Serpentis Family/Erik Eyolf/Ryus' Birthday Celebration - Part I

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The Soft Parade Once Again

Erik was a good warrior. A good Judge. But he could do something better than anyone could do. Offer a good party. The biggest and best ones. And this time Sirion would have the best.

Investments were the soul of the farms. The farmers were happy as always for inhabit the best lands in Sirion. Brewers, fishermen, merchants. In a land where prosperity stemmed from the Silver Dragon good hands, everyone could wear their best clothes and take their daughters to witness the spectacle.

Flower ornaments adorned the path and the dance and music filled the soul of the fair and beautiful people. From distant regions the elite came in carriages. And on foot, celebrating they came dancing. A huge court that will be hosted in the largest exodus that Sirion had ever seen. The bridge where the soldiers marched to the war would be open that day for a great celebration.

The main streets were decorated and appropriately dressed, the militia formed lines to prevent unwanted access. Ecstasy were swarming in those streets until the central square. And beyond until the estates of the Lion Clan.
