Arundel Family

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History of House Arundel


Pian en Luries was founded on the assimilation of native tribes, under the banner of the first king, Kaennji Shenron. The Arundel family, who had previously been significant figures in the tribes, had been granted, by the wise king, their estate in the peaceful townsland of Poryatu. Initially, the family had proven to be a pointless investment, as the head of house, William, and his wife, Sophia, had accomplished no glory or honor - they would inconspicuously make their appearance in court, and leave as silently as they came. Fame and reputation ultimately fell to William's children, who carried the Arundel house to its true and rightful standard.

Records of Births

Three children were born the same year: Caspius, Viktoria, and Jesoph. William, unfortunately, had an uncontrollable lust for servants and maids, which consequently brought him illegitimate children. Viktoria and Jesoph, being the result of William's foolish actions, were quickly disowned by him in secrecy; sent to lands far beyond Poryatu. Caspius, would be the first among three, born from the womb of Sophia Arundel.

Three years later, Sophia had given birth to sororal twins, Katerina and Celine. Katerina had been blessed with silk golden hair, smooth bronzed skin, and bright chestnut eyes. Contrastingly, Celine was born in the shadow of Katerina, with curly rough brunette hair, pale snow skin, and gray lifeless eyes. When Katerina's traits became prominent, Sophia greatly admired them, and declared Katerina a gift from the gods; granting her eternal favor and nurture. With Sophia's praise of Katerina, Celine was left, figuratively, without a mother - shunned and forgotten.

Sons and Daughters of William

In order of oldest to youngest.


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Family Family
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As the first legitimate son of William and Sophia Arundel, he was raised in a harsh and strict fashion. Honor and glory had been drilled into him, told to serve realm and kingdom, but most importantly one's honor. Caspius had prided himself in dueling and fighting, learning to use the two handed sword with finesse. A strong influence in his life was his younger sister Katerina, who inflicted upon him the grandeur of tales and legends. Upon hearing these tales, Caspius immediately knew his destiny, wanting to become a hero who lead his men into battle, with no fear or hesitation. Growing into a fine young adult, he would hold his own honor above his peers, challenging those who thought to banter him into submission. Knowing Dwilight wasn't the land of frequent battles, due to the incursion of monsters, Caspius decided to take sail in approach to the Far East, leaving his beloved sister behind in pursuit of his selfish desires. After his long journey, Caspius had landed in Cathay, a realm rooted in justice and honor, but more importantly, dead center of all conflicts. He became a knight of Isular, and quickly participated in respectful debates on honor and glory with his liege; while mocking those of his servants and peers.

Caspius remained honorably bound to the duties set upon him in Cathay, sacrificing the valiant lives of his unit for the greed and misjudgement of his superiors; as his oath demanded. Soon thereafter, a miraculous event had occurred, granting asylum to his thoughts and desires; the secession of Colasan, Ozrat, and several other duchies, to form the new realm of Toupellon. At the realm's leadership, Anatole Brandon, the former Cathayan general; a man Caspius truly admired, and man who followed his duty regardless of will. It was then Caspius had acquired vice-marshal of the main offensive army, albeit for a short period of time. The realm had sought to create a second, defensive, army, to protect and secure the northern plains regions, and it was to the judgement of the Margrave and Marshal to have Caspius transferred there.

After long debates within the War Council, Caspius was named marshal of the Rearguard of Toupellon, and sought to immediately exercise his newly acquired authority. Rapidly, orders were sent out, in organized manner, to effectively increase production and stability the duchy of Akanos.

((Needs a good clean up.))

Viktoria (Deceased)

Viktoria was the daughter of an elven maid, who made a short stop in Pian en Luries for work, ( she could not afford a trip back to the East Continent.) William, the ever so lustful, could not resist the charms of an elf, and frequently bedded his new maid until Viktoria had came to light. Viktoria's mother luckily had made enough silver by the time, to pay for her final voyage, though favors had still to be made. She brought Viktoria with her to Sirion, where she raised the young half-elf to become a strong and valiant adventurer, in hopes, that the child would return silvers to the family. Viktoria was virtually human in essence, besides the slight sharpness of her ears, and the shape of her eyes - though it is said these characteristics had made her one the most beautiful women on the continent.

Soon, she had begun to make a name for herself, leaving the lands of Sirion for greater rewards, and arrived in Caligus, on the border region of Abadan and Moyale. Consequently, her ambition came hand in hand with her demise, and upon facing a great undead champion in Moyale, she was slain with a clean strike through her abdomen. Rumor has that her body was spared by the champion, deemed to delicate and beautiful, even to the mindless undead.

Consequently, her mother was left without income, and soon the elven family dipped back into poverty.

Jesoph (Deceased)

Jesoph was son to a scribe's daughter, who'd been caught by William's eye. Quickly disowned by both his mother and father, Jesoph had made a trek to the lands of Corsanctum, where he begged and lived in the gutters. Becoming of adult age, he made another voyage to Astrum, hoping to have promising glory in the face of the creatures that plagued Dwilight. Tragically, his boat had crashed on the rocks surrounding the Astrum Isles, and perished in the incident.


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Family Family
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As one of two legitimate daughters of the Arundel Family, Katerina was raised into the world with great care and nurture from her benevolent mother. She grew fond of tales her mother would recite before dusk, and refused to fall asleep until their timely conclusion. Many included Queen Alanna Anaris, and when Katerina was only a child, she would re-enact battles with her brother Caspius; always assuming the role of the Queen. When Pian en Luries had entered a state of crisis, the nobles overthrew the Queen for her inane ability to control the realm, and was labeled a tyrant. Katerina's parents quickly instructed her of the brutalities and sufferings the Queen had caused, only infuriating Katerina into a rebellious state. It was by her young teenage years, that the girl had grown beyond her young fantasies, and soon buried herself in scrolls and documents; fueling obsession with both history and legend. Caspius encouraged Katerina in her scholarly pursuits, and quickly formed an inseparable bond between them. Unfortunately, such things aren't made to last, and he left for the lands to the East - resulting in an enormous emotional impact on Katerina. These events had created a sense of abandonment in her, and upon adulthood, she chose to stay in Pian en Luries; remaining loyal to the lands in which she was raised.

Fresh as a noble, Katerina quickly became popular amongst the nobles of Pian en Luries, having a keen sense of respect and etiquette, and a fond intrigue for history and lore. Earning herself an estate in Askileon Purlieus, she presented her request to become Royal Archivist to Warden Malus, and the succeeding King Koli, who were more than willing to entrust a position to the young dame. In a turn of events, Queen Alanna, who had assumed to be dead, returned to the realm during elections, and imposed her claim on the nobles. Katerina was conflicted, as her admiration would have her side with the Queen, and her loyalty to the claimant. Ultimately, her loyalty prevailed, and when the rebellion was called against the incumbent King, she took up arms in the name of the King, and was one of four nobles to defend the Capitol in the initial attack. In the second, and final battle, Katerina had wounded the Queen, souring her chances of success.

After the quelling of the rebellion, a new direction was taken in Pian en Luries. Many territories had long since been lost under the Queen's rule, and it was decided to reacquire these lands. The expansion required two armies, The Crusaders of the Path, and the Aegis of Luria. Katerina, for her brave and honorable efforts, was chosen vice-marshal of the Aegis of Luria, whose sole purpose was to defend and protect the sovereign lands of Luria. She participated in the takeover of Garuck Udor, Lupa Lapu, and was essential in the costly defense of Ciarin Tut. Juan De Legro, previously Marquis of Askileon Purlieus, then won the magistrate elections, declaring Katerina his claimant; as is Lurian law to hold no lordship as a council member. After vigorous debates between Duchess, Count, and knight alike, it was decided Katerina would be granted the rural region of Nid Tek, while Marshal Ramiel be awarded the lordship of Askileon Purlieus; appeasing his extensive expenses. Her Archivist work would also continue, with the republishing of all documents regarding The Manifest Path, and the expanded histories of Pian en Luries.


Not much is known of Celine, save she is the sororal twin of Katerina, but her story may be told soon enough.