Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Edara and Jenred's Royal Wedding/Discourse

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Sir Karith,

Your skill with the sword is most impressive. Perhaps if you would have the time you might teach me a thing or two. I spend most of my time with a bow and arrow so a blade is relatively foreign to me.

Lady Madelena Rossini Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea, Countess of Orbeh

Sadly a blade is all I know. The skills required for the bow and lance are, for now, beyond me.

I have spent a long time fighting in the dark, enclosed spaces; the deep forests, the stuffy crypts and the squalid basements. Such endeavors increase the skills those situations require. When one faces a horde of angry dead or a pack of feral creatures with naught but steel between you, them and oblivion it hones the baser instincts to a fine point.

I do not proclaim flair, technique, style nor artistry. But I do have the knack of staying alive and if that impresses at such affairs then so be it.

I would be glad and honored to share the things I have learned with the honored guests at this tournament but fear that such things cannot be truly learned unless the cost of failure is an eternity of darkness.

While I am not prideful I understand that my skill is noteable - what I do hope is that fate, lick and the gods may show that skill is not all that is required to survive and that spirit, above all, can win the day.

Karith Da Hadez (Knight of Upasael)