Sanguis Astroism/Charter
Here follows the Severine charter, proposed by the Prophetess Severina Erickson and enacted by a vote of the council.
We believe that the Maddening Star influences our raw emotions and impulses.
We believe that the Auspicious Star influences our reason and capacity for logical thought.
We believe that the Austere Star influences our soul and capacity for serenity.
We believe that above all else, men should seek to reach a state of Harmony with the influence of all three Stars, so that we may act with Wisdom according to our knowledge.
We believe that to succeed at this is to attain Enlightenment, as the First Prophet Mathurin did.
We hold the spiritual writings of the First Prophet Mathurin to come from the greatest understanding of the Stars we have yet achieved. All should study them so we can better understand and study the Stars themselves.
We believe that everyone should know and believe this creed to be true. We do not shun those who seek honest enlightenment, and we seek always to spread our knowledge of the Truth to the unenlightened.
All this we believe.
Article 1 Elders
A. Arbiter of the Stars
The Arbiter of the stars is tasked with safeguarding the church against abuse of power by other elders. "Abuse of power" is defined as taking any unilateral action that would normally require the council's approval by vote, or otherwise defying a council vote, or failure to follow proper procedures for official action. The arbiter may also participate fully in council votes. The arbiter should be an individual who is regarded as trustworthy and above corruption. The arbiter serves for life, or until they resign. A resigning Arbiter may name a successor. In absence of a named successor the other elders of the church may appoint one.
B. Prophet/Prophetess
The prophet/prophetess is the spiritual leader of the church. Like the Arbiter the prophet serves for life unless they should step down. The prophet alone can acknowledge another as being sufficiently enlightened to ascend to this office and under those circumstances can name a successor. The prophet has the sole power to establish orthodoxy, heterodoxy, impiety, and heresy. They may also choose official views of other faiths with the exception of designating another religion evil (see article 3, voting in the elder council).
C. Consul
The consul is a representative of the lay members of the faith and is the only elder councilor that must be a non-priest. Consuls serve indefinitely with the exception that they are subject to a vote of "no confidence", any full-member in good standing may call for a vote of "no confidence", a repeal vote. This vote is to be tallied by the Arbiter with all full members in good standing being eligible to vote. If 2/3rds of all votes cast are in favor of repeal the consul is removed. A new consular election takes place where all lay members of the church in good standing may vote. The new consul is chosen by simple majority. If the consul dies or steps down a new consul is chosen by this same method.
D. Archon.
The Archon is an appointed representative of a theocracy. Each theocracy may have one Archon. The archon must be a priest sworn to serve their respective theocracy, who does not hold any other voting council position. They must be appointed by the ruler of the theocracy. The elder council may object to the appointment of an archon and block their ascension by a majority vote. Archon appointments are also subject to the Arbiter's veto. If a theocracy falls from its recognized status their archon shall be removed at once.
Article 2: Universal Powers of Elders
A. Actions not requiring a formal vote
This charter recognizes the need for elders to be able to act with some autonomy. The following actions do not require a council vote and may be undertaken by any elder:
1. Building a temple or shrine
2. Enlarging a temple or shrine, or hiring or firing temple guards
3. Issuing a call to replenish the global treasury
4. Transfering funds from one temple to another
5. Creating a new full-member or aspirant rank which answers to their office.
B. Procedure for official acts of elders
When an elder wishes to make an official action, they should announce what they intend to do to the council asking if there are any objections. If no objections are raised within two days the elder is free to act. In addition both elders may respond "no objection" so as to give them immediate power to act. If an objection is raised a council vote should take place before the elder takes any action, and their ultimate actions, if any, should be in accordance with the vote. There is one exception to this rule, see article 5.
Article 3: Voting in the Elder Council
Certain actions are deemed by this charter to be of greater significance and therefore require a council vote.
They are as follows:
1. Formally punishing a member of the church, including by demotion in rank, levying of a fine, or expulsion
2. Shrinking or closing a temple, or dismantling a shrine
3. Creating, destroying, or otherwise modifying an elder rank.
4. Destroying or modifying any rank which members of the church already hold
5. Declaring another faith evil.
6. Amending this charter
7. Formally recognizing a new theocracy of the stars
Article 4: Decrees of the Elder Council
The Elders should keep a running document "Decrees of the Elder Council" wherein official decisions will be recorded for posterity.
Article 5: New Aspirants
Upon joining the church as an aspirant nobles wishing to become full members, or commoners wishing to become sheriffs, must perform an act of devotion to demonstrate their acceptance of the faith and commitment to the church, these include but are not limited to, the founding of a temple or shrine, pilgrimage to a holy city, bearing arms in a crusade or an oath by reciting the preamble in the following first-person form:
"I believe that the Maddening Star influences our raw emotions and impulses.
I believe that the Auspicious Star influences our reason and capacity for logical thought.
I believe that the Austere Star influences our soul and capacity for serenity.
I believe that above all else, men should seek to reach a state of Harmony with the influence of all three Stars, so that we may act with Wisdom according to our knowledge.
I believe that to succeed at this is to attain Enlightenment, as the First Prophet Mathurin did.
I hold the spiritual writings of the First Prophet Mathurin to come from the greatest understanding of the Stars we have yet achieved. All should study them so we can better understand and study the Stars themselves.
I believe that everyone should know and believe this creed to be true. We do not shun those who seek honest enlightenment, and we seek always to spread our knowledge of the Truth to the unenlightened."
Alternatively, aspirants may propose their own unique act of devotion which must be approved by one elder.
If a noble has completed one of these acts of devotion any elder may immediately promote them to Knight of the Temple
Article 6: Theocracies
Theocracies are a longstanding tradition within Sanguis Astroism. This article establishes the governing principles for Astroist theocracies as well as their rights and obligations.
A. Obligations of Theocracies
In order to be recognized as a theocracy and retain this status a realm must adhere to the following:
1. Sanguis Astroism must be the de jure official religion of the theocracy and the realm must use the theocracy government type.
2. The ruler and judge of the realm must be astroists.
3. Astroist priests shall have free reign to preach in any region of a theocracy unless specifically barred by the elder council for misconduct. They may also calm the peasantry and promote loyalty to the realm. Promoting positive or negative relations with a foreign realm may only be done with permission from the theocracy's designated authorities. Scaring peasants or causing unrest is forbidden within a theocracy.
4. Priests of faiths considered to be misguided by the church, or who are to be ignored, may preach in any region with the permission of the region lord. Lords of other faiths may construct temples, but they cannot raise them to be larger than the local Astroist temple.
5. In the event that a religion is declared a variant of Sanguis Astroism they shall enjoy the same rights to preaching and temples as the original church.
6. Religions declared evil by the elder council shall not be permitted within a theocracy. No temple of such cults may be built and any existing ones should be dismantled as quickly as possible. No priest of an evil faith should be suffered to enter a theocracy and they should be removed by whatever means the realm sees fit. No one who professes an evil faith may be noble of a theocracy, they must convert or be cast out. Under special circumstances exceptions to this rule may be granted by a vote of the elder council.
7. A theocracy must welcome any Astroist noble who seeks to become their citizen, with the exception of any expressly forbidden by a council vote.
8. Theocracies may offer incentives to the faithful in exchange for services and material support.
B. Rights of Theocracies
1. Except where it may interfere with any aspect of this article theocracies have the right to manage their own internal affairs and govern themselves as they see fit.
2. The ruler of a theocracy may appoint an archon to the elder council (see Article 1 section D).
C. A Prohibition Against Theocratic Chauvanism
It must be remembered always that the purpose of a theocracy is to serve the faithful, not for the faithful to serve the theocracy. Therefore the following prohibitions must be observed:
1. Services and donations to the theocracy must be by the dicatates of one's heart. No faithful may be punished or coerced into rendering any service or material support to a theocracy, though they may forfeit a promised reward if they fail to perform an agreed upon service.
2. It shall be seen as a breach of decorum for any noble of a theocracy to claim superiority because of their citizenship or denigrate another member of our congregation for serving a secular realm.
Punishment for transgressions of these rules will be at the discretion of the elder council.
Previous Charter Documents and Proposals
Pre-Severine Charter
The Turin Charter
The Sanguis Astroism Charter as developed during the time of Lights Turin, Rosdan, Katrina, and Obelix, after the removal of the Justiciars.
First Post Justiciar Charter
The Charter after the Justiciar rank was removed.
Luminary Merger Proposal
The proposal to merge the Luminary and Luminary Assistant ranks in the Elder Council.
Turin's Proposal
The Helm Charter
The Charter during Helm's time as Justiciar.
Second Major Revision
The second Major revision which was superseded by Helm's & Alaster's emergency powers reforms.
First Major Revision
The first Major revision which was superseded by Helm's reforms.
Helm's Proposal
Helms's proposed changes to the current charter.
Brance's Proposal
Brance's proposed revised version of the Old Charter.
Eoghan 's Proposal
Compiled by Eoghan Ofaolain, proposed revision of the Old Charter.