Bluelake Family/People

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Genealogy of House Bluelake

                                                      |          |          |         |
                                          Miriam = Charles     Frank      Sarah     Gwynn ~ Zhou Tai
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                             Willem = Ilya     Vanya     Aeric                         Nina Tai
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                               |---------|       |                                        |
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                             Alice Gavin Drake  Tea                                     Lana
                                                                                       Zhou Tai

The Young Ones

The Important Ones

Ilya Bluelake

Where Position
Menedor Queen
Falasan presumed dead

The Last Queen of Falasan

Raised to be the heir of the family, when her brother was born she did not give up the military training and decided to serve the realm as a knight. Held a deep loyalty towards Falasan, and, over time, learned to control her temper, growing to be a calm and respectful woman. Believes in honour and compassion. She was married to Willem Tinsley (who went missing on the south of Atamara), with whom she had two children. During the war against Cagilan Empire, Talerium and Tara, Ilya was elected Queen of her beloved realm, with a few interruptions when Willem and others ruled in her stead. After a long fight, the realm fell to her enemies and was finally destroyed. The Queen lingered for a few months in Eston, but then packed her belongings and left to be never seen again.

Vanya Bluelake

Where Position
Oroya Asena
Warrior Dame

Former Pasha and Defterdar of the Sultanate of Asena

Was the youngest of the family for a while, and has always lived very close to her older sister. After she engaged a life of her own in Taselak, she was also trying to find out who she really is. Vanya was always brightly humoured, and acquired a taste for ale. Events brought her to the Sultanate of Asena, where war came to unfold. After some romance, an accidental child and a busy time as Pasha, she settled as Baroness of Kazan, while the Sultanates does its best to survive. She now serves as Baron Rickhart's knight, enjoying the freedom of a simple warrior again.

Other Family Members

Aeric Bluelake

Knight of Clintoc, Hero of Darka

The youngest son of Charles and Miriam Bluelake (around 10 years younger than Ilya), Aeric was supposed to have stayed at home and taken care of the family's estate, becoming the new head of the family. However, he longed to become a warrior like his childhood hero, Lasten Merytis, and escaped home to join the forces of Darka. There, he learned how to be a warrior within the famous Foxhounds. His fancy ways, cheerful disposition for a fight and not at all a bad looking face made the people (or should we say, the wenches) grant him the status of a hero. Unfortunately met with an early death while trying to rescue commoners from a looting party in Darka.

  • He had honeyish-green eyes and light brown hair. His horse was Turan, his unit was the Blue Fighters, with captain Eustasius (called James), then Lupold (+7).
  • His friends were Alexandre Capet, Isak Kandurell, Maeve Scallywag,