Ironsides Family/Hades/Hades and his Girl

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Hades and his Girl

Its Beginning

Archon Minor Hades Ironsides, while serving his faith in Rotherthorpe, met a young noble from the city of Leohampton. The maiden Cimiko Destrakos was a devoted follower of the Way of the Warrior Saints and frequented the temple often. Many mused that she did so to be close to Hades and when he finally noticed her, they became fast friends. Her wit and humour attracted his pious intelligence and they were a fine match. Her family was minor in the city, holding lesser positions and participating in the aristocratic society of the scene. His was growing in fame and prestige, and already had two famous and infamous members.

As the months rolled on, Hades began to court her and they grew closer together. Once Hades realized he loved her, he was determined to marry her. He was unsure of how this would be taken by the Elders of his faith; he was after all a Priest. With the permission of Carnifex Templar Kealan and the allowance of the other elders, Hades proposed to Cimiko.

Two weeks later, both at the age of twenty, they were married in the temple of Rotherthorpe. As the Way has no formal ceremony or rites for marriage, they decided to commit using the traditions of her family. Holding a pure cloth between their hands they stood facing each other, bowed, then made a vow on the cloth that it should remain as pure and clean as it was that day, as would their marriage. They vowed to be honest, faithful and supportive of each other through all the love and the suffering of their lives. On that cloth, they swore to share their blood to create children and raise their offspring as proper nobles. By this, they were wed.

The celebration was small but their love was deep. Together, they live in Hades small estate in Rotherthorpe, she tending to the household, he preaching his faith in Minas Ithil. They live a happy, humble life together.