Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Edara and Jenred's Royal Wedding/Setting Up Camp

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Madelena swept through the crowds that were starting to gather at the tournament grounds. She found herself to be nervous. This was the first official engagement in her new role as Imperial Magistrate, and she could feel the eyes of the peasants and stall holders on her, as well as whispering behind raised hands.

"Well at least I am not the one having to stand up and be married she thought to herself" with some relief. As pleased as she was for Edara and Jenred, she did not envy them their spotlight. She would much rather sit by the river with Tenal.

On the subject of which, where the blazes was Tenal? He had promised to meet her at the grounds and that they would set up their tents next to each other. She had secured her own patch, and was trying to hold the one next to her for him. Others knights had come to inquire after it and she was starting to feel rude turning them away. She hoped he would show up soon. Not least of which she missed him.

To kill some time she went to the tavern and brought a round of drinks.

"Can't have them thinking the Imperial Magistrate can't afford it" she thought to herself as she handed over the money and smiled at the others in the room. She wondered where Jenred and Edara were. She had recognized her bureaucrat Arlian in the crowd with a lady with distinctly red hair. She had also seen Sir Euran and General Thalathafn. Where was her sister? She had better make it on time or there would be hell to pay!

Lady Madelena Rossini Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea, Countess of Orbeh

Tidey arrived at her second tournament. Rather different from the last - it seemed much larger, and there were arrangements made for some big event that seemed unrelated to swordfighting or jousting.

She was still a bit uncomfortable trying to socialise with people - having spent so long on her own in recent times - so kept out of the way, heading off instead to train by herself.

Lady Tidey Grindle (Noble)

Tharion guided his horse carefully through the mass of tents, entertainers and people that had already arrived for the tournament and wedding. He had only left Arcaea a week before but truth be told, he was glad to once again be free from his duties back home in Lasop.

Despite the sun being high in the sky, the weather was cool and Tharion cursed silently at the need to arrive in his tournament armour. It had been many months since he'd retired from active duty with the army and he had forgotten how uncomfortable, and cold, the metal could be.

He received much attention from onlookers, many who recognised the White Unicorn from war stories that circulated the realms, and many more were all too aware of the Frostnova name. He recognised a number of knights, mostly by reputation or from having payed attention to his studies of the various families. He quickly acertained that no one he knew personally had arrived as of yet. Not surprising given how close his own lands were to Arcaea in comparision to others.

As he approached the site where his men would pitch his tent, Tharion decided that he would grab something to eat and take in some of the entertainment before the crowds began to thicken.

Tharion Frostnova Duke of Lasop

Siobhan arrived at the tournament grounds with her girl-squire, a young woman she picked up in Tuhpos. The girl did not speak, but did all Siobhan ordered her to, good enough for her. If she wanted conversation, she could always speak with her scribe. ’So this is what it looks like… almost an afternoon tea-party… Hardly a gathering of warriors at first glance…’

She was greeted by an overly enthusiastic steward, who advised against her request for a tent close to the horses’ pen and the stables, especially for a Countess. One simple glance of her blue eyes made it clear to the man she was not used to having people disagree with her, nor did she care for any ‘advice’ another could give her. Besides, she wasn’t here to parade around in fine clothes, her uniforms were all she had worn for years now.

The tent was clean, new, and divided into a section where she could retire, and a front part where she could store her equipment and perhaps allow her servant to sleep. She hadn’t seen the inside of such a luxurious tent since Master Druid Hector sent her through her final evaluations before acceptance. ’Nice. Really nice. It wouldn’t get through a night of Itomazh summer rain, but still… comfy and cosy. Suppose I’ll have to drink with my little pinkie up around here.’

She unpacked her bag, made up her cot with a single bear skin and took a look outside. Lady Redemption II of Enlod was showing the trainer a thing or two with the sword. ’At least I’m not the only Arcachonian here. When these mainlanders become boring, I’ll at least have someone to talk to.’ She looked over to her squire. “Tuhpos! Put my shield and family colours in the stand outside, along with the Itomazh banner.” The girl nodded and went to do as her Lady ordered her to. ’Hmm. Well, I’m here, might as well make the best of it… Let’s hope the wedding’s good.’

Lady Siobhan O'Ways Countess of Itomazh

Euran came tearing into the tourney on the back of an exhausted and skittish riding horse, almost ploughing through a nobleman's tent on his way, before practically falling from the saddle into the dirt. The baron had only a basic acquaintance with riding. Thanks to his weight it was a rare horse that was willing to carry him, and this one had apparently done its best to rid itself of its uncomfortable burden. Thoroughly shaken, Euran's feet finally plunged into the mud already churned up by previous arrivals. He turned, his face unreadable, to look at his mad mount.

"Hahaha!" he bellowed, slapping it firmly on the rump, and turned to watch his entourage that was struggling to reach him. The horse took the opportunity to bolt. When the servants had finally tramped their way through the mud to reach him, Euran directed them to set up his tent. As at all previous tournaments, the Yeti skin that gave him the title of 'Yetisbane' hung proudly over the entrance. Some might have thought that it was simply inviting thieves to steal it, but the baron figured that anyone carrying it around would have two major problems. The damned thing weighed down even Euran on occasion, so the thief would have to be huge. And there weren't exactly piles of Yeti skins lying around the place; it'd be so recognisable that you'd have to be insane to steal it. Since Euran hadn't met anyone else at the tournament so far who was both huge and insane, he felt pretty safe.

Well then, the Wedding was at last actually underway! It had taken a long, long time, but after two other tournaments, various important personages being absent, the phases of the moon and the alignments of the stars forcing it to be delayed, Edara and Jenred would finally be married! And they would not simply be a happy married couple; they would become the King and Queen of Arcaea. It was surely a momentous occasion.

Euran smacked his lips.

"What's this, I've been at the tournament for how long, and only a single round of drinks?"

Euran Yetisbane Kandurell Baron of Lantzas