Nid Tek

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Nid Tek
Luria Nova
Kiran Mir-Ashtan
East Pastureland

Nid Tek is a province of the Lurian Empire. It is a Rural province and serves mostly as good farmland.

As told by Sigismund Lervoreeth:

"In a great arc of vividly green pastureland, Nid Tek curves from the large lake to the outer sea of Dwilight. As a great granary this region has always played an important role in feeding grand cities of Askileon and Poryatown. Vast rural fields of rice and barley cover the shores of the lake, stretching ever eastwards, followed by fields of lucerne, mainly used to feed livestock which makes the heaviest share in food carousel this region truly represents. From there, all the way to the very sea, Nid Tek is filled with fruitful pastureland. Cows and sheep dominate the scenery, making Nid Tek one of the greatest dairy exporters in all of Eastern Dwilight. Rather sought for, even in Askileon Trade Faire held every three years, is Tekian, a special sort of cheese originating from Nid Tek fertile farmland. Another important livestock trait is Nid Tek draught horse, bred especially for heavy tasks such as ploughing and other hard farm labour. Other than here, one can find this muscular, yet docile animal well spread out in neighbouring regions as well.

People of Nid Tek can be can be a merry bunch, especially when allowed to exercise pagan beliefs. Once a year, in June, they celebrate coming of Summer; in a nightlong festivity they name Lugash, which in elder Dwili tongue stands for "pasture" or "meadow". Most of their days are spent working in the fields or great farmlands. Used to hard work and skillful with tools, in melee fight they cannot be easily overtaken, and are thus known to make very fine infantrymen. With all its pros and cons, Nid Tek stands as a testament of the will of its people who cling onto this continent no matter how rigid Dwilight can truly be."