Itorunt Informer/August '06

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The empre strikes back...
The Itorunt Informer
Free, although we like it when you throw money.
Written by Alex Exiled, Thray Walsh, and Ichigo Kurosaki.
Bringing you the best of the press from Itorunt! July Edition


An argument made for the terms laid out by Yssaria

In their article of the 1st of August 2006, the editors of the Rampant Lion published an article about the terms of the surrender of Caligus to Yssarian forces, citing them as unfair to the Caligans.

However, this editor would like to explain his view on the terms. These terms are far from new; in fact, this paper covered terms of surrender with Caligus in a previous issue which included an interview that King Eleran was gracious enough to provide. The terms were essentially no different from what they are now; they demanded the regions currently sought by Yssaria, plus others that have since fallen under the banner of the Red Star by means of conquest. The difference is that at that point, Caligus was still ruled by the Queen Gwnnth Kazan who with Eleran shared a hatred of the opposing ruler, and at that time Light of Fountain was unheard of in the south. Hence, the region of Akesh Temple was under the control of Caligusand they were given the chace to surrender without killing themselves. These terms lay open for a long time.

It can hardly be expected, then, that the Yssarians, showing remarkable acceptance to the new King, who seized power not through a valid election but instead a bloody rebellion, did not change their views, or their terms. They offered the same terms; after all, what motivation would they have to change them? But by that time Caligus had already sold the region that could, and probably should have been their capital, Akesh Temple to the East Continents newest realm, Light of Fountain.

It is this editors humble opinion, therefore, that the Caligans are the ones to blame here. Certainly, they can claim that the terms were unfair, but at the end of it all, it is themselves who made it unfair. Even forgetting that it was originally Caligus that made war alongside Ubent with Yssaria, they cannot deny that whatever noose they have around their neck now is their own fault.

Hence the Rampant Lions claims "it would be much better for Yssaria to offer Caligus a treaty that would allow them to survive as a realm, much like the Southern Federation did with Ubent" are met with far less sympathy with this editor, for they were already offered, and offered with even better terms than those given to Ubent!

I do beleive that this is a comprehensive and fullexplaination and justification of my own views, and why I shall continue to support and be a part of the campaign against Caligus. If you have any queriesplease leave them here. Thank you. --Alex

Peace with Perdan

It has been a long time in coming, but finally Perdan and Itorunt have signed a cease-fire and the claim on Clermont has been lifted. Reportedly other regions (Bisciye) will be handed over by Perdan to Itorunt to seal the deal and allow relations to be raised to peace. In return Itorunt will no longer attack and will not step in to the continuing war between Ibladesh and Perdan unless Ibladeshes very existence is threatened. It remains to be seen how long Ibladesh expects to go before they meet resistance.

With the claims lifted, WolfTamer, a noble of considerable repute in the past and Marshal of the army of Itorunt has been made Count of Clermont. --Alex

August, and some news

It's the new month and we have some major news to report. First off, the Perdan Capital, Partora, has been sacked for a full day by the forces of Fontan and Sirion, destroying the militia there and reportedly tearing down the strongholds outer fortifications and reducing it simply to the keep.

Ibladesh has refused to take peace with Perdan, reportedly striking into Bisciye. --Alex

Comments for this month

Alex's comments

None Yet

Ichigo's comments

Yay! (Semi-)Peace at last!

Thray's comments

None Yet