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Communionism is a new religion based on an old custom - namely, that of Communion with otherworldly spirits, usu. through the directed use of ikrif. The custom originates in the southlands of the Far East, where the plant itself naturally grows.


Since Communion is not a necessarily theistic religion, its temples are not dedicated to the glory of any deities, and therefore their style is less grand. They are, in fact, places of study and guidance more than worship.


Constructed By: AJ
Temple Size: Small Temple
Est. Believers: 1400

This temple was the first dedicated to the order of Communionism. It is small and constructed of wood. It rests on a hill nearly on the outskirts of the city, and is rather plain compared to most older temples of the city.

Inside, the space is plain and the floorboards form an interesting, but not ornate, pattern. There are no statues, of gods or men, to be seen. Scribes, as if in an academy, carefully write on scrolls, some of which hang on the farthest wall.


Constructed By: Corey
Temple Size: Small Temple
Est. Believers: 1100

This temple was the second constructed in the Commonwealth and it earned Corey the title of Builder of the Temple. Typical of the Communionist style, the building is small and plain.


Constructed By: Olwe of Toren
Temple Size: Primitive Temple
Est. Believers: 2376

The third temple was constructed when the League of Anacan was formed, as part of a reciprocal promise made to Maltheo (the other part being a large investment of gold by the latter in the City). This temple is also accompanied by 1 shrine within the city.


The Beliefs of Communionism

Ceremonies and Rituals

(coming soon)


Five Tenets
Communionism, in all of Life


There are eight noble adherents to the Communion:

  • A.J - Founder
  • Maltheo - Co-Founder
  • Olwe of Toren - High Priest
  • Corey - Builder of the Temple
  • Lu'an - Cleric
  • Perrin Goldeneyes - Cleric
  • Dngle - Cleric
  • Janice - Follower
  • Rathan - Follower

There are also roughly 3500 followers throughout the Commonwealth.