Conan Family/Small Battle in Marpii (14 September 2013)

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Battle in Marpii

(rogue), Melhed vs. Fronen

Estimated strengths: 150 men vs. 930 men

The Guardiani di Fronen (Fronen), sponsored by Maremma Darkhouse, Doge of Fronen, Royal of Fronen, Ambassador of Fronen, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Kaxerra Awesome.

Elicia Windblack, Senator of Tindle is spotted reading from the Illuminated Tome.

Antonio Vaughan, Senator of Qrelg is spotted reading from the Sacred Book of the Dead.

Kaxerra Awesome, Savia della Guerra of Fronen, Senator of Sheja is spotted wielding the Arrow of Blood.

Maremma Darkhouse, Doge of Fronen, Royal of Fronen, Ambassador of Fronen is spotted wearing the Daemonic Ring of the Undead.

Defender Victory!