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Region Details
Region Type
Geographic Area


Calis is a major trading port and the economic center of the Cagilan Empire. It is also the second largest city on the continent by population, right behind Ash'rily. The city is also the headquarters of the Army of the Calis Manticores.


Noted for its Arabian style architecture, Calis is the richest city this side of Atamara. Calis is a city of commerce and is surrounded by impenetrable walls a hundred feet high with parapets atop them and archer windows lining the ten layer towers which connect the walls every hundred yards.

City Gates

Calis has four gate areas. They are large areas behind the main gate, walled off from the city a second time. In this way, even if a gate falls, the city is not open to attack - there is still another level of fortification to get through. However, due to a lack of attack over the last few decades, the gates are rarely closed, and the city itself has begun to spill out them, and down the roads leading to the gates. Time will only tell if another set of walls will be needed to hold the city, or if some disaster will occur which will force it back behind the stone walls.

The South-East gate is actually a port, with ships coming and going constantly into the small piered harbor inside the walls. Goods are shipped up and down the river here, with the bulk of the trade going between Calis and Cagil. In times of war, great chains block the harbor, and massive iron spikes can be placed in the harbor opening to impale the hulls of any boats going through.

The South-West gate consists of a sprawling housing area and the church district of Calis. The houses now spill out of the gate and down towards the ocean, a sprawling mix of shanties and stone dwellings. Inside the walls, the temples form a beautiful cascade of buildings built into steppes, reaching five stories high! Looming over all of this is a Temple of The Order. It's tied for the largest in all of Atamara, with only the one in Eaglin rivaling it. All are welcome to come and pray within its four spires and eight story towering center.

The North-West gate houses the militia and artisan districts. The main army barracks are here, and the road out of the North-West gate into the city is lined with statues made in honor of previous Dukes, including Duke Pikku Jonkahainen, and a newly erected statue of Duke Jeren Mithril Tybonn.

The North-East gate contains the industry and agriculture centers of Calis, as well as the Academies, and Warehouses. The Tournament Grounds lie outside, on the main road leading to the rich fields fertilized by the spring floods. Easily the largest part of Calis, the interior of this gate area is covered with gardens of floral designs and also contains a zoo which holds animals from all ends of Atamara, and some beyond the seas.

City Center

The center of Calis is surrounded by its guildhouses, made of stone acting as the legs which support the twelve story Palace. The base of the Palace is the Bank, which is a two story stone building acting as a foundation to the Palace. Surrounding the Bank is the Marketplace. There are pillars spread everywhere to keep the two story ceiling overhead, protecting the Marketplace from weather and lighting this one thousand foot in diameter area with lanterns atop hooks.


The Palace itself is a hundred foot diameter at the base (the Bank) but lessens to sixty as you rise to the top. The top itself is an onion shaped dome made of thousands of metal strips (by design, these strips would separate if the structure was hit by a catapult stone or an earthquake was to occur, sending them atop the stone ceiling of the Marketplace - causing little structural damage and not harming anyone as the stone Palace grounds are off limits.

History of Calis

The grand city took one hundred and twelve years to build its current design. (Cities have stood here for time untold, ever brought down by fire, war, and flood, and ever rising from the ashes of the one before.) All of the stones were brought down from the Blue Mountains to Cagil, where they were finished, inspected and sent to Calis by boat. As dukes came and went, the design changed, until finally, a young man inherited the throne. Over the course of 40 years, the city was completed, and has stood now for hundreds.

Every ten months and twelve weeks, Calis is shut down for twelve days while the inspectors and architects make sure the integrity of the structures are intact and make any adjustments needed. A stockpile of stone is kept on hand for these times, and due to this, the city is always in good repair.

Of historical note, Calis has never fallen into enemy hands.

Calis Lions

For a very long time, the standing army of the city was the Lions. It flourished under Duke Pikku's reign, and was instrumental in the conquests of Redspan, Abington, Falasan and Minas Ithil. With the departure of Duke Pikku, the army was reincorporated under Duke Jeren Mithril Tybonn as the Calis Manticores.

Miscellaneous Facts

  • Calis is the largest City of the Cagilan Empire and the fourth largest City on Atamara.
  • Calis is always buying food.
  • Calis is the home of the Calis Manticores (formerly Calis Lions under Duke Pikku) Army.
  • Calis has a 'Vast and Splendid Temple of The Order' [level 7 structure]. The only other Order Temple this big is Eaglin.
  • Calis has two Guilds- Imperial Movement and League of the Eagle.