User:Danaris/Clanning guidelines

From BattleMaster Wiki

General guidelines for how to determine if a "clan" or other similar social structure is acting appropriately:

  • If it is entirely based on IC criteria, then it's fine.
  • If it is based on OOC criteria, and you use its single-mindedness to effectively control a realm, religion, or other in-game structure, that's emphatically not fine.
  • If it is based on OOC criteria, and you form a group too small to control the realm you're in, but still exclude anyone not in your OOC circle and attempt to push an agenda shared by your group, that's still not fine.
  • There is no problem with *playing with friends*, whether those friends were made in the game or outside, but you *must not* deliberately attempt to play with *only* those friends, especially in ways that exclude others or ruin others' fun.
  • Most fundamentally, if a group of people are working together to ruin someone else's fun, that's Bad.