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East Islands
Farming, Fishing

Ajitmon is a rural county on the eastern half of a small island rested between the Sea of Four Cities and Atholian Mane. The western half of the island is the rural county of Melegra. On the southern edge of the region is a bridge leading to the rural county of Cjelegy. Fishing plays an integral part in the economy of Ajitmon with five prominent fishing villages (Poltur, Kansik, Torumbra, Churon, and Koinu.) Most of the farming is done in three villages, Hurrin, Varios, and Dissotia. The Ajiti Forest dominates the region and is considered one of the best destinations for hunting. A trail has been carved through the Ajiti Forest allowing quick passage from Hurrin and Varios. A local tribe that calls themselves Sons of Agirus roam the plains between the Ajiti Forest and the forest of Melegra.

Districts of Ajitmon

AL Bel Ajitmon.png

1 - Poltur is a fishing village on the coast, trails to Melegra run through the district.

2 - Kansik is a fishing village on the coast

3 - Torumbra is a fishing village on the coast

4 - 2nd largest village in the county, Varios, seated near coast, it supports both fishing and farming.

5 - Ajiti Forest (East), stretches to the coast

6 - A single trail through the forest Ajiti, hazardous but quickest way to and from Varios.

7 - Ajiti Forest (West) covers most of the region.

8 - Plains, home of a local tribe called the Sons of Agirus, who often attack travelers on the trails through the region.

9 - Dissotia,3rd largest village in the region, seated in the middle of farmlands.

10 - Western Farmlands of Hurrin

11 - Hurrin, seat of viscount, largest village in the region.

12 - Eastern Farmlands of Hurrin

13 - Churon, a fishing village at the center of the district's coast.

14 - Ajitmon Bridge as it is called by the locals, though on the other side of the bridge it is called the Cjelegy Bridge. Occasional fights between locals of the two regions break out over the proper name of the bridge.

15 - Koinu, a fishing village seated at the center of the district's coast. Further inland is a trail that connects Koinu to the village of Hurrin in the east and the region of Melegra to the west.


Currently the region of Ardmore is under the influence of Heralds of Obeah.

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