Lightstar Family/Xarnelf/Roleplay 09

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March to Akanos

Xarnelf addressed his men solemnly as they stood resolute within the glow of torchlight in neat ranks.

"Farsighters, at long last, the chance to reveal your true mettle is at hand. Tonight, we have been called to aid our allies of the Highland Empire in their time of great need. We fight to right what has been wronged, to restore order where there has been chaos. In seven hours, my friends, the combined forces of Svunnetland and Taith Aenil will strike a blow against Lasanar that they will not soon forget. When the sun rises over Akanos, may it warm our backs as it blinds our enemies. May we prove ourselves worthy in the eyes of the others. May the Aenil give us strength and bless our aim!

"Now, move out!"