Obsidian News/August 1011 - Issue

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http://wiki.battlemaster.org/skins/common/images/bm-logo.png Obsidian Islands Exclusive
Price: Free For All Editor: Unknown Issue: 14

Around the Continent News:
Date: Updated Daily

Region Takeover Sirion has taken control of Al Amarah , a former rogue region. Sirion now controls 24 regions.

Region Revolts The people of Oberndorf have revolted and declared independence from Fontan!

Region Takeover Fontan has taken control of Negev , a former rogue region. Fontan now controls 7 regions.

Expanded Rankings
August 6, 1011

Further explanation into the rankings...Ibladesh was named the first realm on the rankings chart because they have a higher income, a higher military power and despite having some huge losses to Perdan seem to be holding together well. Sirion is named second because, well they are holding the most regions with the most nobles but need to work on their military power and income. Caligus and Perdan take up the third and fourth spots, together they have shown they can, and will, win wars while they continue to win battles against Ibladesh, they also have great amounts of military power, income, nobles and regions. Westmoor takes up the fifth spot mainly because their high amount of military power they hold, along with a decent amount of nobles, regions and a solid income. Sultanate of Asena comes in sixth this month, recently beating the Obsidian Islands in Kazan, and holding more nobles, military power and income then both Fontan and the Obsidian Islands. In seventh place came the Obsidian Islands for having a higher income, more regions and more of a military power then Fontan. Finally in eighth is Fontan, as they work on their badly damaged regions they are finding it very hard to recover thanks to their war with Westmoor, things are even harder for them. To everyone who got the higher rankings (1st, 2ed, 3rd, 4th), congratulations! For all who ranked lower (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th) better luck next month!

New Continent Rankings!
August 6, 1011

1st - Ibladesh :: 2ed - Sirion :: 3rd - Caligus :: 4th - Perdan :: 5th - Westmoor :: 6th - Sultanate of Asena :: 7th - Obsidian Islands :: 8th - Fontan

Fontan, Expanding?
August 2, 1011

Fontan took the region of Negev earlier today, quite a change from before when the only regions they could manage to take over where through religious means. Perhaps things are finally changing for the better in Fontan, with a new region perhaps this means a new dawn with a new day and a better tomorrow, good luck Fontan, we look forward to seeing more positive reports.

A Great Lord Falls
August 2, 1011

During the battle of Kazan with the Army of Obsidian Islands against the Sultanate of Asena Army, the Great Lord of Lundel, Marcus Gaeric, was killed. Shortly after hearing the word that Lord Gaeric was slain in battle, the retreat was sounded, his body was quickly found and brought back to the Islands, may his soul rest in peace.

Over the Month
August 2, 1011

During this last month we missed reporting on...

The fall of Oroya, Sirion attacked and took the city, militarily.

Huge battles in Ar Mosul, Juazeiro, Kazan, Oc Lu Pesh, Clermont, Woolton, Tota, Enubec, Commonyr, Leibo, and Al Aquabah.

Fontan and Westmoor War Continues.

Perdan and Caligus advance deeper into Ibladesh lands.

This is just a few things we missed, this issue, won't miss anything.