History of the Green Guard

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The Green Guard

The Green Guard have defended the Octavian Family for centuries. They are armed with swords and all wear uniform greencloaks embroidered with the Octavian coat-of-arms ing gold thread. There are currently three regiments of the Green Guard, each has been tested in battle and below we have their noble stories.

The First Green Guard Regiment

Here is the story of the Green Guard regiment under the command of the heir to the Octavian Family, Antonine Andronicus Octavius I.

"Halt!" shouted Captain Valorian. The First Green Guard Regiment executed a perfect halt and stood perfectly still. "Atten-shun!" shouted Captain Valorian and felt his chest swell with pride as he witnessed his men perfrom a flawless salute to Sir Antonine. Captain Valorian turned on his heel to face Sir Antonine. "Shall I order the men to make camp my lord?" he asked. "Of course," replied Sir Antonine "They deserve a rest, they've marched fr oday without a single complaint." Captain Valorian decided not to mention that this was because he had promised the men that morning that any man who complained would be force-fed their own liver. He turned to face his men again, "At ease, men." the men relaxed, "Make camp." The men set to it with a will. Valorian oversaw the erection of Sir Antonine's command tent. As Sir Antonine entered to inspect his tent two horsemen rode into the camp. The riders were dressed in green and brown and had the emblem of the Scouts Guild on their tunics. Without saying a word hey dismounted and walked into Sir Antonine's command tent. Valorian shook his head at them and went off to organise the sentry patrols. One hour later Valorian was summoned to the command tent, he arrived just in time to see the