Greater Aenilia

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Greater Aenilia
GA Phnx.png
The Phoenix
Realm Council
High King

Captain General
Lord High Chancellor
Chancellor of the Exchequer

Tharion De Ravenal [1]

Mat Starfall [2]
Rekhyt Ryû [3]
Namenir Erendegard [4]

Realm Details

Government Style
State Religion

Far East

Magna Aenilia Ecclesia

Aenilic Regal Guard

Aenilian Expeditionary Army

Rebbec Kazukin [5]

Caim Haerthorne [6]

Greater Aenilia

Greater Aenilia was forged from the ashes of the old order and although secular, its offical religion is dedicated to the protection, preservation, worship and glorification of the Aenil.

The Lands and Lords of Greater Aenilia

Name Population Type Lord
Idapur 21400 City Xarnelf
Erahol 8100 Rural Rebbec
Nahad 10200 City Salerim
Ornaz 4700 Woodland Goldenowl
Anrimap 7900 Rural Angus
Ahael 5200 Mountain Markus
Zolon 4500 Badlands Mat
Ipsosez 12100 Stronghold Armando

The History of Greater Aenilia

     The full history of Greater Aenilia can be seen here.

The Rulers of Greater Aenilia

Luyten Dell

  • Co-Founder and First King of Greater Aenilia who stepped down from his office to allow the first free elections to take place; he did not run again for office.

Caerid Isendin

  • Second King of Greater Aenilia who committed suicide in a fit of madness after leading the realm astray with hasty political decisions.

Orphaea Imperium

  • Co-Founder and Third King of Greater Aenilia; he is also the Prophet of the Magna Aenilia Ecclesia, the official religion of Greater Aenilia. He re-organised the realm of Aenilia into an Empire and oversaw significant expansion in territorial holdings. Orphaea styled himself as the Emperor of Greater Aenilia.

Luyten Dell

  • Co-founder, first and fourth King of Greater Aenilia; elected for a second term after the disappearance of the Emperor Orphaea which thereby resulted in the end of his long reign. Brought an end to the Empire, and re-organised the realm into a Kingdom. Luyten styles himself as the High King of Greater Aenilia.

Tharion De Ravenal

  • The longest standing General in Aenilia's history, Tharion was named as the fifth King of Greater Aenilia. Tharion seeks to reignite the old ways of the realm with a renewed dedication to the study and worship of the Aenil. In light of this he was awarded the rank of Cardinal within the Magna Aenilia Ecclesia. The Phoenix, the Mark chosen by Arella upon the creation of Greater Aenilia, will once again be raised on the banners of the realm. Many see this as the first step in reaching for Aenilian's roots while others are bound to see such a thing as a direct challenge to the views of previous Kings.

The Governmental Structure of Greater Aenilia

Greater Aenilia was formed as a constitutional monarchy, with the rights of the Nobles being protected by law, and the primary governing and advisory body is the Aenilian House of Lords. Customarily, this Council consists of all the high council members of the realm along with every landed lord in the realm, as well as all Marshals of the respective armies. In recent times however, the re-organisation of the Aenilian House of Lords has led to the inclusion of other nobles, added as honorary members due to their service to the realm or through their direct election in monthly referenda.

The governmental structure of the Monarchy of Aenilia provides for the institution of the High King of Greater Aenilia and his Council. Whilst being above the landed nobility of the realm, the High Council functions in tandem with the Aenilian House of Lords in handling the day-to-day affairs of executive and legislative governance within the realm. The High King therefore, whilst retaining all the powers of the reigning monarch and holding the final say on all decisions, can be termed appropriately as the leader of the House who directs the introduction and flow of issues concerning the governance of the realm, but respects and is often understood to make his decisions in consultation, and with the assent of the Lords.

However, hierarchy in the House derives from position in the realm; therefore to maintain the line of succession the Duke of Idapur, as lord of the capital city, holds the title of First Lord of the Aenilian House of Lords and is in a position to rule the realm in the High Council's stead if all other council members are incapacitated. Below the First Lord comes the Second, while the rest of the House are assigned seniority by time served; they however, possess no determining rank apart from their seat within the House. Outside the High Council and the Aenilian House of Lords, all nobles are protected by law to express their individual opinions concerning any governmental action, and should the direction of either the High Council or the Aenilian House of Lords be disagreed with, a two-thirds majority may overturn the decision. The Aenilian House of Lords also acts as the High Court of the realm.

The General Diplomacy of Greater Aenilia

The diplomacy of Greater Aenilia has often encompassed a myriad of different angles and positions, from peaceful negotiation to forceful and sometimes aggressive diplomacy. Towards the end of the reign of the Emperor Orphaea, Aenilian diplomacy tended more towards forceful and direct diplomacy through political and military involvement. However with the end of the Empire and a return to monarchy, a new doctrine which encompasses a far more measured approach mandated by the Aenilian House of Lords has seen its first use under the reign of High King Luyten.

The Military and Justice System of Greater Aenilia

The Greater Aenilian military is one which has shown time and time again that they are a force to be reckoned with. A combination of elite core infantry, disciplined and dedicated knights and a resounding belief in their own ability has seen Aenilia battle hard and successfully over a number of battlefields. In many cases the downright unpredictability of some elements of the army has proved devastating to their enemies.

The Greater Aenilian justice system is based upon the decisions of the Lord High Chancellor. Many of the laws revolve around maintaining the honor of the nobles, the realm, and the Church. Due to Greater Aenilia's history involving Taith Aenil, a higher standard of behavior is enforced, yet it seeks not to inhibit the rights of any noble within the realm. If a noble who is punished for his actions wishes to appeal the decision and charges of the Lord High Chancellor, then that noble must formally submit such a request to the Aenilian House of Lords, whose members will then decide upon the issue at hand. Should an absolute majority of the Lords of the House reach a decision in favor of the noble in question, the Lord High Chancellor must comply with their decision and dismiss any charges as outlined by the Aenilian House of Lords.

The Newspapers of Greater Aenilia

Greater Aenilia's second newspaper is no longer active due to the editor, Kazuma Shenron, disappearing from the Far East.

Greater Aenilia's first newspaper stopped running because the editor, Luyten Dell, had more pressing responsibilities to which he had to attend.