Peristaltico Family/Circenzio W./Meridian1

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Roleplay from Circenzio W. Peristaltico
Message sent to everyone in the region Cjelegy (3 recipients)
With false credentials as trader Circenzio managed to organize a meeting with the Treasurer of the Meridian Republic.

Once in the court, he quickly seized the moment and throw a knife hidden in his sleeve to Hireshmont's bodyguard. The man was quick and parried the projectile but that bought Circenzio enough time to take two quick steps and lead towards a stunned Hireshmont that could not even defend himself. Quickly Circenzio stabbed him and slipped off his signet ring to prove the deed.

The guards jumped on him unsheathing the swords but he dodged them and throw himself out of the window, first step of his planned escape.

Soon he was raiding in the dark northwards, with a considerable bounty in his pocket.
Circenzio W. Peristaltico

Roleplay from Circenzio W. Peristaltico
Message sent to everyone in the region Melegra (6 recipients)
Riding at full speed towards the northern border of the Meridian Republic, Circenzio met a rather large group of soldiers guarding some kind of celebrations.

The Lord of the region must be there, let's see

Consulting his latest bounty hunting journal, he gladly noticed Countess Darla had a somewhat small but nevertheless present bounty on her head.

A quick job on the way home. I like it.

Shortly after, Circenzio was riding home with his pouch a little heavier, while guards were puzzled and searching for the one that almost took away Lady Darla's life.
Circenzio W. Peristaltico