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The Kingdom of Cathay


Cathay was born out of a major conflict involving the Antozan Commonwealth and Lasanar, along with over a half-dozen other realms in the Far East.

A detailed account of Cathay's founding and the events that led up to it can be read in the Cathayan Historical Archive.

The Crown of Cathay

Political Structure

Cathay is a Constitutional Monarchy, similar in some respects to Ethiala. The Crown has final authority over most matters, but can be overruled by a 2/3 majority of the Royal Privy Council, which consists of all of the landed nobility of Cathay, along with its High Marshal, Arch Priest, and Royal Treasurer.

Laws of Cathay

Constitutional Monarchy

1. The government consists of the King, Royal Council, and auxillary members of the Royal Privy.

2. All decisions, once made by the King, are final.

3. Decisions made by the King may be over-ruled with a 2/3rds majority vote of the Royal Privy.

4. All topics may be openly discussed, prior to a decision being made, by all nobles of the realm.

5. Every noble has the right to express their opinion openly in a respectable fashion, and present topics for debate.

The Royal Privy

1. The Royal Privy shall include the Royal Council, all region lords, and one elected position to be voted on monthly.

a. The vote shall be conducted via a referendum by the Arch Priest with proper notice so all interested parties can announce their name for the running.

b. There is no limit to consecutive terms of service.

c. Should the position go unfilled, the King may choose a person for the elected position.

d. Every noble in the realm gets one vote of equal weight.

e. Should there be a tie in voting the King shall act as the tie-breaker.

2. Each member of the Royal Privy's vote has equal weight.

3. A single individual may hold multiple titles, such as member of the Royal Council being a region lord as well, but is limited to one vote.

4. Matters discussed among the Royal Privy shall not be revealed to the realm as a whole.

Code of Conduct

1. All matters of state involving the law are to be handled by the Arch Priest. This includes decisions to be made in a manner fitting the situation as the Arch Priest decides. All decisions made by the Arch Priest are final except for:

a. A ruling by the Arch Priest may be over-ruled by the King,

b. A ruling by the Arch Priest may be over-ruled by a 2/3rds majority vote fo the Royal Privy.

2-a. All nobles, be them of Cathay, an ally to Cathay, neutral to Cathay, or an enemy to Cathay, shall be treated in a manner befitting a noble. This includes, but is not limited to:

a. Addressing nobles by their proper title,

b. Speaking with nobles in a respectful manner,

c. Verbal insults are strictly prohibited,

d. Unfounded accusations are strictly prohibited,

e. A minimum level of common sense when dealing with nobles is expected.

2-b. Should this code of conduct be disregarded the offending noble shall be disciplined in the following manner:

a. First offense will receive a verbal warning and require a public apology,

b. Second offense will result in a verbal warning, a fine of 50 gold, and require a public apology,

c. Third offense will result in jail time, a fine of 50 gold, and a require a public apology upon release,

d. Fourth offense will result in being issued a ban.

3-a. Dueling is henceforth legal under the following conditions:

a. Both parties must willingly enter the duel,

b. Both parties must obtain permission from their liege lord,

c. In the absence of a liege lord, permission may be granted from the King,

d. A duel to the death requires the permission of the King.

3-b. Should any of these laws be overlooked or ignored, the offending party shall be fined 50 gold, and serve a 3-day sentence in jail. Repeat offenders will be banned.

4. Lords are responsible for their vassals, and in the absence of a vassal being able to serve their punishment their liege lord shall take their place in full.

Roleplaying Archive

Important, entertaining, or otherwise relevant roleplaying logs go here. Contact the council in-game if you wish to have yours added.

Location of Cathay
Continent / Island Far East
Capital Anacan
Largest City Anacan
Government System Monarchy

Galiard Scarlett
Telea Tirelli
Ranulf Miles
Tari Aire

Region Number 1
Population 29,400
Food Production 73 bushels