Arcaea/Dining Hall/The Sparrow's Death

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Upon the red stones of the Saffron Bridge, the newly made Duke Aerywyn Haerthorne died in a duel against Sir Deathwyrm Tomarsen. In a series of duels, both the two combatants and the Lady Emma Octavius lay dead in the city as an entire realm sought the traitor's blood. A wave of mourning was triggered for the death of the former Lord Protector which saw the war stopped for a short while as a state funeral was held in his honour.

Veangence, Hatred and Regret

Roleplay from Deathwyrm Tomarsen (1 hour, 24 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Topenah (24 recipients) Hamlyn rubbed his eyes. The sound of raucous laughter and pounding feet drifted up through the floor. Sighing, he pulled on his trousers and boots, and headed for the stairs.

The common room of the inn was full of revelers, loud and drunk, shouting across the room to one another. A couple of young women weaved through the crowd, dropping flagons onto the tables while avoiding the men's grasping hands. A cat lay under a chair, sniffing at whatever fell to the floor.

Hamlyn cleared his throat. "Excuse me?"

He may as well have shouted down a well. Not even the barkeep looked in his direction.

He sighed, and jumping up onto a table, pounded it with his boot.

"Excuse me!" he shouted. "I am afraid you will need to keep it down."

The room looked at him now, but with mirth. They nudged each other with their elbows and pointed.

"Too noisey fer yeh?" one man shouted.

"Oh, I'm not concerned about /me/," Hamlyn explained. "My liege, however, has had a busy day. Lord Deathwyrm stabbed Duke Goffrey's brother and killed Dame Emma today, and he plans to kill Duke Aerywyn and Duke Goffrey tomorrow."

The room fell silent.

"So you see, he /really/ needs his sleep. Thank you," he smiled, and returned to the room upstairs.

Sir Deathwyrm Tomarsen (Knight of Palnasos)

Roleplay from Aerywyn Haerthorne (3 hours, 52 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (55 recipients)

"My lord, please stop and think for a moment."

The steward tentatively placed a hand on his Duke's arm, trying to make him listen to the voice of caution in these dangerous circumstances. After word of Deathwyrm being in the city had spread, Aerywyn had steadily been driven deeper into rage with each passing hour, yet after witnessing Emma's death upon the Saffron Bridge he had fallen into a deathly quiet. The duel would go ahead between them as planned, yet the stakes seemed all the more graver now that one of his knights had already died by this intruder's blade.

"I have thought. I thought long and hard. I have already made the decision".

Aerywyn strode to the window, clasping the cold stones as he looked out upon a city covered by soft, white snow. His sword hung at his side and it seemed to weigh heavier than it had a day ago... burdened as if by the death of Lady Emma and sharpened be each insult the man had thrown in the face of Arcaea. Taking a soft grasp of the hilt between his fingers and palm, the shining steel snaked out into the cool air. The sound of her song was exquisite.

"But my lord... the Imperial Magistrate... her laws... we have a war to fight too--". The elderly steward stopped suddenly, daring not to move lest the sharp edge at his throat do more than just draw a little blood. He looked into Aerywyn's eyes and shivered, fearing how cold they had become. There was more to this than just a man and his insults, that was sure, yet he dared not ask what else was making the Duke act this way.

"Damn Madelena, damn the marshals and damn the General", he said in a dead monotone. "Damn that foolish Richter and damn the house of any man or woman who gets in my way. I must be ready for the duel soon."

Aerywyn Haerthorne Duke of Topenah

Roleplay from Tenal Quasath (3 hours, 35 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (55 recipients)

Tenal ignored his Captain and strode up to the Pumas. He gave stern orders, "We stay in Topenah for the next few hours. Patrol the streets and keep the peace. I'll be back soon." With a sharp wave he cut off the reply of his Captain and marched off again. He had to move quickly.

A little while later he had reached the Duchal palace. The place was in a quiet uproar, with servants flying like madmen from here to there, their faces pale. Someone had scared them but fierce. Tenal smiled grimely, for he knew who had done this. Ignoring the pleas from the staff to turn around, he pushed them aside and walked on. Cries of, "He's not himself. He'll kill you!" echoed in his ears. Nonsense, thought Tenal, Aerywyn has but one target.

Throwing open the doors to Duke Aerywyn's chambers, Tenal saw the man pacing and adjusting his gear. Tenal grinned ferally, bowed slightly, and said, "Duke Aerywyn, you wouldn't think I'd let you go off alone. Not after what you mean to my children. I am here to be your second."

Tenal took two quick strides to Aerywyn's side and assisted in the final touches of his equipment and clothing.

Sir Tenal Quasath Count of Orbeh

Roleplay from Aerywyn Haerthorne (2 hours, 50 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (55 recipients)

Besides his sword, Aerywyn decided to wear as little as possible to hinder himself, adopting the kind of clothes he had worn as a smooth-faced youth in Remtom, back when the war and he were still fresh in years. It would not be warm and the permafrost of Thalmarkin may have been a long time ago, but he was still more used to the cold winter than most men his age were. Besides, the struggle for life and death was not fought without working up a sweat.

With a simple nod of acknowledgement to Tenal, they set about preparing for the duel to come in silence. Eventually, as he was testing the edge of his sword for the hundredth time, he turned his head up to his friend. His gaze faltered for a moment from the task ahead of him. Death was always a very real possibility for a man so dedicated to war, yet the mere presence of Tenal, the reminder not only of the people he would leave behind but the frayed ends left untied, made his resolve waver.

"Tenal..." Steeling himself, Aerywyn stood straight and picked up his coat. "If I die... I am sure someone will take care of my affairs... but if I die..."

Guilt stabbed through him, yet it hardened his resolve and turned the softness in his eyes to cold ice as he thought of what he was doing. If he died it would solve some things at least. Part of him knew his love with Cypreana could not be maintained. She would never be happy with a man like him, whose affections were as fleeting as his happiness.

Shaking his head, he didn't say the last part. As they left for the now white Saffron bridge, Aerywyn wondered what Tenal would make of the unspoken words.

Aerywyn Haerthorne Duke of Topenah

Roleplay from Deathwyrm Tomarsen(29 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Topenah (24 recipients) Moonlight fell across his face. For a moment, Hamlyn stood and looked at his liege, studying his features. A handsome boy - and so young! Deathwyrm was such a commanding presence, Hamlyn always forgot that he was at least ten years his junior. A mere boy, hardly twenty years old, and already a killer.

As he reached out to shake his liege awake, a hand shot out and grasped him in a cold, hard grip. Deathwyrm's eyes flew open, and for a moment - only a moment - a look of icy hatred flashed on his face. Hamlyn felt his heart jump, and he recoiled from his lord's gaze. Then the familiar ironic smile returned, and calm was restored.

"Is it time?" Deathwyrm asked, already sitting up.

Hamlyn nodded, not trusting his voice.

Sir Deathwyrm Tomarsen (Knight of Palnasos)

Roleplay from Aerywyn Haerthorne (2 hours, 22 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (55 recipients)

There were very few people out on the streets at this time of night. The wind had picked up an hour before dawn and the gentle snowfall had been steadily turning to harsh sleet, forcing the passerby's come to watch the second round indoors. Two lone figures made their way through through the city. Aerywyn wrapped the cloak about him tighter since the journey from the ducal residence itself to the appointed place was along the the long and exposed Floral way. Some green still showed here but most of the trees had lost their leaves for the winter.

The bridge itself had not been covered in ice, something Aerywyn was incredibly grateful for. If one of them slipped on the stones then it would mean their end at the others blade.

"Deathwyrm! Are you here?", he cried out into the pre-dawn blackness.

Aerywyn Haerthorne Duke of Topenah

Roleplay from Tenal Quasath (2 hours, 18 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (55 recipients)

(OOC: happens just before Aerywyn's newest RP)

The pair walked silently through the streets of Topenah, their footsteps slowly being covered with snow, all traces of their presence vanishing. With every step closer Aerywyn neared his fate, and the weight of it all fell heavily on his shoulders. Tenal took out a flask from his vest pocket and had a sip before passing it to Aerywyn. "Don't worry, it's just tea. Still warm. I got it from the kitchen before we left, a special blend of herbs. Should keep your body warm anyway."

Continuing to walk under the purple sky, Tenal placed his hand on his friend's shoulder. He spoke in low tones, "Aerywyn, no matter what happens...I'll be there to help. I' what has to be done. You can count on that." Patting his friend's shoulder, he took back the flask and they walked on.

It was almost dawn.

Sir Tenal Quasath Count of Orbeh

Roleplay from Aerywyn Haerthorne (1 hour, 58 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (55 recipients) Deathwyrm stood at the far end of the bridge, dressed in black. The early morning breeze ruffled his hair slightly, but he made no move to approach the Arcaeans.

"You are a fool, Aerywyn," he said in a low, even voice. "You have finally attained everything you ever hoped for, and now you throw it away."

"I will show no mercy once the fight begins."

He pulled out his sword and advanced.

Aerywyn Haerthorne Duke of Topenah

Roleplay from Aerywyn Haerthorne (1 hour, 44 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (55 recipients)

"This isn't for me", Aerywyn replied slowly and bitterly. "I do this for the shame and hurt you caused Edara. She trusted you above all others..."

None of this was for me, you ungrateful cur.

He smirked at the cliche of his opponents choice of attire, then allowed his own cloak to fall to the ground. Aerywyn fell silent then, drifting into an almost primal state of instinct. The wind bit hard yet he hardly felt it now. Deftly he drew the blade from its scabbard and cast that too aside, advancing to the centre of the bridge to face his opponent. For a moment they stood patiently using this time to analyse each other, trying to read the first attack in the other's eyes.

Aerywyn struck out with a wordless snarl.

Aerywyn Haerthorne Duke of Topenah

Roleplay from Tenal Quasath (1 hour, 36 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (55 recipients)

With minimum noise, Tenal picked up Duke Aerywyn's cloak and scabbard from the ground. Brushing off the snow and sleet, he walked back to the edge of the bridge, leaving the whole structure for the pair to dance on. Tenal looked on, a bead of sweat slowly rolling down his back.

Aerywyn snarled and advanced...

Sir Tenal Quasath Count of Orbeh

Roleplay from Deathwyrm Tomarsen (just in) Message sent to everyone in the region Topenah (24 recipients)

Deathwyrm anticipated the lunge, and stepped into it, sliding past the blade. For a moment the two men stood locked together, their faces inches apart, clouded in the steam of their breath.

"Edara?" Deathwyrm smirked, calculated to enrage the older man. "The King's whore? I see. Leave your beloved to fight for a slattern? How noble! Pity the King doesn't share your nobility, son of a peasant that he is."

With a push, he twisted away and prepared to fight till the end of one of them.

Sir Deathwyrm Tomarsen (Knight of Palnasos)

Roleplay from Edara Kindon (1 hour, 32 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (55 recipients)


Edara closed her eyes and scrubbed at her face with her hands. This didn't disturb Baxt in the slightest, as the reins were looped lightly around the high pommel of her saddle…she didn't need reins to control the large black mare.

Edara had already left Topenah when she received the news that her former knight was there…and accepting duels. Emma was dead. Aerywyn would meet him at dawn…

It was wrong. She should be the one facing him. She was the one that was responsible for the damage he had done to the realm. It was she who had failed to spot the inherent weakness in his character and had mistaken flattery and luck for loyalty and competence.

And still…she rode towards Hupar.

She was angry and ashamed…Emma shouldn't have had to die for the mistakes that she had made…and…gods…if Arry died…how could she ever live with herself? She should go back…challenge him herself.

And still…she rode towards Hupar.

Jenred would be furious with her if she dueled…but even his anger wouldn't keep her from what she knew to be her duty. Deathwyrm had broken his oath to her…and to Arcaea. No…she would have defied her husband in this. There was war…and there would be fines…but those didn't trouble her…honour meant more.

And still she rode towards Hupar.

Honour…duty…pride…anger…shame…for any of these Edara would have gone back to Topenah and challenged Deathwrym herself…pledge her life to make herself and Arcaea whole once more. Except…not now. Two months ago…or come autumn… but…not…now.

She scrubbed harder at her face…wiping away the angry, frustrated tears. That damned oathbreaker was even managing to taint this for her. So be it. Edara breathed slowly and deeply and sent prayers for Arry's safety…and for a successful end to the stain that had been her knight. It was all she could do.

She opened her eyes and rode on towards Hupar.

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Talex, Marshal of the Tribute Collecting Army

Noble has left (1 hour, 14 minutes ago) Aerywyn was killed in a duel against Deathwyrm today. His unit, the The Bronze Wolves has been partly converted into a militia unit. Topenah is now without a lord.

It was a stumble that had turned into a slip on the ice. That slip had then ended him. Deathwyrm's triumphant smile made him sick, or was that just the blade sinking deeper into his chest that did it. Either way, it had hurt as if the steel suddenly exploded into a thousand shards when he tore it out again, cutting like a razor through the skin and cloth. He tried to stand, but he just couldn't manage that, yet his gaze lingered on the back of the wretched cur who was even now walking away.

First his knees touched the snow. Aerywyn's breath was rasping. It was strange that he did not feel the cold anymore, although he put that down to the fact that he had just gotten used to it by now. Then he looked down to see the snow, all of it beneath him red with blood.

Thats silly... I'm just dying.

But the pain was subsiding now. It was still there, yet like him it was fading away. He made a gesture as if he were shaking his head, but the vertigo threw him for a moment. Pushing on, Aerywyn tried to rise and get some help, someone to staunch the bleeding and to allow him live another day, yet although he put one foot on the ground he fell again. In the distance he caught a glimpse of Tenal's face. It seemed so far away...

Finally he hit the ground. He didn't feel it happening anymore. He did not feel the cold or the stones, nor the life leaving him. Yet for some reason he knew he was crying.

There were no last words from Aerywyn. No one would have heard them anyway.

There was only regret.

Roleplay from Tenal Quasath (just in) Message sent to everyone in your realm (55 recipients)

As Deathwyrm walked away, Tenal reined in his sorrow and anger. The duel was honourable and agreed upon, he could not take hasty actions now. There was protocol, and besides it would have been disrespectful to his friend. Instead, he remained in place and waited.

Once the wyrm had disappeared in the swirling snow, Tenal approached the body of his friend. Kneeling down, Tenal gently closed Aerywyn's eyes, wondering at the look of peace he saw on the old man's face. Yes, there was pain there, but there was also acceptance. Tenal said a prayer to the Aenil then, "Gods above, accept the soul of this man, this legend, as he makes his way towards you. Make a place for him on your highest step, for he is worthy and true. Forgive him his faults and errors, for he was only human. Give him the joy he couldn't find in life. Let him forget the troubles of this world. Give him peace."

Carefully, Tenal stripped the lower part of his shirt and did his best to stop and clean the blood from Aerywyn's mortal wounds. He re-sheathed the Duke's sword and strapped it back to his waist. Tenal gently put Aerywyn's coat back on his body, hiding most of the evidence of the duel. With a grunt, Tenal picked up the body of his friend in his arms.

Quietly singing a song of mourning, Tenal walked back to the Duchal palace carrying the remains of Aerywyn.

Sir Tenal Quasath Count of Orbeh