Lightstar Family/Xarnelf/Roleplay 69/Epic Saga 28

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Part 19: A New Home

(Roleplay from Irdys Galeheart)

Giving another gracious bow Irdys said swiftly;

"Thank you your Grace, such is how I meant my words in truth. And my apologies for the unclarity in my words." Irdys ran that through her head again, it seemed decent enough.

"If I may have leave to depart now your Grace, to see to such matters as these?" Adding swiftly, realizing it should've come first just a tad too late; "And it has been an honour to be in your presence so far your Grace."

Irdys realized she still had a lot to learn about nobles and dealing with them. When she'd been young she'd been encouraged, again and again, not to get involved with nobles. Apparently something to do with her origins of birth. Although she'd never known her father, her mother had always made it clear not to pry, or look deeply into it. Why she'd never bothered to ask. Still, if she was even now speaking to a duke... She'd need to see what she could learn, years of backwards 'learning' to catch up on she realized.

And a new place to call home. That still felt best of all about this. A home at last...

Part 20...