Riombaran Herald/Archives/Issue 5

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Chronicle of truth
Issue 5 - June 2010. Price: 2 silver.
June 22, 1010
Dominion beaten back

After a valiant struggle, in which they lost all but their capital region, Dominion of Alluran accepted peace with the monsters, and agreed to an alliance with them to defeat the daimons, agreeing to give up its Southern territory. The Dominion fought tooth an nail for every one of its regions, and its brave efforts wont be forgotten.

In other news, Nicolas Chenier, Field Marshal of Enweil, has referred to the ex God of Netherworld, Valachi as feeling like his family. Valachi, who was arrested two days ago by Lord Nigel, currently rots in Riombaran prisons and is scheduled to be burnt at the stake for his crimes against humanity. Interrogation reports will soon be made public.

~ Mordred Lefanis, Ambassador and Grand Chamberlain of Riombara

June 12, 1010
Monsters ravage the South, and treachery in Enweil

Not many days have passed by since the monsters were first sighted in Jidington, Shifgrethor, Hep Monga, and Rinqen, 3 weeks ago. They weren't idle and immediately declared war on our allies, the Dominion, rapidly taking over territory. The Southern armies fought numerous battles against them, but even a victories were pyrrhic- The monsters replaced their fallen as easily as water fills a goblet.

Notable battles were-

My own brother fell in battle in Hoelorr, bravely fighting of the monster assault down till the last man. You wont see such courage in a realm like Enweil however, its huge armies idling and feasting in Fengen. They care not for the rest of humanity, indeed, startling reports have come to the light about Enweil's role in the monster attacks to the South.

Wisdom of Gilgamesh, told us that Enweil had asked them to attack the South. These were his words-

"We were informed by the kind Chancellor that the south east lands had such in abundance, and according to the reports of my Sword such is the case. "

"This Chancellor? I do not know. I know his full title is Supreme Chancellor of Enweil, just like your title of Great Chamberlain of Riombara. I do not care to remember human names."

"Enweil has spoken regarding your people, that you are insidious and evil."

"Enweil has stated that the people of the south are evil and sly, and deserve to be punished. I have not seen proof of this, but it does seem that Enweil is willing to live up to its promises regarding the regions it is giving to us. "

I leave the readers to draw their own conclusion from this. If you wish to read more, the letters have been archived in the Repository of Knowledge, and the letters of Wisdoms letters about Enweil are stored here.

~ Mordred Lefanis, Ambassador and Grand Chamberlain of Riombara

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