Arcaea/Dining Hall/Tremulous Harmonics

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Harmony sat utterly still, outwardly calm, while she worked through her inner turmoil. What had possessed her to let her guard down, to let her temper cause her to attempt to justify herself to She had revealed far too much of herself when she should have just laughed him out the door. She knew that it had only stung so badly because he was right: she was ignorant...and she had been thinking of no more than an afternoon's entertainment--flirting with a pretty fellow and having a drink in a place where she felt comfortable.

Well. Ignorance was correctable.

Her mind made up, Harmony broke her stillness by nodding to herself ‘twere well it were done quickly. She rose and went to the door of the parlour to call for the scribe.

When he arrived she began briskly, "Jenkins, I need to know the history of this realm and the details of all its diplomatic positions. Do you know this information? If not, who can I get who does?"

Jenkins scratched at his balding head, "Well, milady, I am reasonably versed in the recent history, and there are some volumes on the early history in the Palace library in the Capital."

Harmony pondered, "I'd prefer to hear it all in order, but I can't go to Remton just now. How about you just list all of the realms of this Island, their rulers, and the state of our relations with each of them. Oh, also, I'd like you to run down all of the major nobles of the realm and their holdings. We can do minor nobility later," she looked at him expectantly.

"My want me to just give you that information...from my head? I would need to consult the map...and records of nobles...I might...miss something otherwise."

Harmony frowned at him, “You’ve read all this, but you don’t trust yourself to remember it? Maybe this reading business it not all it’s cracked up to be,” she paused, considering, "Let us do this then: I will go to my cousin's to make my oath; you gather whatever it is you need to instruct me. Oh...I will also need you to teach me the shape...the spelling...of those realms and nobles so that I can recognize them when they are written. I already learned that S-A-R-T-A-N spells enemy," she smile ruefully at her own jest, "Wish I'd learned that an easier way."

Jenkins cleared his throat, "How much time do you expect to devote to study, milady?"

Harmony waved her hand at him, "Well...just however much time it takes you to read off the list and tell me who is who, of course. Once you tell me, I'll know them. Oh, and when we go to Remton, you'll have to read the volumes to me so that I can know those, too."

“Just…one time through? And you’ll remember everything?” Jenkins was frankly incredulous.

She blinked at him, for a moment, then smiled serenely, “Yes…I'd forgotten not everyone was trained to do that…Hmmm, Jenkins, I want you to pack my head full of all the facts that you can dig up…about this realm and all the people in it. Everything, from the driest details to the juiciest gossip. We shall have no more ignorance here.”

Harmony made to leave, “I should be back in a couple of hours; so…be ready,” and she left her bewildered scribe to his odd new task.

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

The past few hours had indeed not been kind to Goffrey, he had spent most of the morning with the healers, feeling inexplicably like crap. After a through examination nothing turned up save for a few bruised ribs from where that goliath of a man had punched through a table and connected with his chest. They had wonted him to stay put and rest for a few days so that they could heal properly, but since when had Goffrey listen to them, so they bandaged his rib cage and sent him on his way.

After the pit stop with the healers Goffrey had a brief talk with Eugen about last nights little escapade. His advice about how to rectify the situation with Harmony was to buy the girl a gift, something "shiny" that shows that you care about her. When he exactly decided he did care for her, Goffrey did not know it just happened.

Which was why Goffrey found himself in the merchants quarter of the city browsing through the "shiny" crafts they had on sale, but as of yet not finding the right thing. For the past two hours he had been walking up and down random street after street in a fruitless attempt to find a gift that showed he was sorry. To make matters worse the roads were crowded as hell, something about a festival, and each and every person that bumped into him sent a bolt of blazing hot pain throughout his body.

But Goffrey was stubborn as hell, and he wasn't about to let a little thing like internal injuries keep him from making amends with Harmony. Finally at the last store on the last street in the merchant quarter, Goffrey found exactly what he was looking for. Paying the man, and storing the fragile object within a padded box to keep it from breaking, Goffrey made to the section of the city eventually finding his way to the Lady in question doorstep.

At the site of the door the inherent nervousness Harmony's presence seemed to stir in him returned full force, and for a moment he hesitated.

'Oh come on Goffrey pull yourself together, after all its just a girl.'

Gathering his courage Goffrey raised his hand and firmly rapped on the door three times then preceded to panic as he heard foot steps approaching the door in question.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Harmony was heading for the door when a firm knock came upon it. She waved aside the servant who was rushing to answer it and opened it herself. Ah…her pretty fellow…she had…mixed feelings about seeing him…he had been witness to her humiliating dressing down and her embarrassing display of temper…still, perhaps he hadn’t actually heard what she had said…surely he wouldn’t have shown up here if he had.

She smiled warmly, “Goffrey…how charming of you to call…please…won’t you come in?”

Harmony could see his obvious…nervousness…it was cute. A strapping, handsome young man like this should be walking around like he was the King of the World…with women fawning upon him and he…taking it all in stride.

She escorted him into the parlour and ordered some refreshments.

“So…Goffrey…how are you feeling after yesterday’s…brou-ha-ha?”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

"Oh, I'm fine," said Goffrey grinning like an idiot while he mentally berated himself for the shakiness in his voice. Goffrey went silent after that remark desperately trying to avoid looking directly at the girl knowing the effect she had on him.

'Its ok calm down, just keep telling yourself "its only a girl",' thought Goffrey taking a deep breath,'its only a girl, its only a girl, its only a.....stunningly beautiful creature that....' His thoughts trailed off as he realized that at some point during his conversation he had turned to look directly into the girls face. For serval moments he starred at her not even daring to blink.

Suddenly he shook his head to clear it, and he remembered that he hadn't come here to stare at the girl. Reaching into his back pocket Goffrey withdrew a wooden box.

"I just came I was sorry....again......that whole ordeal was my fault to begin couldn't be faulted for what matter what that man said.......I...uh....wanted you to.....uh," said Goffrey, the shakiness in his voice ebbing before he was cut off as he realized he was looking right at her again."Here," he said weakly holding out the box to her and sliding it open, reveling an immaculate red rose encased in glass which was in turn encrusted with several small rare gems.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Harmony watched him stammering and moving nervously around with amusement…he really was awfully cute. When he pulled the box out of his pocket, she was confused…what was…Oh…

She stared. She was at a complete loss for words, which was…very unlike her…but…it was just so…unexpected…and so…lovely.

Harmony looked at Goffrey…really looked at him…and tried to stop seeing him as just a pretty plaything that she had collected. She looked into his steel blue eyes and saw the sincerity. She saw the set of his jaw and remembered the way that he had called the bouncer away from her. She thought of how he had punched out the angry man because he had insulted her. She saw him. He was a nice man.

She looked back at his gift…incredibly moved. It was beautiful…but more than that…it was just so…thoughtful…and…romantic. She had never…Harmony thought of the sorts of “gifts” that men had given her in the past. She didn’t have to think too hard, because there hadn’t been many…and…none of them had actually been…well…special. She had to say something…but her mind was quite blank for the right way to thank him…she opened her mouth, and out fell a quote:

She bathed with roses red, and violets blew. And all the sweetest flowres That in the forrest grew.*

“Oh damnation…that’s not what…Goffrey…I…don’t know what to say. This is so exquisite and I am so touched…” she drew in a breath.

“You really are a very nice man…I’m not usually…look…yesterday…I’m sorry that I…didn’t appreciate you standing for me. You have nothing for which to apologize…you don’t need to give me a gift…I…just don’t know what to say,” she rubbed her hand against her forehead in consternation. Where were all her fine words?

Harmony looked at him again…all nerves and hopes and earnestness and she wondered if he knew that red roses were for love.

(*Spenser this time.)

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

The sudden change in Harmony momentarily threw Goffrey off, and a gap was formed where he was at a desperate loss for words. In a desperate bid to keep the silence at bay he fell back onto his wit.

"You know," he started with a nervous grin,"if we both keep stammering like this we're not gonna get anywhere."

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Harmony laughed out loud. “You make a fine point, sir. I am not accustomed to receiving such fine gifts, and you temporarily robbed me off speech.”

She considered, “How about…we call for the refreshments…which should include some of my father’s ale…and we eat and drink a little…and see if we can manage to work up some conversation between us?”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

The return of Harmony's smile made Goffrey's knees weaken slightly, but he managed to hide it well enough. At that moment he doubted he could have denied her even if she had asked him to stab himself in the heart.

So once again, in an overtly weak and shaky voice, he replied ".....o...k...."

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Harmony rang for the servants to bring in the food. She still couldn’t quite get used to the idea that she had servants to bring the food instead of being the one serving it. Thanks be though that her…father…didn’t care for fancy dainties but preferred proper hearty fare and liked good ale.

The repast was set before them…meats and cheeses and fruit and good bread…and a brimming flagon of ale. She poured them each a tankard and settled back in her chair. His nervousness was cute, but if he couldn’t learn to speak to her, she wasn’t sure how well they would get on.

“Goffrey…drink your ale and relax…we’re just two people talking together. Yesterday you told me that fine tale of the Ambush at the Inn…why don’t you tell me another story? I’m sure you must have dozens of them.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Goffrey nodded, determined to have a conversation with Harmony if it killed him. And if she kept looking so damned beautiful it just might. He pushed such thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand, the lady wanted a tale and he was honor bound as a hero to tell it.

So Goffrey began the tale of his confrontation with the Assassin Black Fox, bringing his oratory skills to bare turning a meek 5 minute brawl between two people, into an epic confrontation between mortal enemies lasting for 30 minutes. After all Goffrey was a good enough story teller when not to bore his listeners with the truth. Besides concocting half truths occupied his mind enough for him to carry on a relatively normal conversation with a woman as beautiful as Harmony without his pesky nerves getting in the way.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Harmony drank deeply and snacked while Goffrey wove his tale. She had heard enough such stories…and told a few herself for that matter…to separate some of the wheat from the chaff. Still, he told it well and with gusto…one thing that she could appreciate was a fine tale well-told.

When he finished, she applauded, “Oh, well spun indeed, Goffrey! You’ve a flare for the telling of tales, sir. That was most entertaining…the fine details were well placed, and everything pitched just right…yes…quite a flare. If you use your sword half as well as you speak of using it, then you must be a mighty fine warrior.”

She considered and then dismissed telling a tale of one of her own exploits…that wasn’t exactly the image she was trying to portray…pity that…she reckoned she could go more than toe-to-toe in the telling.

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

It was at this point that Goffrey noticed the remarkable change in Harmony's form of speech. The sharp change was a little jarring to say the lest, and it also gave him something to occupy his thoughts with.

"You don't have you know," said Goffrey cautiously as if he was treading thin ice. "You don't....have to talk like that," he continued gaining a little confidence although still shaking sounding,"who you are.....its fine with me.....I mean you should see some of the people I work with on a daily basis."

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Harmony eyed him narrowly, “I am not certain what you mean, sir; I speak in many ways.”

What the blazes did he mean that who she was was okay with him? Maybe he had paid attention to her foolish tirade afterall. Damnation! And did that mean…would everyone accept her as she was? Or just…this man?

“What are you saying, Goffrey, ‘To thine own self be true?*’ Look…I have done a bit of performing in my time, and…I tend to be a bit…dramatic…sometimes, that’s all. I’m not even certain that I can help it. I’m just as like to start talkin’ this way at’cha’…if the mood strikes me.”

She sighed and rose…pacing around and fidgeting with things, “I’m not used to being so idle…I need to go to my cousin and get my oath sorted so that I can do something. All this lady faffing about is wearying,” she grinned at him, “Want to walk with me?”

(*Shakespeare, obviously)

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

'Blast and damnation, what the hell was this woman doing to me,' thought Goffrey as he mulled over the limb he had steeped out on only to have it snap right beneath his own feet. The only sparring grace about the whole thing was, she quickly put aside the whole debacle, and favored him with one of those dazzling smiles that would have had him marching into the gates of Niel alone and unarmed if she had asked.

So for third time sense Goffrey had met her, and he had little trouble forgetting the amount of times he cursed himself for it, he opened his weak and shaky mouth and acknowledged,".....o...k..."

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Harmony stepped close to him, put her hand on his chest, and sighed, “Goff, you were doing so well…you spoke for ages before…can’t you just forget I’m a woman for a moment?”

She laughed, “Wait…forget I said that! Please, under no circumstances forget I’m a woman. Hmmm…maybe it would help…” Harmony leaned in and kissed him…gently but firmly.

“Is it better now that you’re not imagining it? Or did I make it worse? Different fellows take it differently.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Few words could describe what Goffrey was feeling at that point. The spectrum of human emotions is only so wide, and right now Goffrey was experiencing what one could call an overload.

Only one word could effectively describe what he felt at that moment, and he voiced as much.

"" said Goffrey a bit shocked and overwhelmed by what had just transpired. Collecting his absolutely shattered thoughts was proving to be something of a chore he was not yet up too, so he put it aside, instead looking down at Harmony for the first time without flinching and grinned contently.

"Ok, I'm good," he said dreamily.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Harmony grinned back up at him, “Glad to hear it. Now…walking? You…me…to my cousins?”

At his nod she went to collect her cloak. She stood in the doorway for a moment… “Goff? Will you be joining me?”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

"Coming," Goffrey said contently, the after effects of the kiss still effecting him. Moving his frame, his knees giving out only once, Goffrey found himself by the door standing next Harmony, the expression of bliss still plastered across his face, he lead her out to the street trying desperately to get his legs back in form.

Knowing he wasn't going to make it all the way there on foot, he hailed a passing carriage that wasn't too fancy, but it had a closed off interior and it looked like rain. He helped Harmony into the passenger's compartment, tipping the driver a gold piece and giving him directions, before getting in himself. All the while the grin never left his face and his eyes reflected the state of half being he was currently enjoying.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Continued in New Duchy, New Bureaucrats