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===The Holy Basilica of Rines===
===The Holy Basilica of Rines===
The original palace of Rines has been claimed and repurposed many times. The Basilica sits at the city center, features the Solarium at its crown, and serves as the administrative heart of Rines.
The original palace of Rines has been claimed and repurposed many times. The Basilica sits at the city center, features the Solarium at its crown, and serves as the administrative heart of Rines.
{{Quotation|The Oracle lived and dwelt in the highest levels of the Basilica when she was not preaching in the Grand Temple. Traditionally, those that sought her out whether by invitation or decree would have to climb thousands of steps that wound around the Basillica's central spire. In the days of Riombara, this Great Staircase was an engineering marvel in and of itself, boasting the most steps of any building on any continent. Upon entering the Basilica form either the East or West main entrances, one would see the great flights of stairs flanking the interior foyer almost immediately, which then curled up the Basilica Walls to the next flight and repeated concentrically all the way to the royal apartments. The palace, a rather austere place under the Oracle's rule, was exceptional here. Tapestries lined the walls between windows and paintings depicting storied events like Obia'Syela/ The Founding and others. Every canonized sermon was represented. relics carried from Keffa were interred here like treasures in a museum. For Obians, the Grand Staircase was designed to force all comers to consider the grand history forming in the Sacred Realm. The long journey (for journey it surely was) was itself envisioned as a path through life as a member of the Faith towards the Veiled Goddess, with the Oracle herself at the end. Some poets described the ascension as representing the struggle through life, under Her Eye, with Obeah herself waiting at the end, beyond the veil, to greet you. The Physical exhaustion was meant to encourage petitioners to overcome and forget their physical discomforts in favor of contemplating their spiritual goals and well-being.
Stheno, in the interest of timeliness, opted to skip all of that.
Rather than take the Grand Staircases, Stheno lead the pair deeper into the Basilica itself. Past the rooms where nobles and visitors usually roamed and into the backworld of servants and Basilica Staff. Servants, the Oracle believed, should not be constrained in the performance of their duties, particularly when doing so would leave many resident nobles and guests with slow service. The palace itself is massive structure that required a complex system of internal architecture to support its mountainous weight. The original architects were far-sighted enough to rig systems of pulleys and platforms in central shafts within the support structure to allow for relatively swift travel to any level of the Basilica. Servants used these to transport food, furniture, and other difficult items with haste, taking pride in the fact that the Oracle allowed only this privilege to them only, even over Templars and Inquisitors. Critics called it favoritism, which it wasn't technically, because thanks to it the Palace staf were motivated, happy, and loyal; giving them a sense of solidarity that the Oracle herself, Obeha's own representative, supported them so directly. Competition among commoners to serve in the Palace was higher now than it had ever been under any previous ruler.| Adventurer Stheno leads Margravine Maura Arnickles Renodin to the Oracle}}

Revision as of 19:18, 20 August 2018

East Islands
Manufacturing, Trade


Prominent Family Homes



City of Moonlight

Nestled between the sapphire waters of the Sea of Four Cities and wooded hills of the Athol Margos Peninsula sits the largest city in all of Beluaterra... Rines: a sprawling City of Moonlight and eighth-largest settlement in the world. The bustling streets and quiet homesteads are surrounded by strong walls and high watchtowers, resplendent moon-white stone, guarding the peaceful inhabitants. A deep-water port stands sentinel at the entrance to the city's waterways and trade centers. Though bustling, the streets of Rines are rarely clogged, many bridges connecting the City to the small island that lay at its center, provide an excellent, scenic alternate to the winding streets of Rines. At the center of it all stands the Basilica of Rines, a beacon of moonlight and hope in a world of darkness.

When Riombara fell during the Sixth Daimonic Invasion, Rines was ravished and its many thousands of citizens were either killed or driven off, leaving the City of Moonlight as little more than necropolis home to more dead than living. Now as day turns to night, watchtower flames roar to life to ring the great city in light once again, a comforting sight to any weary traveler looking for a place to lay their head.

Visitors often notice the people of Rines possess a special resilience and determination to carve out their place in the world.

Crown Jewel of the South

The large citadel of Rines is a bustling coastal trading center, attracting merchants and artisans from across the world and providing shelter under its powerful towers to become one of the top five largest cities in the world. Southern waters and temperatures make for balmy days and temperate nights.

The center of the ages-old and now deceased Rines Republic, the city of Rines has afterwards been usually under control of Riombara. During the height of the Second Great War the city was lost to anarchy and mayhem after being targeted as the potential Blood Cultist colony. In the winter of the year 2009 the sunbathed flags of the Riombaran nobles entered the city again and took Rines under their wings.

After the fall of Riombara at the outset of the Sixth Daimonic invasion in 2016, permanent control of Rines eventually passed from the Republic of Fronen to theocratic realm of Sacred Obia'Syela in 2017.

Distinctive Features

Being one of the largest cities on the planet does have one distinct disadvantage: It takes quite a while to travel from the outskirts like the docks or Obeah's Gate to the Holy Basilica of Rines. The Sixth Invasion had taken a cataclysmic toll upon the city. By all accounts, it had been a total necropolis before the Heralds had arrived. Now, even at night, the Basilica dominates the city skyline, towering above even the temple at other grand buildings, a great pillar of ivory spires from which radiates the City of Moonlight.

The Basilica is a grand structure connived and built during the earliest days of history, it's architects designed the soaring castle to be larger than life. Everything from the doorways to he windows to the halls were scaled up as though meant for the titans of a forgotten age. Thankfully, however, the designers stopped themselves before making stairs too big to be easily traversed. Constructed with solid granite blocks and sheathed in fine marble quarried from nearby foothills set the aesthetic from which the rest of the expansive city drew inspiration.

The Solarium was the architectural marvel of the Basilica of Rines. Placed at the pinnacle of the large central tower, the Solarium was the highest room in southern Beluaterra and accessible only by a long, winding flight of stone steps that eventually reached a trap door that opened into the floor of the Solarium itself. Upon emerging, most visitors first notice the Solarium's ceiling and learn how this room got its name; for the ceiling and walls were a latticework of bronze-plated supports and pains of clear glass forming a dome over a room abou the size of a dining hall and ringed by a circular balcony that afforded a better view of Rines to those that were brave enough to walk it. Outside, the night was alight with stars and the rising crescent moon, if not for the lanterns that had been lit for the summit, visitors to the Solarium might get the impression that they were walking among those celestial bodies.


Grand Temple of the Veiled Goddess

Commissioned by Duchess Rania Eastersand JeVondair on behalf of the Heralds of Obeah. The Grand Temple is the largest religious building in southern Beluaterra and serves as the new spiritual cradle of the Heralds of Obeah. It's foundations, like all estates commissioned in the time of Sacred Obia'Syela, is built upon the torn ruins of Riombran and older buildings, roots that pierce deep into the coastal bedrock. The edifice includes reclaimed materials from the original, first temple to Obeah which had stood in Keffa prior to being torn down by the Netherworld's daimons.

Keffa Memorial

Commissioned by Duchess Rania Eastersand JeVondair to commemorate the Great Pilgrimage during which the people of Sacred Obia'Syela fled the daimonic slaughter of their original home, Keffa, to Rines.

Offices of the Inquisition

Commissioned by Duchess Rania Eastersand JeVondair to house and administer the operations of the Inquisition Guild

Port of Four Cities

Commissioned by Duchess Rania Eastersand JeVondair to refurnish the original docks which had fallen into disrepair and disuse after the fall of Riombara.

Prophet's Landing

Commissioned by Duchess Rania Eastersand JeVondair in the Marketplace square where she first set foot in Rines, arriving like a thunderbolt via a teleportation scroll.

Runes of Riombara

The name is the only clue we have as to who might have built this district of Rine and when.

Sacred Obian Academy of Rines

Commissioned by Duchess Rania Eastersand JeVondair, the tower-hall of SOAR became the number one seat of learning for the noble arts, sciences, and magics in all of Beluaterra.

Seacliff Lighthouse Tavern

Commissioned by Duchess Rania Eastersand JeVondair to provide the Templars, Inquisitors, and Heralds of Rines with a place to relax. The Lighthouse is only technically within the city limits of Rines as the building itself is located atop a sea-facing cliff just outside of the city walls. This was meant to keep certain activities from within the holy limits fo the city walls. Unfortunately, many an inebriated drunkard has fallen to their deaths. Nevertheless, the Lighthouse has proven immensely popular.

Templar Nexus

Commissioned by Duchess Rania Eastersand JeVondair at the request and utilizing the architectural designs of Grand Templar Vahanian Blint, Steward of Rines. Serves as the administrative center of the Templars Guild .

The Great Moongate

Commissioned by Duchess Rania Eastersand JeVondair, the Great Moongate incorporates pieces of actual rubble from the original Gate of Obeah monument in Keffa that was torn down by Overlord Jomorosh and his gibbering hoard of daimons.

The Holy Basilica of Rines

The original palace of Rines has been claimed and repurposed many times. The Basilica sits at the city center, features the Solarium at its crown, and serves as the administrative heart of Rines.

The Oracle lived and dwelt in the highest levels of the Basilica when she was not preaching in the Grand Temple. Traditionally, those that sought her out whether by invitation or decree would have to climb thousands of steps that wound around the Basillica's central spire. In the days of Riombara, this Great Staircase was an engineering marvel in and of itself, boasting the most steps of any building on any continent. Upon entering the Basilica form either the East or West main entrances, one would see the great flights of stairs flanking the interior foyer almost immediately, which then curled up the Basilica Walls to the next flight and repeated concentrically all the way to the royal apartments. The palace, a rather austere place under the Oracle's rule, was exceptional here. Tapestries lined the walls between windows and paintings depicting storied events like Obia'Syela/ The Founding and others. Every canonized sermon was represented. relics carried from Keffa were interred here like treasures in a museum. For Obians, the Grand Staircase was designed to force all comers to consider the grand history forming in the Sacred Realm. The long journey (for journey it surely was) was itself envisioned as a path through life as a member of the Faith towards the Veiled Goddess, with the Oracle herself at the end. Some poets described the ascension as representing the struggle through life, under Her Eye, with Obeah herself waiting at the end, beyond the veil, to greet you. The Physical exhaustion was meant to encourage petitioners to overcome and forget their physical discomforts in favor of contemplating their spiritual goals and well-being.

Stheno, in the interest of timeliness, opted to skip all of that.

Rather than take the Grand Staircases, Stheno lead the pair deeper into the Basilica itself. Past the rooms where nobles and visitors usually roamed and into the backworld of servants and Basilica Staff. Servants, the Oracle believed, should not be constrained in the performance of their duties, particularly when doing so would leave many resident nobles and guests with slow service. The palace itself is massive structure that required a complex system of internal architecture to support its mountainous weight. The original architects were far-sighted enough to rig systems of pulleys and platforms in central shafts within the support structure to allow for relatively swift travel to any level of the Basilica. Servants used these to transport food, furniture, and other difficult items with haste, taking pride in the fact that the Oracle allowed only this privilege to them only, even over Templars and Inquisitors. Critics called it favoritism, which it wasn't technically, because thanks to it the Palace staf were motivated, happy, and loyal; giving them a sense of solidarity that the Oracle herself, Obeha's own representative, supported them so directly. Competition among commoners to serve in the Palace was higher now than it had ever been under any previous ruler.

– Adventurer Stheno leads Margravine Maura Arnickles Renodin to the Oracle







Keep (3)

Recruitment Centers

Paladins of the Oracle
Spec. Inf. |Training 95 | Weapons 90 | Armor 85

Templar Wrathbows
Archers | Training 90 | Weapons 70 | Armor 75 | Range 4

Keffan Refugees

Archers | Training 30 | Weapons 35 | Armor 55 | Range 3

Civic Buildings

Houses of Healing

Banner Manufacture

2 Granary


Weapon/Armour Smith
