Redspan Revealer/November Edition 2006

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Redspan Revealer
Price: 1 Gold
Written by Tony Malone, Shamus O'Shea and Dielo Filador.

Disclaimer: The Redspan Revealer would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Redspan Government, only that of three old Men.

All you Need to Know about Da Great Goat And Redspan! October Edition

Current News

Sullenport's Duke Back In His Place!

3rd November 2006

After the crowds had disappeard the Redspan Nobles that had accompanied King Tony to Sullenport gathered round for the ceremony that followed. King Tony gave the city to Shamus. He was the first duke of Sullenport, and now he has returned to his rightful position. After a short celebration Duke Shamus, anounced to the realm that drinks were on him and that we needed to drink Sullenport dry!

Here, here to that!

--Article written by Tony

Sullenport Is Finally Back With Redspan

3rd November 2006

Today King Malice and King Tony met each other in a bar near the quays of Sullenport. After the tradition drinking session they decided to get down to business. With the crowds all ready anticipating what was going to happen, they started cheering even before the two monarchs had left the bar. With guards stopping the crowds from rushing forwards and disrupting the processes in their happiness, Malice handed over the key to the gates of Sullenport to Tony, who took it with a big smile on his face. This meeting is the last part of the deal that has been arranged with ASI about Redspan's ancestrial homelands. With a great amount of cheering King Malice proposed a duel to King Tony....He challenge Tony to a drinking session and Malice belives he can drink Tony under the table! It must have been a long time since malice saw a true Redspan noble drink!

--Article written by Tony

Monsters Crushed In Bolgar!

2nd November 2006

AS the sun rose this morning the Monster that were in Bolgar awoke to the sight of arrows raining down on them, with swords swiftly following in their wake. Yes thats right folks. The monsters in Bolgar were easily defeated this morning by Redspan forces and a few ASI troops who were sightseeing. This force has helped the local population sleep easy in thier beds tonight as they do not have to fear the threat these monster posed to them. Thier food is safe and their goats are still non the wiser to anything.

--Article written by Tony

Byblack Is Back In Redspans Care

1st November 2006

This evening, after a short ceremony in the region of Byblack, Malice, King of ASI handed the region back to Redspan as per the treaty. This is great news for the population of Redspan as good news is hard to come by nowadays. Well the second part of the deal is about to be honoured as King Tony and King Malice travel to Sullenport.

--Article written by Tony

November Edition Ready to Read

1st November 2006

Thats right folks, the November Edition of the Redspan Revealer is out and ready for you to read. There will be more news coming very soon. Hopefully we can get a report of the up and coming tourney and maybe Da One will pop his head around Da Fence and burp in our face. Who knows?

--Article written by Tony

Comments for this month

Tony's Comments

None Yet

Shamus's Comments

None Yet

Dielo's Comments

None Yet