Shadow-Stalker Family

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The Shadow-Stalker Family

Many years ago the Shadow-Stalker family was a small, farming family. With son, after son, after son farming the great estate in Tolhaur in Atamara. But with the wars of Darka their farming grew worse, and with less money they decided that their children should make their fame and money in the army.


The oldest of the Shadow-Stalker children. Currently serving the kingdom of Darka in Atamara

The most violent of the family, for Twinblade, killing is all he needs to do. If the orders he follows means he will be able to kill more, then he will leap at it and seize the chance with both hands. He is - in effect - a simple soldier, follow orders, strife to do better, hope to be rewarded, follow more orders.

His career has taken him to only a few lands, as all of his career has been helping Darka's army fight for Tara against Redspan and their allies.

Recently Twinblade has been made Count of Maycxal, something which he accepted on the grounds that he wouldn't have to do any beuroctatic work there - something which he sees as pointless and un-necessary.

Twinblade cares very little for each of his sisters, just knowing that they are alive is all he needs to know about them.


The second Shadow-Stalker child, Currently serving the feudal republic of Lasanar in the Far East.

Poison is the more vocal of the three, and in being vocal it has earned her some notice in Lasanar. She often has an input with any and all arguments within Lasanar, and will usually push for her answer to be the accepted one. She cares deeply for everyone, but especially those who she sees as her friends. Due to her love of the people of Lasanar, she has dedicated herself to being a beurocrat and to help out people when needed.

Poison's career started in the dying republic of Batasaor, and as a soldier there she witnessed many things that a seventeen year old should never see. She saw murdering of peasants, the burning of houses, much violence in battle and even the death of Batasaor's banker during the final stand in the city of Batasaor. After being captured in battle and held in Nighthelm prison's for a week she returned to what was once a great city, but she saw only a burning shell of brick. The city had been burnt to the ground, the peasantry killed, and the noble of Batasaor had left to join other realms. Putting her past behind her she went through Nighthelm and to Lasanar, which she now calls home. She was eventually given the honour of being duchess of Ozrat, the capital city of Lasanar. But after only a few weeks she was captured by insurgents and her position removed. (OOC: paused).

After only a few days in Lasanar Poison found a love - Lucious. Lucious was a kind man, and he often treated Poison to many gifts. He cared for her deeply, and they were to be married, but on one foul night Lucious was taken and was never to be seen again.

After a few months, Poison found a new love - Luna. He was a string man, one who shared Poison's love of arguing for a cause, they often shared arguments on certain subjects, arguing with each other and sometimes against. Luna was a more subtle man than Lucious and often invited Poison to dinner or a stay in his mansion. They were getting on very well - although slower than Poison and Lucious were - but during Poison's capture Luna saw other women, and upon Poison's return he had disappeared to an unknown place (although letters found by Poison pointed to him being with another woman). At that point she cast all memories of him into the wind and decided to stay away from men until she could trust them with her heart.

Poison's career has been the biggest sucess out of the three, after just a week of being in Lasanar she was trusted enough by Rosalind, countess of Attlel, to look after the region while she went away and thought about the situation Lasanar was in. And so, she was made countess of Attlel. She loved the region dearly and decided to dedicate her life to the realm, so shortly after being made countess she put away her sword, and picked up the pen instead to become a beurocrat. After months of work she was made Duchess of Ozrat, something which she was overwealemed at, promising the make the city the best it could ever be.


The third Shadow-Stalker child, currently residing in the Theocracy of Alowca in the Colonies