Talk:Avamar Times/Issue 11

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If wars were fought with repetitive, whining bullcrap maybe you lot could win one.

Maybe. Hynes 09:40, 18 January 2007 (CET)

We need a new template for the wiki: Template:BlatantFalsePropaganda. There are so many inaccuracies and outright lies on this page it's impossible to tell where to start refuting it. --Indirik 22:45, 18 January 2007 (CET)

Hahahaha! For a while I was afraid that Avamarians lost their humor! Keep up the good work guys. You are having fun and that's the key of success! I promise that if you stand enough I will bring a character to your realm. I only regreat that I haven't done so yet. I also second Indirik's idea, although I think that all neswspaper are mainly propaganda Template:BlatantFalsePropaganda. It is just that some are written with more humor and passion than others. Liberator 23:41, 18 January 2007 (CET)

Bringing a character to their realm is rather pointless now. Their remaining regions are all occupied by large contingents of the liberation forces, and all recruiting centers are destroyed. Their tax income per character is... 2 gold? 3? The Kalmar Islands have force drafted their population so far that Chaos Temple has all of 42 commoners. Production so low that gold in come there is even lower. The only thing keeping them afloat is calling for family support. They do try and paint a brave picture of the islands, that's for sure. Once glance at the scouting reports gives the lie to all their brave words about how they have resisted anything at all. --Indirik 14:38, 19 January 2007 (CET)