Uceek Family/Danzi/Edwin4

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Roleplay from Daveaut

Message sent to everyone in your realm (82 recipients)

Upon arriving at the now-too-lonely palace, the Duke summoned his messenger

"There is a Lady Victoria in the area, I wish for you to summon her to dine with me tonight....A while you are out and about put the word out to all nobles that after the next seige, while we are refitting, I shall hold a ball that every noble is invited to. There will be delicious food, music galore, and of course, all the wine and ale one could wish for."

Daveaut Dracon

Duke of Ikalak

Roleplay from Danzi

(Personal message to Edwin the Honourable)

Danzi stalked quietly behind the solid man, slipping up behind him and resting her dagger in the small of his back. She felt him straighten slightly but not flinch.

She lent foward, to whisper into his ear, "Prime Minister, you should be more careful"

Lady Danzi Uceek (Outlaw)

Roleplay from Edwin the Honourable

  • Edwin felt the tip of a dagger against his back and grinned.

"hon, you are gonna have to use more than a dagger to take me down."

  • turning to meet Danzi

"It's been a while since you've visited. And what kind of visit may I call this?

Sir Edwin the Honourable Perfect II

Roleplay from Danzi

(Personal message to Edwin the Honourable)

"It's been a while since you've visited. And what kind of visit may I call this?

Standing face to face Danzi's heart fluttered slightly, she wasn't used to be looked at so directly.

"Just checking up on my favourite Prime Minister... I thought you might also like to thank me for keeping that Raven away from you."

Roleplay from Edwin the Honourable

MMMMMmmmm, and what type of thankfulness or payment would you like?

I do appreciate your assistance?

  • smiling, Edwin looked into Danzi's eyes and forces an answer.

Sir Edwin the Honourable Perfect II Prime Minister of Ikalak

Roleplay from Danzi

Danzi forced herself to not look away and watched his eyes sparkle with mischief and barely concealed humour. "Take me as your partner to the Duke's ball. I assume you're going, my invitation seems to have been..." she smirked, "misplaced"

Roleplay from Edwin the Honourable

"hmmm, I suppose you would love it if I let you take me to the Duke's ball?"

  • with a moment of half decision. . .

"Alright, how do you want me? and. . . other than my presence, what will you be needing of me?"

Roleplay from Danzi

"Alright, how do you want me?

and. . .

other than my presence, what will you be needing of me?"

Danzi was certain he was going to turn down her proposal, but if she had learnt anything about Edwin, it was to expect the unexpected.

She imagined herself at the Duke's ball, pretending to be a noble, wearing a dress, dancing and dining with other nobles. It would all be fake, but make believe didn't hurt occassionally.

Smiling sideways,

"You can come however you wish, even come in your nightclothes if its your preference."

She laughed and blushed a little at the memory, "But, I will need a dress, bring a carriage or horses, or whatever mode of transportation you like to the "Seeing Eye Inn" located in middle Ikalak. I'll be waiting for you tomorrow evening" With an awkward, strange curtsy she spun on her heels, seemingly skipping away before melting around a corner and into shadows.
