Guardians of Twilight

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Guardians of Twilight

In the long distant past, Spellmasters ruled this world. They were nearly immortal in their powers. Their arcane powers they used to enslave the world, creating artifacts of terrible magic. But then, a new order arose. That order was the twilight, the brother and sister who were Sol and Luna came to the world. They destroyed the Spellmasters in the chaos wars. We of the Twilight are charged with protecting the world from the return of the Spellmasters, and so protect the world from the chaos that threatens to overwhelm it.

Beliefs of the Twilight

We are the Gaurdians, and we Protect the earth, life, peace and harmony wich are our Values. Sol and Luna rule the sky, they are each others oposite elements. At day, Sol gives us Life power and strenght, at night Luna gives us the Wisedom, understanding and knowledge to cope with Sols gifts. So as Above so as below, there are always two poles, negative and positive, light and darkness we need both to difine one from the other. The Twilight is the balance within these pole, it's the greatest secret of life to acknowledge both powers, and Live between them in concious awareness.

The History of the Twilight

The Chaos Wars

The Prophecy of Luna

History of the order

The Paths of Twilight


There are three Paths within the Guardians of the Twilight.
They form three difrent life styles within the Religion.
Here are a sumary of the three difrent paths:

These people dedicate them selfs to spread the faith in any kind of way, preaching, telling tales, and travel. They are blessed by Luna and Sol, to change the mental and spiritual world around them in both a fysical and methafysical way.

The militant protectors of the twilight, they are practicle people, the do-ers and not the thinkers. They are Blessed by Sol and it's powers to change the fysical world.

The Scholars, they dedicate there self to study all the secrets of the Twilight, they are the ultimate philosphers, there siencetists, Acrheologists, historians, atronomers, poets, musicians, and so forth. They are blessed by Luna and her wisedom to learn and teach others.

The Temples of the Guardians


The Temple of Ortedail
Constructed By: Tiernan
Temple Size: Large Temple
Est. Believers: Ca. 12763 (100 %)

This was the first temple constructed by prophet Tiernan in Ortedail.It has recently been enlarged to reflect the glory of the Twilight.


Constructed By: Pierre Reynald
Temple Size: Small Shack
Est. Believers: Ca. 6390 (100 %)

This temple is built just near the old Chaos Requiem guildhall.
It is built for Luna, so she may watch the ground below here carefully.
Todtpiz is home to some of the most dedicated followers of Luna and the Path of the Scholars.


Constructed By: Marelda
Temple Size: Medium Temple
Est. Believers: ca. 7900 (90%)