Vallejo Family/Maelg/Feudal contract

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Feudal contract and the rights of the common Noble in Perdan

This is the correspondence between Duke Maelg and Sir Crazy Larry and others concerning the rightful claim of the region of Perdan Mines under the feudal contract. (showing how perdan or at least this duke and the judge of Perdan do not care about feudal contracts or the rights of the common noble.

Letter from Crazy Larry Star (5 days, 22 hours ago)

(Personal message to Maelg) I am a Knight of Perdan Mines and have a Large estate there already. I would claim the right to its Lordship!

Crazy Larry Star (Knight of Perdan Mines)

Letter from Maelg Vallejo (4 days, 14 hours ago) Larry,

A Lord will be appointed soon. Unfortunately, even though you have a claim, you do not have the prestige to be appointed.


Sir Maelg Vallejo Duke of Perdan

Letter from Crazy Larry Star (4 days, 22 hours ago)

(Personal message to Maelg) Your Grace,

May I ask what the status is of the Lordship of the Perdan Mines? I ask as the ranking Knight of the region. It does not do the region well to go so long without a Lord.

And as the Ranking Knight of the region and having the strongest Claim, I would again advise you that I would lay claim to the region as is my right.


Crazy Larry Star (Knight of Perdan Mines)

Out-of-Character from Crazy Larry Star (4 days, 13 hours ago)

(Personal message to Maelg) I thought that prestige of 3 or greater was required. And that Larry has for defending that very land.

Maxwell S.

Letter from Crazy Larry Star (3 days, 4 hours ago)

(Personal message to Maelg) Your Grace,

Will you honor my claim to the Perdan Mines?

Crazy Larry Star (Knight of Perdan Mines)

Request from Crazy Larry Star (3 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to all nobles of the duchy of Perdan (18 recipients) I would like to publicly state that as both the ranking knight of Perdan Mines as well as having the strongest claim, I would lay claim to the Lordship of the Perdan Mines. (ooc-I believe that I do have the prestige required by game mechanics to be the lord)

At least I thought that is how a new Lord is supposed to be chosen. Rank and strength of claim. This is after all not a Democracy nor a dictatorship.

Am I wrong?

Crazy Larry Star (Knight of Perdan Mines)

Letter from Crazy Larry Star (2 days, 13 hours ago)

(Personal message to Nyfitsa) Sir,

In Perdan, does the feudal contract between a Duke and one of his knights go both ways?

Meaning, As his knight i am obligated to serve him, and my estate to do the same for the region that it is in, correct? For His Part Is not the duke obligated to protect and uphold my feudal rights? Is this not the basis of feudalism?

Sir I have upheld my side of the feudal contract. I fear that my Duke, His Grace Sir Maelg Vallejo, Duke of Perdan, is not. I am the ranking Knight of Perdan Mines, I also have that greatest Claim to the region by feudal rights. I have claimed the right of Lordship of Perdan Mines as is my right and was advised that I do not have the needed prestige. This is not true and I wrote back to the duke explaining this. He has refused to answer my letter and has appointed another lord of another region and so has been available. he has been very active the last few days.

If my feudal rights are not upheld and my Claim not acknowledged I will be asking for justice from you and the crown. (ooc-as well as protest openly and loudly until it is resolved)


Crazy Larry Star (Knight of Perdan Mines)

Letter from Nyfitsa Vecchio Ratto (2 days, 8 hours ago)

Sir Crazy Larry,

our liege have some duty with us, but ths not mean he his obbligated to help us for acquire more power, especially on seat nomination matter.

you have the right to protest strong of your claim. But legally spoken there's nothing wrong in the duke decision.

but remember claim was not the only parameter for a decision.

i hope my asnwer was usefull.

Sir Nyfitsa Vecchio Ratto Arch Priest of Perdan

Letter from Crazy Larry Star (1 day, 22 hours ago)

(Personal message to Nyfitsa) Sir,

What you are telling me is that Perdan is run based on a tyranny. And that the Feudal contract between me and my duke only flows one way.

If I am bound to fight for him and uphold or defend his rights as a Duke, then he is bound to uphold and defend my rights. This would also go to lands that I have rightful claim to. If he does not he is in violation of feudal contract and I no longer owe him my service. This is the very basis of feudalism. When a Duke would step on the rights of those beneath him those beneath him had the right to war against him. This was a check and balance that make the feudal system work. When fealty only flows in one direction, it becomes a tyranny. And the knights of a region become little more than Surfs.

And I am hopeful that Perdan sees its knights as more than Surfs, we are nobles in our own right and must be treated as such.

Crazy Larry Star (Knight of Perdan Mines)

Letter from Nyfitsa Vecchio Ratto (1 day, 22 hours ago)


i don't know details, was preferred a Knight of another duchies to you?

You can protest to your lord, but i don't have power on a duke decision on duchies matter.

You can search for a new liege if your liege work don't satisify you.

You can put your estate out of work in sign of protest.

this was the arm you have in your hand if you want go aganist your liege decision, i can't do anything, overall i find Lord Maelg , who was even my liege, generous and always friendly.

so i think you can make something for correct this.

But rarely i saw appointment based on only claim. You have to mind to freindship, war merit, experience. I think i can be appointed in pretty any free region of the realm thanks to my fame here. without any claim.

so if you want make a protest is in your right, do it in the duchty, but i as Judge i can't do anything, until there's nothing like an offense or a law broke.

in faith,

Sir Nyfitsa Vecchio Ratto Arch Priest of Perdan

Letter from Crazy Larry Star (13 hours, 42 minutes ago)

(Personal message to Maelg) Your Grace,

You have done me injury to my honor and one day I will come to you and request satisfaction. I will honor our feudal contract to the same degree that you have. Until then I will continue to serve Perdan Mines and its lord.


Crazy Larry Star (Knight of Perdan Mines)

Letter from Maelg Vallejo (13 hours, 5 minutes ago)


You have not been in Perdan long, so do not understand how things work here. It is my right to acknowledge a claim or not and it is my right to appoint who I think would be most suitable. I also acknowledge those that follow my requests when it comes to their application.


Sir Maelg Vallejo Duke of Perdan

Letter from Crazy Larry Star (12 hours, 51 minutes ago)

(Personal message to Maelg) Your Grace,

Your are right I have not been in Perdan Long, But have apparently done right by feudal standards. It was not my fault that Perdan Lost its lord when it did.

And if you were appointing someone for good and stated reasons I would understand and correct whatever my deficiency was. This is not what you did. You spoke an untruth to justify what you were doing. Where is the honor or feudal responsibility in that. You did not state that you wanted someone with more experience, you said that I did not have the prestige required (ooc - by game mechanics).

And yes you have the right to overlook claims, but then how can you expect me to serve you if you step on my rights as a feudal Noble.

As I stated, I will one day come to you for satisfaction, I must bide my time for now as I would rather it be a fair fight. I will never attack you from behind, but promise you a dual when my skills are sharp enough to give you a fight that is honorable and just. And then we can allow the circle of equals as my family calls it decide who is right and who is wrong. Until then I will remain a loyal Knight of Perdan Mines. And after I have sought satisfaction, I may leave Perdan forever peacefully. Maybe even the continent. Until then I will give you the respect your position demands. No more, No less.


Crazy Larry Star (Knight of Perdan Mines)

Letter from Maelg Vallejo (12 hours, 12 minutes ago)


You don't have the prestige for the position, in my eyes.

As for your claim, I don't listen to what the peasants think, so why should anyone else?

Sir Maelg Vallejo Duke of Perdan

Letter from Crazy Larry Star (11 hours, 22 minutes ago)

(Personal message to Maelg) Your Grace,

You are back peddling. You were with in your legal rights, but morally and ethically you were wrong.

You can dance all you want to.

I will bother you about it no more until I an ready for satisfaction.

I wish you well until then.


Crazy Larry Star (Knight of Perdan Mines)