Gryphonheart Family/Parcival

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Parcival Gryphonheart

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Family Family
Age years
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Duchy [[]]

Parcival is the second born son of the Third Generation who is only few minutes older than his twin brother Tristan. His hair is blond and has a golden nuance to it, and he has a sinister-looking grey eyes. His path is that of the sword which is why Parcival boasts himself to be a hero. For him the battleground is sanctity and skillfulness with the steel is the only true sign of nobility. His fate as the younger brother has been similar to that of Tristan, i.e. he has been sent off from the family home into the white world to prove himself. He docked the city of Shanandoah on the continent of Atamara in the Monarchy of Minas Ithil, where his desire for death and battle has been fulfilled and even tested.

Preferring melee battle before anything else, he often finds himself battling with cold, brutal weapons such as the mace or an axe. He takes little care for proper defenses which is why shields are seldom seen in his arm, however, his defense in battle mostly relies on heavy armors and thick helmets. Riding a magnificent black cormorant and screaming the war cry of St. Denis in (OOC: will eventually develop a story of St. Denis as a part of the Way of the Warrior Saints), Parcival is indeed a mighty and cruel warlord of the battlefield.

Crest and Signature

Parcival Crest.jpg

The crest of Parcival is more similar to the new banner of his House and has obviously absorbed some Ithilian characteristics. The Great White Gryphon is represented on the ground here and not in the air. He is also carrying a green twig and a yellow thunder in its right hand. Those two symbols are not originally of the House Gryphonheart, which leads to believe that Parcival placed them there as a product of some events he lived through, or of the environment of his service, which is Minas Ithil. It is accustomed to believe that the thunder represents might and war while the green twig is often a symbol of peace, and since those two contradict each other it is highly unusual to see them together on one of the crests of House Gryphonheart.