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Icewalker Family


James Bruce is the owner of the Icewalker Family. James currently resides in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina, USA. James is not much of a Roleplayer, preferring strategy, tactics, and just plain fun battles over that of telling a story. However, there are times in which James will spin a thread or two, usually when the scribes are bored.


The Icewalker Family hails from the East Continent. Originally part of the Sirion Republic, they have striven to be Noble and Honest. In later times however, a few of the impressionable, have separated from their family values and gone off to make their own name and fortune.

  • Glacious: East Continent, Sirion
  • Siku: East Continent, Ibladesh (currently Duke of Ibladesh)
  • Sikuliaq: Atamara, Darka (always a rebel Sikuliaq was)