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Welcome to the forester wiki page.

I will try to keep this page updated as much as possible.

Brief family history.

The Forester Family began on the island of Atamara in the Realm of Eston. I was introduced to Battlemaster by my brother Kellaine. Kellaine was well known in Eston and many like him at first. but when there came a differance of opinion between him and many of the high nobles of the realm and his hot headed son, he called upon all of the (OOC) family members to susport and join a rebellion. (note: Our {OOC} family had seen many personal tragedies in the previous 6 months and when one called for help we were all abliged to follow. Most of us did not agree with the reasons for the rebellion. But family unity prevailed and we all joined as well as a few other Eston nobles. I am not saying that we were right.... we weren't, at least not completely. Kellaine committed suicide about after all this due to depression and mundane issues I think. As far as I know, battlemaster had nothing to do with it. And was burried in his home town of San Diego. I will miss him.

I went into this bit of history to explain my beginnings.

I started a character in BOM and Norland to seek revenge against Eston for the way they treated my family and then mundane issues as well as my brothers death took its tole and I paused my character Crom. On the 16th of June 2006 I unpaused my character andstarted 2 new ones, Cormac Mac Art and en-dal.

As far as I know I am the only family member that plays at this time and I am not encouraging any of them to start right now. They still have issues concerning Eston.

Myself, I am just here to have some fun and escape from the real world for a short time each day.

Short History of this family: (alternate views: full history, medium history)

2005-12-02 Troy Began his career in Eston. 2005-12-03 Troy Retired at age 17 2005-12-03 GI JOE Began his career in Barony of Makar. 2005-12-06 mog Began his career in Norland. 2005-12-09 Troy Began his career in Wetham. 2006-02-23 Troy Retired at age 21 2006-02-23 GI JOE Retired at age 26 2006-02-28 Crom Began his career in Norland. 2006-03-01 Crom Retired at age 25 2006-03-01 Crom Began his career in Sirion. 2006-03-20 mog Retired at age 19 2006-06-16 Cormac Mac Art Began his career in Darka. 2006-06-16 en dal Began his career in Oritolon.