Serpentis Family/Erik Eyolf/Small Abstractions

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Small Abstractions

In Sirion

Erik gave the letters to the scribe and walked to his favorite tavern. It was not rare to see the Judge of Sirion with Captain Karl and some Stormwalkers. A small group of employees and squires with an eye in the horses and the other in the people that passed over there. They brought the best beer for the Judge of Sirion.

Captain Karl: "Then... King Erik Eyolf Serpentis of Sirion?"

Erik Eyolf: "Sounds good, unh!?"

And the two laughed. Finally the taxes and a refit. That would make the men stop to speak foolishness and return to the battlefields.



Hair of fine gold straw.

Distribute the whole beer in Trinbar!

We are going to the war!


Our enemy's shame.

We prevailed in the end!!!
