, sure that he was missing something important.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Jenred hoped Goffrey was paying attention...Hm...You know...This one was pretty enough...Looked nice enough...But she was getting a little too...Ah...Well, he was pretty sure she wasn't supposed to be leaving her hand on his leg like that in-between trying on dresses. Oh well, it was part of what Goffrey was supposed to be learning. He could at least see it was working.

After purchasing one of the dresses for the girl, and one to bring to Edara later, a nice forest-green with a leafy motif, he extricated himself from the situation, bowing and mouthing polite nothings.

He waited until they strode some ways off before speaking to Goffrey.

"So, what did you learn?"

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Goffrey paused and looked thoughtful for a minute as he consider just what he had learned from all of this. After a few moments consideration he gave dejected sigh and came to the only conclusion he could draw.

"....that its ok to lie shamelessly to women so long as you get what you want?" said Goffrey in a dejected voice, not at all happy with the prospect that knowledge lead to.

A thought accrued to Goffrey at this point that raised a question he felt he had to ask.

"Hey Jenred, if your buying your cousin a dress, why not just have Edara help you out?"

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Jenred sighed. He should have thought of this...

"Okay, Goffrey, I was lying because I already have Edara. So, the whole pick-up attempt was a lie. Lying in general is not a good idea, leaving aside moral issues, it always bites you later. And I don't have a cousin I'm getting a dress for, that was just a convenient opening. The idea here is to open with something innocuous, and just start talking. You, for instance, might ask for a lady's opinion of a tale you've been working on. You are very good at tales, and that's an excellent way to start and get her interested. The main key is to just stay calm. Does that make sense?"

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Goffrey nodded his understanding, a wave of relief coming over him as he realized he was about to be forced to do something so sneaky and underhanded.

"Ok, I understand that much, now what are we going to do?"

Richter Massey Marshal of the Tribute Collecting Army

Goffrey nodded his understanding, a wave of relief coming over him as he realized he was not about to be forced to do something so sneaky and underhanded.

"Ok, I understand that much, now what are we going to do?"

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Jenred looked at Goffrey, sizing him up.

"That depends...Do you feel ready to try yet?"

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Goffrey sighed and entered another moment of concentration. This was all new to him, and he was a bit nervous that Jenred's teachings would back fire horribly.

But his determination to make things between him and Harmony work, lit a fire in his eyes that struggled with his fears, and eventually won through.

With a new determination he looked Jenred in the eye and nodded the affirmative.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Jenred nodded back, and began searching for another likely suspect...It didn't take long. A young woman, maybe twenty, was doing a poor job of hiding her admiring stares at Goffrey, and that was half the work done already...

"Goffrey, that one over there, the blonde, about a head shorter than you, there you go. Try asking her opinion on one of your tales, one of the romantic heroic tales, and go from there. Just act normally. It should be easier, because you don't have an emotional investment in her, you can just be yourself. I'll be keeping an ear out, and I'll bail you if it goes poorly, not that it will...She's blushing just from you looking at her. Go Goffrey go..."

Jenred smiled, and crossed his fingers behind his back.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Goffrey exhaled a deep cleansing breath, and marched for the previously indicated blond woman. He choose a round about path, not wanting to be appear to obvious in his target.

After a few minutes of seemingly meandering about, he strode up to the woman and ignited a conversation.

"Good Evening my lady, I was wondering if I could trouble you for a bit of your time..."

It went rather smoothly from there, no major foul ups, a pleasant conversation all in all. It wasn't until the Lady became a bit more, direct, in her desires, that Goffrey soon ran afoul of a problem. He knew how to strike up a conversation with women, now he had no idea how to get out of it without making an arse out of himself.

He sent a sidelong look at Jenred, asking for a means to escape with his eyes.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Jenred watched, happily surprised, as Goffrey managed himself fairly well, and caught the look at the end. He strode in, bowed them out with a word about matters of realmwide importance requiring the attention of the esteemed Baron, and the two strode off.

"Well...That went well, did it not?"

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea