Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Hello, my name is Goffrey, and I'm an Alcoholic

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“…..24 bottles of beer on the wall 24 bottles of”

Goffrey knocked back another bottle, finishing it off and adding it to a increasing large pile of finished bottles before reaching for another.

At this point he had forgotten why he had started drinking in the first place, which is exactly what he wonted. Goffrey knew now why his brother loved to drink so much it was

He cut off anymore thought as he knocked back another bottle in an increasing short line of bottles.

A servant entered, carrying a message, something about a party and how he should be attending.

“......I’m not going......they’ll get along fine without me......hell they’ll probably be better off without me......just like everyone else......” he said, his drunken voice showing bits and pieces of clarity. He quickly endeavored to clear these bits, nearly drowning himself in the process.

It was a long road indeed that had lead this once proud man to the horrible state he was now in, and it would be twice as long the way back. Tears were streaming down his eyes as he finished the bottle, and he didn’t know why.

With a frustrated cry he hurled the empty bottle across the room and fell onto the floor, pain flaring across his still injured body. He struggled to rise for a little while before just collapsing onto his back.

’ What’s the point, why even bother anymore.’

His mind repeated this single thought over and over again as it slowly faded out.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

" your saying, I was never in love with Harmony," Goffrey said, general drunken befuddlement clouding his eyes.

"No Goffrey, I'm saying you were in love with the IDEA of being in love with her, and your inexperienced mind got the two so confused, that before you knew it you were buying her roses of glass and tripping over yourself like a school boy," said the bar keep as he topped Goffrey's glass off.

Goffrey sat pondering this for several minutes before he sighed and slouched back into his chair.

"I guess that makes sense," he said, as his eyes fell in quiet depression

"Ah, Cheer up my friend, unrequited love like that would have just ended up hurting everyone involved, its better for you and her this way," the bar keep said as he patted Goffrey on the back.

"Well, if it makes Harmony happy, then I guess I'll drink to that," Goffrey said, as he made good on his word.

"By the way," he said after downing his glass, "How long have you been on my staff here at the castle bar, I don't remember seeing you around."

The bar keep just laughed and filled Goffrey's glass again.

"Oh I don't work here," the bar keep said, as another look of befuddlement formed on Goffrey's face, "I'm an alcohol fueled, figment of your imagination."

Goffrey nodded his comprehension as he took another shot, when another thought struck him.

"So if your not really real," he said, slurring repantly the whole way, "How do my glasses keep getting refilled."

"I..." the barkeep began, before he paused and thought for a moment, "hmm, I honestly don't know."

Goffrey shrugged his response and downed his possibly imaginary alcohol down anyway. A clearing of a throat brought the presence of another person in the room to Goffrey's attention.

"Ma'Lord," said Eugen in a speculative manner, "Who are you talking too?"

"A figment of my imagination," slurred Goffrey, "Whats it too you."

"Oh, of course," said Eugen, partially confused by his lord's demeanor but not willing to ask questions about it, "Anyway, a Lady Cypreana has asked you for a knightship my Lord and wants you to meet her tomorrow on the route of your choosing."

Goffrey sat still for a moment, thoughts coming slowly to his alcohol addled brain, before turning to the bar keep that wasn't actually there.

"What do you think?"

"Go for it, its always nice to meet new people, you never know what will happen."

Goffrey nodded his acknowledgment, confusing Eugen all the more as he had no idea what was transpiring. Suddenly Goffrey directed Eugen to the chair to his left and the two, wrote up the letter containing all the information the new Lady would need.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat