Arcaea/Library/Onn ye Nayture of ye Aynil

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It seems clear that the human intellect cannot comprehend the Aenil in their true form. Some might say that therefore discussion on this topic is pointless; however, I disagree. The Aenil have presented themselves to humanity in a variety of ways, all of which are no doubt mere simplifications or caricatures of their true states of being. While Aenil seem to be of near limitless power upon this earth, their greatest limitation seems to be in their forms of communication with humans. Whether this is because the barrier between our world and their world is simply too great, or whether it can be attributed to the difference in intellect, we may never know. However, by interpreting the ways in which the Aenil have come to us, we may hope to glean the shape of their natures and perhaps a truer guide to their intent.

Chief amongst their methods of communication is appearing in avatar form as humans before our eyes or in our dreams. The utility of such a form seems obvious; it both allows us to relate to them in a more immediate way, provides some comfort when confronting the unknowable, and gives a clarity in the passing on of information that is otherwise hard to achieve. However, should this be considered the only form which the Aenil can take? Such an assumption would seem prideful and foolish. The Aenil have power over our world, some being known even to inhabit the body of a living creature. Must they therefore only take the shapes of humans?

I propose not, and that furthermore the Aenil have appeared to us before in a fashion beyond our previous reckoning. Throughout many mythologies of diverse religions there have been stories of supernatural creatures. My own cousin, Euran, holds a quasi-mystical reverence for yetis. Could it be that such beings are alternative physical representations of the Aenil? The more I consider the question, the less likely it seems that they are restricted simply to human form.

This essay is a simple introduction to the many possibilities that MAE may have been missing in recent years to attract the attention of powerful benign Aenil. More research shall follow!