JeVondair Family

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JeVondair Family
Fame 43
Wealth 4640
Home Region Desert of Silhouettes
Home World Dwilight

JeVondairs are pretty much like some sort of tectonic plaque. You KNOW they're there, you KNOW they're always moving and you always keep forgetting about them due to the glacial speed of their plans. That's when they pop a volcano in your garden and cover your lawn in ashes and lava.

Damned JeVondairs.

– OOC Forum Message fromt he player D'Espana 4/2017

Listed in Order of Creation

Lion'El: The Forsworn

The one who did not go far.

Selenia: The Grieving Widow

Rynn: The Scion

First noble of the JeVondair Line

Kharyn & Kyryn: The Royal Twins

Kalixta: The Lone Wolf

The last true Duchess of Melheld

Great House JeRavosi

A Game of Thrones...

Selenia: The Phoenix

From Aurvandian adventurer to Warqueen!

Högni Peredhel

Mavia Eastersand: The Silk General

The Hope of a Shattered Empire

Rania Eastersand: The Herald of Obeah

Vengeance to Salvation


Kharyn KyeThe Thrill Seeker

Adventurous Wanderer Forever seeking Greatness

Kyryn Kye: The Royal Twin

The Shadow of Rynn

Ayden Tórrarin: The Fearless

The Orphan of War.

Stheno Amen'Keffa JeVondair: The Half-Breed

The Promised Daughter

Högni Peredhel: The Other Half-Breed

Son of the Phoenix