Obsidian News/September 1011 - Issue

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http://wiki.battlemaster.org/skins/common/images/bm-logo.png Obsidian Islands Exclusive
Price: Free For All Editor: Unknown Issue: 21

Around the Continent News:
Date: Updated Daily

Region Revolts The people of Zawr have revolted and declared independence from Ibladesh!

Region Revolts The people of Igno have revolted and declared independence from Caligus!

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Krimml: Westmoor vs. Fontan Estimated strengths: 530 men vs. 590 men The Democratic Guard (Fontan), sponsored by Lady Rhidhana Dubhaine, Minister of Defense of Fontan, Marshal of the Manticores, were led into battle by Marshal Laicch Abliarsec. The Westmoorian Column (Westmoor), sponsored by Gregor Relak, Duke of Westmoor, were led into battle by Marshal Thomas Foxglove. Arica Maldives, Lady General of Westmoor, Countess of Hagley is spotted wielding the Spiked Dagger of Bloodletting. Arica Maldives, Lady General of Westmoor, Countess of Hagley was captured by WhiteRanger DeGrey's unit. Gillian Wader (Dame of Westmoor, Westmoor) was captured by Aethelwulf Lurdigala's unit.

Defender Victory!

Region Takeover Obsidian Islands has taken control of Kazan (formerly part of Sultanate of Asena). Obsidian Islands now controls 9 regions.

Region Revolts The people of Nimraw have revolted and declared independence from Ibladesh!

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Kazan: Sultanate of Asena vs. Obsidian Islands, Sirion Estimated strengths: 480 men vs. 340 men The Army of the Obsidian Islands (Obsidian Islands), sponsored by Shady Soulja, Emperor of Obsidian Islands, were led into battle by Marshal Malius Songslayer. The Iron Wolves of Asena (Sultanate of Asena), sponsored by Vanya Bluelake, Defterdar of Sultanate of Asena, Duchess of Oroya, were led into battle by Marshal Viseslav Stublic. Epoch Shadowbane, Shogun of Obsidian Islands is spotted wielding the Silver Broadsword of Doom. Malius Songslayer, Viscount of Stora, Marshal of the Army of the Obsidian Islands is spotted wearing the Cursed Oil. Epoch Shadowbane, Shogun of Obsidian Islands is spotted wearing the Beasthide Armour of Protection.

Defender Victory!

Region Revolts The people of Mines of Isadril have revolted and declared independence from Caligus!

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Oc Lu Pesh: Caligus vs. Ibladesh Estimated strengths: 1160 men vs. 1330 men The Grand Legion of Sartan (Ibladesh), sponsored by Helena Dacara, Duchess of Ibladesh, were led into battle by Marshal Arianne Quintus Ennius. The Caligus' Golden Talons (Caligus), sponsored by Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus, were led into battle by Marshal Elisedd Deytheur. The Caligus Red Gryphons (Caligus), sponsored by Cuthbert Von Ulthuan, Duke of Hamadan, were led into battle by Marshal actron II Burep. Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus is spotted wearing the Brilliant Band of Life. Cedric Wentwood (Knight of Tokat) is spotted wielding the Emerald-Studded Arrow of Flame. Livia Augulus, Marchioness of Tokat is spotted wielding the Elemental Aegis. Elisedd Deytheur, Marshal of the Caligus' Golden Talons is spotted wielding the Doomed Nightblade of Parrying. Althalos Von Ulthuan, High Marshal of Caligus, Marquis of Igno is spotted wearing the Mysterious Brooch of Mines of Isadril.

Attacker Victory!

Sirion, Westmoor, WAR
September 6, 1011

First, Westmoor moved in to attack Fontan in Krimml, and lost the battle. In case this was not enough for Westmoor to deal with, later on Sirion followed through with a full war declaration. What does this mean for Westmoor? What about Fontan? Of course, in an indirect way, this might also end up being beneficial for Sultanate of Asena as well.

Southern Revolts
September 6, 1011

Recently two more regions have decided to revolt in the south, one from Ibladesh, who has seen many revolts around their realm, and one from Caligus who seem to have trouble holding onto their new regions they claim from rogue/Ibladesh. The first revolt came out of Nimraw that is reported to have been ruthlessly looted down to nothing again by Perdan troops. The second report, coming in moments after, was from Igno, that was just being a problem region for Caligus and did not have the proper time to put into holding the region.

Fontan Victorious in Defense!
September 6, 1011

Westmoor troops decided that taking the lands around Krimml were just not enough anymore. They rallied up, and marched on the Fontan's heavily defended capital, Krimml. This proved to be a mistake for the Westmoor troops though as they became overwhelmed by the defending forces and losing the battle. It is rumored that a long, drawn out argument is also going on between Westmoor and Fontan nobles, about how the war started and so on. Best of luck to both sides, though it is quite unfortunate that this war continues when it should have even started.

Kazan Under Control
September 6, 1011

It took longer then expected, likely due to the Sultanate of Asena desperation attacks on the take over forces, but Kazan now flies the Obsidian Islands flag once again. We look forward to seeing who the new lord is going to be during these dark times, and what will come of the region now that the Islanders once again have a small foothold on the mainland.

Tragedy in Victory
September 5, 1011

Once again the Sultanate of Asenna thought that with bigger numbers they would have a certain victory, and once again, they failed to beat the combined forces of Sirion and Obsidian Islands. Once again the battle raged on, with both sides receiving reinforcements at a crucial moment. During the battle however things did take a downside turn for the Obsidian Islands as Emperor Shady was wounded during the battle. Nothing serious, but enough to bring him away from the field for a half to full day. Hopefully we see a quick recovery and a finished take over soon.

Defense, Kazan
September 4, 1011

When your capital is being overrun by enemy troops, and a region next to your capital is being taken over by another enemy, what comes to mind first on what to do? Save your capital, or save the region being taken over? Well, for Sultanate of Asena troops the choice was save the region being taken. Obsidian Islands has a running take over in Kazan when the Sultanate of Asena decided to call in their troops from the north, and recruit from their overrun capital of Kazakh to try and break the take over. They brought in nearly 500 troops, mostly of which was infantry, against a standing army of about 350 of a combined Obsidian Islands and Sirion force. The battle went on and on, the Sultanate of Asena troops desperately trying to stop the Obsidian Islands from taking Kazan away from them. Despite their best efforts though, Obsidian Islands and Sirion where the ones with troops left on the field at the end of the day, with the take over still running in full force.

Kazan Occupation
September 1, 1011

With the fall of Kazakh to the Sirion and Obsidian Islands troops, it was time to once again take back Kazan. Obsidian Islands moved their units into position around the region of Kazan and once ready, began their brutal take over. It is expected that the region will fall quite quickly.

An Outnumbered Victory
September 1, 1011

As the month changes, the wars stay the same. Caligus sent their army into Oc Lu Pesh, a region right next to Ibladesh's capital. They where met by a larger Ibladesh army as well. From the reports, the battle went on for hours, with neither side willing give up. They went back and forth, each side making a push for the win, and each side losing units left and right. At the end of the day though, Caligus archers where able to finish off the little bit of resistance that Ibladesh defenses had in the region. A huge victory for Caligus as now they have proven they can make it to Ibladesh's front door, and now they are knocking.

New Month, New Issue
September 1, 1011

Welcome to the new issue of Obsidian News! We hoped you enjoyed last month and have a lot of news in store, and sure a lot more to come from the continent. With this new issue, we are welcoming all suggestions, and always on the lookout for anyone who would like to be part of an interview. Have a great September everyone!