Republic of Fwuvoghor/The Enweil Situation

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Letter from Dimian Indirik
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Chancellor Handkor,

I would like to bring your attention, and that of all of the other rulers assembled here, to a document that was recently delivered to me and a few other rulers.

"Referendum Results (19 days, 16 hours ago) The referendum "What to do next" has ended. Here is the final tally:

  • 19 votes for Gorin
  • 9 votes for Thromegor
  • 4 votes for Enweilieos
  • 3 votes for Iato
  • 2 votes for Fengen
  • 0 abstentions
  • 14 votes were not cast

The winning choice therefore is Gorin, with 19 votes. A simple majority was required, i.e. 1 votes.

As a reminder, the full text of the referendum was: As said previously, this is a referendum to decide what to do next

Iato : Help Mesh

Gorin : Fight RoF

Enweilieos : Fight daimons that we can deal with

Lopa : Help Riombara (meaning that we slaughther countless men in Admore).

Thromegor : Take Eylmon and it's surrounding.

Fengen : Hold a tournament

Ete City : Do nothing

Others : As it's region based, if you have other suggestion, assign them a region and what it is. Sadly it won't be part of the referendum text.

For a week or two it was discussed publicly, with all giving reasons for and against certain choices. Eventually, War with RoF was decided upon as the most beneficial choice."

It appears, according to this document, that the nobles of Enweil were actually voting to attack sovereign realms for the gain of Enweil. In fact, one of your choices was to attack my own Kingdom. "Take Eylmon and it's surrounding." Need I point out that "its surroundings" includes Epinotke, a region that is undeniably, and unquestionably, the sovereign territory of the Kingdom of Alluran? It was won by us in a war of independence against realms which no longer exist, through their own selfish actions.

Did we not march to the aide of Enweil when daimons besieged your capital of Fengen? I find it hard to believe that I sent hundreds of soldiers to their deaths to throw the daimons out of your capital, alongside the soldiers of Enweil and Riombara and this is how the nobles of your realm show thanks. By voting to steal my sovereign lands and set up a Enweilian colony in my proverbial backyard?

But not only have you voted on whether or not to violate the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Alluran, it appears that the nobles of Enwiel have elected to ignore the plight of the allies of Enweil: Riombara and Mesh. It appears that rather than fight the common enemies of humanity, that the nobles of Enweil would rather return to empire building. Does Enweil have such little regard for the well-being of their allies?

I think, Chancellor, that you owe the rulers of Beluaterra some explanation of this document, and why Enweil would rather fight humanity, than fight for humanity.
Dimian Indirik ( King of Kingdom of Alluran)

Letter from Delvin Anaris
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Rulers of Beluaterra's human realms,

I, too, am shocked and dismayed by what is revealed by this document.

Not only did the leadership of Enweil put forward such despicable options as attacking Fwuvoghor, when Enweil is supposed to be a neutral guardian of Fwuvoghor's treaty, and taking land held by our ally, who, as King Dimian has pointed out, spent their own blood to save Enweil from the Daimons, and not only did its people utterly ignore the plight of Riombara, and almost completely ignore the plight of Mesh, but the highest votes went to the two most abhorrent "options" put forward.

Chancellor Handkor, you most certainly owe Beluaterra an explanation for this, as well as an apology. I had thought that you had changed your ways from years ago when you took it upon yourself to become the moral authority of the continent and forced every realm ruled by a Dictator to change their government to a Democracy or Republic. I would prefer not to be proven wrong.

For Riombara and the South,
Delvin Anaris (High Chancellor of Riombara)

Letter from Hireshmont Vellos
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While, as an ally of Enweil, and with many strong connections to them (military, political, economic), I am hard pressed to speak ill of Enweil publicly.

However, we in Irombrozia were also shocked and dismayed when we heard this news, as our concerns were also not even on the ballot, and those items which would seem most vital to our security, and to the security of humanity, seem to have had little support. Likewise, an attack on a federated ally of Irombrozia seems eminent. We have personally spoken to Lord Handkor about this issue in the past in an attempt at private resolution, but it seems that the issue is now a public one. I hope that Lord Handkor and Enweil will be forthcoming and open concerning this issue, that it may be resolved peaceably and with a mutually beneficial agreement.

Hireshmont Vellos (Sunrise King of Irombrozia)
Letter from Handkor Zotral
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I don't exactly know what the traitor said along in his letter to you, but you are making words say things that they didn't meant to say.

But I have one thing to say first. The one that shared that information with you is one of the unhappy people that complained a few weeks ago over one of my decision and that after the referendum confirmed my choice simply kept on being unhappy about the result as it wasn't his choice. And it's following there complain that the referendum was made, but it appears that it was a waste of time as they decided to still leave and use the result of the referendum for there own good.

Yes, a colony in Eylmor was an option as the city is a rogue one. And the surrounding region for it are the rogue region. It have never been intended to wage war on KoA otherwise the colony choice would have been Jidington.

As for helping Riombara, you know just as well as me that it would mean suiciding countless mens in Ardmore, something that is not the most interesting thing if you ask me. And we still have our infestation problem in Droxago of over 20k of daimon there as well. Enweil sent troops to the help of Riombara when the daimon were attacking them, just as they did when the daimon attacked us. The same with Irombrozia. The daimon just didn't make it far enough.

As for helping Mesh, I had asked them even before the referendum and they didn't really needed it. It can be seen as Vlandereen is now down to only it's city.

As for the option to attack RoF, why it was there is quite simple. Nicolas Chénier.

I've been surprised by the amount of vote that it gained.

But in any case, I guess that now is the time to make it public even tough I would have preferred to do it when we were ready to march. Enweil is moving out to help Fronen.
Handkor Zotral (Ruler and Banker of Enweil)
Letter from VonGarrett Anderbliss
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I am concerned that a deceitful, power-hungry, and quite frankly mad family like the Cheniers can gain such influence in Enweil so quickly.
VonGarrett Anderbliss (Prime Minister of Hetland)