Felhand Family

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Felhand Coat of Arms

The Felhand Family


Little is known of the origin of the House of Felhand, since all records were lost after the heroic death of Felendrall the Strong in battle. What is known is the family originate from the viking lands of Norland. Felendrall met his wife, Lyonna in Norland, and she blessed him with three sons.

As the sons grew older they grew further and further apart. Valendrell always detested Zalendrell for his bitterness and brutally dishonorable attitudes and their childish arguments escalated into a full on family feud. As soon as he came of age Valendrell left Norland and began a new life in Tara, marrying Dalla and raising three children. Zalendrell remained in Norland, but as the eldest Son was forced into an unhappy marriage by his parents. Bobdrell as the youngest and most timid stayed out of his brothers way his entire life, never connecting in any good or bad way with them. With no responsibilities, Bobdrell pursued his life long dream of becoming an accountant.

Zalendrell and his wife both died when their two children were very young, and while Davendrall went missing, Calvindrell was taken to Beluaterra by his grandmother and bought up there, where he met his wife Nikkitanilas. He and his wife still live in Beluaterra and serve as lords and nobles under the realm of Bara'Khur, while Davendrall remains in Atamara, continuing to fight for the creation of a new Norland.

They also currently own and edit two newspapers: The Muninn Newsrag and The Estahsism Echo

Members of the Felhand Family

Felhand Family Tree

Active Nobles:

Davendrall the Alcoholic

  • Age: 21
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: Eston, Atamara
  • Honour/Prestige: 34/12
  • Class: Warrior

Calvindrell the Stupid

  • Age: 24
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Bara'Khur, Beluaterra
  • Honour/Prestige: 46/18
  • Class: Courtier/Cavalier

Nikkitanilas the Sensible

  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: Bara'Khur, Beluaterra
  • Honour/Prestige: 26/14
  • Class: Priest/Mentor